<br />Site-Work
<br />Underqround
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (Bonument)
<br />s/t+lt,//</44(.9)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm i Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor -a
<br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER -?-E-tg z 'C*..?,
<br />Translormers
<br />Torqueino
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Ivleter Release (88'rb 4<7(z))9QL tudlz"'\-::='-
<br />Rough >|
<br />Service lvleler 8-4,6 z 7€{"-'7 )\Lzez NdT*<
<br />N
<br />4
<br />rks Etc.
<br />FINAL
<br />')
<br />I h.rcby,ffirn utulcr p.nlhy ol FrJury lhal I im.xcmpl tonr lhc G)orractoB Li.i* Lrw f rh. follotinS rc!{,n (Sc.?l}:ll5
<br />Busir.ss , Prntssi()n C{nc): Any Ciry or Counry whi(h rqrn$ a Fnnir r. ..nstrud. allcr. imp,orc. dcmolish r rcnrn ,ny
<br />srfl.rur!. riorro irs tsuancc. iko rcqun ! rh. amlicsnr for ru.h Frnri ro filc tr si8rcd (alcmnl rhd heor sh. is li..n{rl Pursu0trl
<br />ro rhc pmlisn,ni or rh. Conlracrols t,iccnrcd L,! (Chlt'lcr 9. Conn(tins wirh st.rion ?fix) ol Division 3 ollhc Businc$ lnd
<br />Pmtc*ion s Codc ) or rhlr hcor\hc is cr.npr rhcrcrft,m and rhcbrsi\ fDr rhc rlk8cd cxcmptior Any vn,ldi,iofSecrionT0ll.5 bt 0try
<br />aprlic.trr roh |trnrir nrbiccl( lhc arpli.ant lo ocivilpcnalryornor Dorcrhan fi!c hundrcddollrs l$5u)).
<br />I.N owmrordL oFny. o. nry cnlplolt s wirn wd8cs 0s rhcir hlc compcn{rion, will &, rhc worr dd rhc slMrc is nol
<br />i crulcd oroficrcd lor {lc (Se.7044. Busine$ lnd Pofcsions Codc Thc Conrtucrois Li.cn$ ttrR docs nol aDDly Io an o*ncrol
<br />r h. pF Cny whr builds or inprolcs thed)n. nnd qk, dos ikh w,& hirnsclf or hcncll.r lhn,uAh ik or hcr oan cn[loyccs.
<br />[ovidc.l lhul su.h impovcmnk e ret inrcR]cd or ollcrcd lor $k ll h.wcw. rh. hoildiu or iryoveNnl G sold withh .nc ,.d
<br />or.onDhri,n. rh. Ow.cr Buiklq wil n0vc lhc hudco nftmvins rhal hc or shf did to, build or imJ,ovc llt prulcny ior Ihc plrlnrc ol
<br />_1. !s oq,ncr of rhc ropcny. D.rclosivcl! conta.ri.E anh li.cnsd .ookrcroB ro oNn'. hc prcFr lS.. 7044. Buiie.r
<br />.rld Aor$s,n Codc Th. ('onl ructol s Liccnsc La, docs n.r trml, l,) an .s.f or top.ny who hlilds or iml,rorcs rhcEon.
<br />lnd sno conrrrr lbr such Edir* wirh d G,nr.i.t,i 0 liccn*d tu^u r ro lnc Conrra.lois L,i.ensc l-,w)
<br />-l
<br />mc{cnu unn.r S..ri,nt ,R &l)( ttrlNrcNnr
<br />1rc4trli&i:rl.IllfENs ]IoN
<br />DI.ELAB{IIA!
<br />I h.rchyrlltrur(lcrn nrlryoltrrjuryoncolrhcn)ll,,qi,r!lcclrrri(trN
<br />I hnh aql will ,tuinrai. a Cunific.rc of Conscnr ro Scll ln\!rc i, workcn ompcn{rion, aa provid.d rorbyScctio.3T(x)oarhc
<br />ljbor Codc. lor rhc Frfortu.. dfthr ro* fur *hich rhr p.nnir is hslcd
<br />I hrv.nnd willtrDidnin wortcrs comlEnsatiotr insulrncc. r\ requiBl by Sd.rion 17fi).trhc LttNr Codc, for thc Plarortukc of
<br />rhc wo* aor *hich rhis p.nnil is issult Myworkcn srnp.nslrion insuranc€ cuici rxl poli.y numh$:m
<br />I ccnilyrl in rhc pcrlhmun.lolrhc work t)r whi.h rhi\ Itnnir r issucd.l shallnot cnr/oyr y pcr$n innnynr ncr
<br />$ !sb hc.1,nr \uhjccr t, rhc workcn .ompctreli.n l.ss olc.lilornia. !!d larcc 'hd
<br />iil should hc...tr suhatl ro lh.
<br />*.rkss.ortcn\xrionrmvi(ionsolScclionlT{x)ofrhctjhtrO)dc.l\hdl.n,rh*irh.onrllywirhrln,*trevisions
<br />WARNING: I'dihtrc lo scurc sortcr .\,mprn\!rn,n o!.rrsc i\ uilrsixl. ttrd sh.ll nrht dl rrr cnrllo)cr ro sinihJ lxtrrltA md
<br />civil nnc\ up b o.c hundrcd rhous{nd dollan (Sl(D.mO). in dirion b r
<br />sc.rnnr:l076ol rhc Lrhtr (ixlc. irrcrc( rn{l rrtm.r_ \ li.s
<br />I hcrcbyamrmundcr p.nlllyoap€rjlrylhar I 0m lien{rr undcr Fovi\i.n orChapicr 9 (commlEirr8 tith Scrb.7000) orDNki.n 3
<br />of rhe Busiftr. md Poldsions Code. and my l'Ecn* k i,r tull nmc aRl cltar
<br />I hcrcby 0illfl. u crpcrullyofFrjuryrh,rhdcilr.Diiru.ri.nLndinsagcn.yforrhcpctfornun.corrhcworklorFhichlhisp.miri\
<br />Nsrd (Scc 1097. Civ C.)
<br />lccd,lir)rr rhciid.rrlrc.!urarions rcBrdir-! .sh.sor rcnFvrl m nor rprlicnblc t) rl,i\ lln)ic.i
<br />Icd.lirhdIhx*r.rlrhk.,rnlicrrionandn{rcrhrlrhcxlx,!ditrfdirriinrn.onc.r I nEtc n, conrlly *irh llCirlnndCourry
<br />ordiniDccs rM shrc liwr rclding ro hlildin8 conntucrior nnd hc.rhy rurlMft rct'rcsctritivcs ol'r[i\ Ciry ud Counryh.rict nfr rhc
<br />ft.v. nrnrnnf,d ptutLdt Lr
<br />,rpl,lirunr orlx l Sir. lu or", 7 'j/2 ^z 21
<br />C14"r.-r-,"*U*,, "rrn U, Chfr,
<br />@aN3W
<br />br.-
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />lxnd.ai AdJr.* _
<br />I hir6y,fiinn undcr lcnrlry ofFrju.y ore of rhc fdlosi.B d(l[dio.ri
<br />Drmlirion Pomik.Asb.stos Nolific0l ion ltd€ral Rcslklbns ('rnt40, Pd6)
<br />-Rcquircd
<br />t llcrol'Nolificsli'n
<br />II