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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />l^.IiduRoof Sheathing sz) <br />Shear Wall I rt UI <br />Framing <br />lnsulatio n/Energy <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coal <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handica Re <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL q q 1 (,/,/4E rt <br />Certifi cate offOccupaqcy ,T- <br />Notes m rks Etc <br />tuz, <br />oWNER BU I LDEI' DEI-('ARATION <br />I .ffm uftri F{nt orFis <br />'hn <br />I m (.o!i from rlE C.ffEl,E liG lltr tor rhc nnb*ins @n ls(rorl1 <br />Burin6s.!dPrordnr.(-od.): .y(i')or(ounyshi<hr{utr6r!o.nlosNtu.r,.i6,inrovc&rnolyhorr.rEnu} <br />ntu.rr.. rmr lo ils i.lec. rto rc+n6 rh. Sdtd fo, I.h Fni ro liL r siln rl edmr lhi lE o. !h. . lt.Bd riBMr <br />l. <br />'hc Fo\Gions of rhc ( ainEdd r Ltcned lr$ (( hapro 9. (irmmtrra trirh ssrion 7o0O .f Diriion I ofltt Blr,lB ]lnd <br />P,oGsnN ('od.) or lhd lr M dE ir.rmF lk.nom ri ihc lB. for rh. dkad! noF6n Xn! \illriot.tsclbn 7OrI 5 br lry <br />appl(rnl f.r i lmii srbjeri rh. .i' to . .ivil ptuh, o f nor mor. rhd nr. hundral dolla! { l5m) <br />l.f,sosndofrh.I,opnrv,ormydpkrtBrirhuis66rh.nsEcotrtlE$r'on.(.hrh.*oltddfi.sMG6dl <br />inldrLd or ofi6.d aor sl. I S( 7ol{. aBin6 .nd It a6ir6 (ixk Ih.(o rrhrLic.Gt \ do6 r'l Etltros016of <br />rh.IrI6t \ h hiildr .r imtF\6 rlEbtr ald tr ho d€ sh \.4 himr.ll or ht*lf Dr lhnilBh hn or ha orr mph\c. <br />Pr.\id.d rhli slch uqro\q6it ft ml i.rqd.loroilald n sb If. hN66. tlE hoiHuu or ins.oaEn L eld *nhn nn. !6 <br />ofolrpkt.i.. th. ()$nd B{iBd {ill h!\! rlE hd.n ot Fo|ilu rld lE orlr drl mr t{'U o 'q$. th. Frpoit ft, <br />'lE Fl lre of <br />l. 6 o{ nd . r rh. Ffdlv. dn conlrer ina \ ilh li.oEd qnfaclo's ro (Drrud rhc poj(l (sd 71l{4, tlNmes <br />&n hok ihco{. Ih.(-onrk 's l-i(ro 1..$ &6 hr.t!,h r. M.$k.f FotEdr $ho h{il& o nFo16lhd6n. <br />..d rho conl'.ds lo such ltroj.ds snh a Controclod, li.o$d Fursunl lo lh. ( odraclors*j. <br />la r!.mfr unds sdktrr <br />D.t. ()in- <br />w(rlrxins. ao[ii'FNi/irrrN[fg.daallo! <br />I h(.by.mnn undd paalrynfFlury on. ofrh. toln,sin! n<l&dn G <br />I hrvc rnd ryr ll ma!.rain . ( .d ifrarc or( onHt ro Srlf-lNtrrc tu trorlm .o,npfrsdiotr. &r Fovid.d lo, br s(xoi 17(,r) o f rh. <br />Lh). Codc for llE Ffo.tlffi. oalh. so for trnkh rlE rEnd B as(d <br />Ih.\. d \ ill rortd codt.erxr. rNurr&.. B rrrtut d h S(ri,n U00 of rlE I jti{ (il&- h, th. Ffolrr@. ot <br />rh. {orlforsh'.hlhirFn ir isu.d Mr wort6 comp.nsnion iNurmc cuis .nd polic} nu,rbc. d. <br />I c.nrft rhd r rlE Ffollrltr. of rh. $.rt fM Nhrh rh( Fnn b is.d. I ilEU.or d0lo) r! F$n m&B <br />$ a lo h.eftc sbrrl lo llE workdJ mmpsNll ion L$ of( .lifomi.. ..d !3r lhd if I should b.(om. rubj..l lo lrE <br />$0.16.orrEiaanForirio6ofs.dn.iTlxrotth.L,h{Cod..Itull.t(lhqnh.on4r}trihrlbrForiri,B <br />|\.\RNIN(: lJ uri n' ( '( \\.'l(,i (!inl{f\,[otd.x. is onhann. rtul shall rtrbrer e dnplors lo siminilrquhiG.nd <br />cn'l lind up lo ox hun&d rhou$d dnla (D), h aldrion to <br />'h. <br />c.r .f onFMtion. d!rE€6 G F.rndj au r <br />Ssrtr,n 3076 otrhc l,rlt, (i'd. <br />7'9o -/ <br />I hd.b afli'm undo p6drr-.f Fjun d Frnio. of('hlt{6 9 (comnftins snh sdion 7000) ofDiviiion I <br />of rn. Bu,E$nd PFa+lna (ird.. ,n m\ I'cds. s in full tuc. dn dldct2 L/72 7 2\;?7- 70- 72 <br />I hs.6}.rm und6 FMn! of Fju^ rha <br />is0.d lsd n007, cir cl n bdinB !**! tu <br />'h. <br />p6n)l1ia. of rh. $ntl ftr trluh lh! p6n, ir <br />AIIUIANfIDSJAAIIA! <br />I rtry* lilm und.. Fmlty ol Fjlry on. ot th. follo$ in8 &(lrarioB: <br />D.nFhion Pmnetuts'o. Norinc.'hn l.ds.l,atnJm (Tiil.,l0, Pd6) <br />R.qutr.d lnrdolNdifE tr <br />I cd'l rhr rh. t d6!l r.suhnN E8Edi.s Etchs 16.1 0l r. R! q'pl.!t lc k, rtir Fnjd <br />hn *i !r'!.tnar rhc at-\. 'ntutunn 6.or.d I a8rch c.dpl) \[h.ll( ir] in{(i\nr\ <br />ill'n8 c.Nrtrdn,n. ed hd.hv .ur honz. .l !hi. ( irr.nd cou.ty kr m6 trpon rlr <br />,,*7-=;O- ps <br />L4zz7</Z <br />Drywall <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />"2