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20168315 - Permit (2)
Third St
1319 1/2 W Third St
20168315 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/8/2022 3:11:46 PM
Creation date
12/8/2022 3:11:45 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
1319 1/2 W Third St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Pham Accessory Dwelling Unit
Street Number
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Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Nature of Work
2nd Dwelling Unit
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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS ()\lfl[t{ l}t ll,l)llR DUl.(-.\l{,\l to:t <br />I n€rebr smd uidn toalty ol pgiury lhal I m exenpl lio lh. (onlracroB Lic.n* Law ior th. follosing rmn (S( 701 I 5 <br />B6ins ,nd Profsion Codc): Any Ciry or Couory which !.quir6 a pdmn ro conslrud ah6. imProve ddnoli.n or rcFir uv <br />srrxdE. Fior lo tu B!@c., also r.qui6 thc 4dkd lor such Fnil ro 6lc . sisn.d slaldal lh.l h. or 3h. a licdN.d p@ul <br />ro rhc Folisioc of tt Conlricloas Li@nscd Law (Chaptd 9. Commmcitrs wih Selion 7000 of Divisior I ollh' B$inN sd <br />Pioa.sions Codc) or fiar h. or sh. is cxdpl lhfttom &d rh€ basn lor lh. ollcg.d .xdplion. Anv liolation olselion ?031.5 bv dv <br />applica lor a ldmi subjelslh. to acivilPc@hyoliol mor.lh& fivc huidEd doll&s (S500) <br />-1, <br />6 oMd of lh. FoFny. o, m, @tloy6 wnh vas6 s sl. anpoE tion will {h $c sot &d lh. stuct@ is m' <br />in".Aa - "n -a roi *tc rie 7044, B;in* ed Prca6lioB Cod€: Ihc Gnlradoi s Lic6. trw do6 nol appl, lo m oMq of <br />lh. pmpGty who builde or inprovB lh@i. dd who <loe such \@tI hihs.lf or h@lf or ihmush nis o. ho oM cmplovG' <br />Fovidei ihar sucn idFovoMs e ml hlad.d n ona.d for sb l[ hotsd. tn tuildi(s 6r inFo€E n ir $ld whhin orc Fe <br />;f omrlaiotr lh. Osrd Builji rviU hav. $. hodd olFoYi.! d, lE o sh. dd mr hriB or ihsro* fi. Fopotv tur ttE porpos of <br />-I. <br />sown6 oflhc ptupc1y, m.rclBivelyco Edinc wilh li6*d.onlEcloB to co6md thc lrojcl (sc 7044 BEind <br />md Flotusbi Codc: Th. Cooldctol s Lic.n!. Gv do6 not .pply io m oud of !,opslv x ho buil& o. inPrcv6 lhd@o. <br />od sho conh€ls for su.h prDjds wilh a Contadorts) licas.d pu6@r b th. ComriclDrt Licd. Lar). <br />-l <br />,ng und6 Sdio.-. B & P.C. for rhis r6on <br />Onn€r: <br />\lolll(aks' (:onrPDNSAT(lN <br />DECI,ASAUq! <br />I hdb, alfm ud6 p<MIy olpajlry on of$c lollowins deltalioN: <br />,l hav. ed *ill minlsin s olcoMl lo SclfJBuG aor @ d om!.nslioo s Fltid.d for bv Sclio' 1700 'lrh' <br />tibor CodG, lor rhe Ffommc. of lh. srl ao. whicn lhc pmil i3 Bu.d <br />I hN. ,od *ill mai.rain wotk(J compdaliotr idurdcc B rcquiEd bv Sdrio. lToo of th. Lrbor codc. fo! lhc Pdfolrmc' ol <br />thc porL for wni.h thie pcmn is as.d My rcrt6 omp..srlion iEuft. .di6 dd policv .mbd e: <br />f a\.[.r,,r.(., <br />-l <br />ccnif,rhar ir lhc prtomdc. offi€ vork lot l hict rhis Pamil is i$u.d.I snall nol @plo, mv F6on in d, nma <br />s s ro b€comc subjd lo rhe Mrt6' compc.salion lt*s oacalilooia. dd a8r lhd if I should b€on. su6jdl lo lhc <br />workar comp.Mlion polisioB ol Sdlion l?OO ofrhc hbor Code I slEll. foflhvilh onplv wilh lhoe porisioN" <br />WARNING: Failurc r. suc vorlds' comPcnerion cov@s. is unlowtul. 4d shall subiEt M onPlovs lo edi'al Paahi6 Md <br />civil lind up to on. hun&.d lhoEmd dollm ($IOO.0OO). in ddilion lo th. cosl of codp.Narion. damss€s s Pr'vid'd <br />'or <br />ln" <br />srtrion 1076ofrhc libor Code. inrd6r ed lnonElk (" <br />DICI.AIAIION <br />I h@by arrn undd FElry of Fjury tlDl I d ltctu d lnda Fovisio. ofcttpic 9 Goonsi.g wilh Scdion 7000) " Divishn l <br />of rh. B6ins dd PofsioB CodG, ttl nr lic@ ie in tull lo.a ed.flal. <br />f,43ql Ll, <br />Z/zt>ttt .,1 5? L\ . + c^1 <br />CONSTRIJC'TION LENDINC AGENCY <br />I h.eby lrm un&r Fnrlly of pdju.y thd lhd i5 . codru.lion l€.ding agacv for lhc Pafo,lMc. ot th. m'k tor siich $l! p6'tu is <br />issu.d (s6. 1097, cir. c.) <br />I cnds'r Nin'e <br />Lddd r Addrs <br />A8&TGNLDECI.AEAIIQN <br />I hESy ,llm uidd F alty of psiury on€ o t lhc lollo*io! d6laal ions: <br />D.nolnion P6mis^sbd8 Nolilical ion F.ddal R.aulalioN {Tnk 40. Pan6) <br />R.quir.d Lcll€r olNotific.lion <br />-l <br />cqrify lhn $. fcddal r€suldioB r.gdding Gb6los tdolal e. .ol appli€bL lo lhis proj-l <br />-l <br />cdliay rhal I hav€ .ad tt6 .pPlicolio. sd $atc lhd tn. .tov. inioDarion is corcl. I agr* lo complv vilh dl Citv and Counrv <br />*"--"ra Sur" t"."..t"l.a io buildins .oBiuciiotr and hdeby lothoriz. rcprddltlivd ollhis Citv od Cou vto dl6 lFnln€ <br />abov€ oorioncd proFny aor irlsrc.rion purpos6. <br />^ppridtrr <br />o, ^s rsrrm'l <br />Pentttn nelPnaot /Jvvr"t{ Pte.zr <br />- <br />u, o'i/o? /zc-t4 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lvleler Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service ltrleter <br />FINAL blt,l lLi 'tt <br />^A,4,gr- <br />7E) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I ul <br />ID/SIG. <br />D.t, Z6t4
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