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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNI'R BUII,DER DET-CARATION <br />I h.rcby aflirm lndcr prMlry i,r p.rjury rhar I n!.kmfl rrdnr rh. Conh.kri Licctrsc Lrq ln lhe nnhsir8 rcrvnr (S(7{)l}15 <br />ax\incsl ,id Pn,fc*ion Codc): Any Cily.r Couhry whi.I rcquncs a Fnnil lo connrucr. a,t.r, nnprcvc. dcmlish or Eprt rny <br />nrudue. prdh irs rsu cc. nlm Bquncs rhc {ppli.rfl n su.h ncflnirto nlc a ligncd srlrcnrnr rtur hcor shc ( li..n\cd l]U^ninr <br />h rh. Frvtion\ of rlt (..nrtudor's Licciscd ljw (Chrrrf 9. Connncmir8 wirh Scciion ?Ul0 oi Division :l of rhc Businr$ and <br />Itolcssions Code)or lhrr lEorshe iscxcnd rhercr'romrnd thc btr\h lor rhcallcscdcicnlPrn,n Anyvn'hrn,norsdt,n701l5hy.try <br />Jpplicr ror a pcrmir suhje(rs rhc lmlicrnr ro acirilpcmhyofnor mrdrha nvc hnndr.d dollars ($500) <br />-1. <br />n owtrcr ofthc F)pcny. or nry cnplorrcs wilh wtrgcs ar th.t s)k compcnsDrion. willdo rh. wrk uri rh..rtrruE is mr <br />inr.ndcd or oflcrcd ftn slc (sr..704.,1. Bosituss and Irrufc*ions cod.: Thc Conr.ctols l-tcns ljw docs nor rnply b nno*ncr of <br />rhc pmllcny rh. ttrihs o, inq,ows rhcmn. nl who dmr {ch slk hi'nsllf.t h$*lfor thmu8h hrs or cn,ployccs. <br />ptulidcd lh,r su.h impmwEnls e mt imcndcd or olfeEt lor slc ,L l{Ne$r rlE hiklins or iqmitnrnr is sh wnh,n oro y.- <br />ol cohrkrioG rhc Owrcr Bliklcr siu har rtr hldcn of rmlins rhd hE o. sh. did nor huild or in{,mw ihc tmtE ry f.r lhc purtFs of <br />_1. r\owncr.lric pmp.ny, ancrrlusildlyconta.ring wnh*l.otrtrd.iorsr. con\rru.1rhc nrcr$r (Scc.70.1,,1, Bu\inrs\ <br />Fnlilqsi)n Codc: Thc's Lic.trsc Lrw docs nor llply h .tr .f l)lol'cny *ho blildso. idpR,Y.s rhcr..n. <br />and who conlmcrsn such pmicls wirh a A,nrmcron s) licen{dpu^uunr ro rhe Cootrcttr s Li..n* bR) <br />-l <br />!mcxcmfl under Sctio <br />-lhalcudwillmrinrain!CcnificarcofCon* <br />roSeltlnsueforworl(cB.onp.nsaiion.aslmvidcdlorbySNtionlT00oarhc <br />t ho. Codc. for lhc pcrformncc of lhc work for which lhc lermit h hrucd. <br />< havc dd will tuiitlii anrkc( truarq as icquini by S(riotr 1700 of rhe L€hor Codc, for rh. rsrofrncc or <br />rlr qork tu. *[i.hrhir lrcnnn <br />A.,eircc. <br />.o'npcis on in\ur.ncc cMicr o'n llolty nuarbcr &l/ <br />\^, <br />ZvreI'- <br />7-%-1-O <br />-t <br />ccnifyrhrr in rhc Ii.rIornDncc ol rhc sotk fd *hich rhhl.rnir i! isiucd.l \h.lltror cnrtloy 8ny pcrsotr itr trn, nhikr <br />$ b b..onr \rhid b rhc wtrrcn d np.nsarion la*s or crlitoiriu. and esrcc in ilIrh,uldt !,h{bi.dtollE <br />"orkcr.orp.trsariotrptuvishnsoisccrio.l?fiioflhctitqC.dc.lshlll.tunh*irhconiplywnhrho$tmvisionsWARITIN(;: Frilur. r. *curc w.rkls compcnsatknr covcrige is unlo{(ul. utrd rhrll suhj.{r a..trDk,fr Io crimiMl pcmlrics and <br />civil 6trcs up lo om hutrdrcd lhous{nd dollm (SlLxl.(x)0)- in uddiriu, t, rhc..r or.orFnsnlion- d.nEacs as prcvidcd r(tr rhc <br />Scclion.10?6olrhcLltnrCodc.inrcrc\lrndtrtronrcy.lces <br />Y,.,",t/zqlFI <br />DECI,ANtrION <br />Ihercnylmrnundcr pcnalryolFrjorrrhar I an lidn{d rndcr tbvisn orchrpts 9(commncin8 s irh Scdio. 7fir) or Divist,n l <br />.i rhcBusim$ d PDltsion\ Codc- Md my liccns n in tu ll fo.ce dxi cffc.r <br />q ,,."-,,,,-. 1733:5lc <br />-."",-".,lttb*1,cr 1," e 1crcxf,,3 t R f^,r <br />calirf,urJQN.LENDuc-dliEull <br />Incrby arfirmlnder p.nllryorpcrjuryrhar rh.r. k a.on(flclirn lcndinS lgcrcy for th. Ilfformk ofrhc wo ror *hidhlhn lrmil is <br />nsucd (ss 109?. civ c.). <br />A.EPIICANI.IIECI,AAAUON <br />Ilrrhyu innlDdcr pcnalry of pcrjury onc olrhc folk,*ins d6br ionsl <br />Dcnrlilion PcmnlAst slos Notitication ltdcral Resublions ('lnt.10, Pan6) <br />-Rcquncn <br />Lcttcr of Norirt tbn <br />_l.cdifyrh rhc rcdcralr.luhrions rSdding\ r.m)vdlnrc kn rtdi.ablc ro lhis lmjar <br />-l.cnifyrhd <br />I ldvc rcod thnlpplicarionuntndc rlurrhcrh)vc infl,nx i{nr is.or..r r.EccrocoflrplywilhlllCiryud Counry <br />ordinomcs.nd SIare rclarins ro buildins con(Dcrion- ond hcr.b, llrhtri7c tuprcscDr,tiv.s oil[h Cnr rtrd Cou.ryro cnr.r xF,nrh. <br />rhnc nmriotrcd pr.p.ny rur insNcr <br />>pplcnnl or Asent <br />\-'l* *-"rn.i { <br />,.,",ek*liL <br />Set Backs <br />Fo rm s/Stee l/H o ldown s <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVlnsuiation <br />Roof Sheathinq 't/0/t^;tffi <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lns u lation/E ne roy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coal <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req \ <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 1 <br />Certificate ol Occu n <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />]Ia!$i8[1;!]!tutNsa.IlaN <br />lEl;I"Anr[UN <br />I h.rchy alllrmundcr lEnllryofp.rjuryo't oilh. n,llo*in8 d$larari,r: <br />I <br />i-