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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDAX DEI,CARATION <br />I he,c|y llErn unds |cn ty of lcrjury rhar I m excmF frorn rh. Con,cro6 Li.etrsc L,w for lhe folbains rcnn,n ( Se ?0:] l 5 <br />Busincss lkl Prurctd,n C.dc)r Ant Ciry or Colory which rcqlircs { pcrnrir h connfl.r, uhd, infiovc. d.inolnh or rcp,n an, <br />srructurc, trior lo ns hsu.ncc. rlso rcquircs thc amlic,nr ror 3u.h Frmir b fik r siBftd,trr lhlt h. or sh. t liccnsd pursuol <br />ro rhc ptuvisio.s ofrh. Contactofs Li..nsd txw (Chlprer 9, Commmins wirh S.crion 7000 of Divhion I olthc Busncrs and <br />Pmltssioos Codc) or lhll hcorsh. iscxem lhcr.ft{,n.nd rhc basi ld thc dl.gcd cxc'ry,rion. Anyviolalionols(tbn?031.5hyany <br />r a pcmil thc lpllicant io a .ivil pcmlly of ml <br />'mrc <br />lhrn livc hu rcd dolles (S500) <br />olthc pn,Nny, ornrycmployccs *irh wrsdsx rhrnr)lccont^-.nsirion, willdo rh. w.ikand rh(nElurc h (n <br />for slc {Sa.70,14, Busims and Pmfc$ions Codc 'l hc (n.lmdols La$ &,es mt arpl, b an osn r or <br />rltc pblxny wh, builds or in9ii,v.s rhcftn. arld *lx, d*s \o.h aorl hinr\.lfor hcrsclfor ihmxgh his o. h.. owncmpk,yr.s. <br />rovidcdrhrrsuch iDpnrcnEnhlrc nor ir crncd ororlcrcd tu slc ll. how.rcr. rhc huildiu or imprclc'Enr i\$ yc.r <br />ofconrrlcrhn. rhc Orrcr Buildcr willhrK rh. bxrdcn orptuvirg rhd h. or shd dil mr hdld or i'n|)r.v. rhc pnlpcny ritr rhc llrlxJ$.1 <br />-1,.*nerorrh{pmr.ny.trncxclusnrlyconl,aclin8wirnliccnscdco"rraclorrocon(rucrrlEpmjccrrsecT(}r4,B!.incsrnd Eorasshn Codc: Thc Conh.rors Law do.s nor apply ro rnornci orptuFnywho buildi or i'np(ncs lhcrcon. <br />rid Nho (n nrls fitr slch prercck wirh u Conrmcro(n liccn{cd pursuMr k, rhc Conrrucroi{ Licctr{ lj$) <br />v <br />I hcrct y !{innu.dcr pcnalryofFiuryonc olrh. rol <br />-l <br /> {rrd will truintoh ! CcniaEatc olCl,trs.trl x, Sclf-lnsurc for rorkcr\- ro,nDcn\.rion. !s Imlidcd <br />hhitr Cdc.lor rhc Frrornnn.c ofrhc $oik nr wh'ch rh. plnnir ^ n\ucd <br />_l turc lnd will flr0inl0h *o!kcr' conlPcns0liotr insurMcc. as rcquircd by Sccr ion 37(xr oi lhc lihor (idc. rbr lhc fql.ntuncc ol <br />rh. *or[ torwnichrhh pcrnil is hnEd. Mywo cn conDens0ln'n innrincc c!tricrlnd nolicynunrhcr sc <br />rhcNo* fi, shichrhisp.rmir is isuc.l,I fi!ll n.r cnDt,y Lny pcron in rny 'nrnicrconD.nsdnJn hw\orCalif nir. dd i8erllr ifl {h.uld h..orf \uhiNr rorhc <br />ccrn :l7u).f rh. trhtrcodc, l \tu|1. fonh*irh.o.rtly wilhrlrr*rrovistrsworkcE cotrIf,nsdion psvisions uls <br />WARNINC: ljdlurc to {curc *olkcN s,npcnsalion covcrr8c G u 1i,1. x sl,r I {,ir..r xn ordoycr t) di i <br />I hc,chy ntnm uM& !.nrlry or p.rjurt rh,r I lic.$d u n.fChrDr0 9 (conlnEmina *ith <br />of thr A!\i'rc$r d lh)t $nnN(id., d n,y liccn{ i\ in <br />CqNSIXI]IIONI.END,OG.AIjENq <br />I hcrcby Nffrm undc. Fnax, of pcrjury rhd rhde i. a@n.rocri.n LndioS agcncy for lh. t lfonM.c ofnE eort for whhh lhis Fymil il <br />hsucd (Sa. 1097. Ci!. C ). <br />Lrndcr. Ndm <br />,b.sros r.mvd arc nor npplbrbL ro thk poj.rl. <br />hd lnc,hrw informlbn n comct.l a8e rocomply wirh rll Cityand Counry <br />rnd h.rdbyaulhoriz. rcFc*nrarivcs oithn Cilyatu Coutrty <br />rb(rc nf,nrioncd pmptnv lar in\p..rion <br />Appliffnl or Asrnl SiAnnlufr: <br />Pedite Bmclpnnl): <br />qR',arll;ic" <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditroners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Ivleler Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL (i -27 -ts Jolz{o*"CDNotes, Remarks, Etc. <br />DATE <br />Pole Bases <br />:**'iifia\itf* <br />AII,,ICANII]ECI/AAIION <br />I ls.$y !ffinn oenllty otpcrpryone otrnc fouowiu dcclanrions: <br />Demlition Pcrnrils'Asb.slos Notificarion FcdcEl Rc8uhtions (Tillc 40. P!n6l <br />-RcquiFd <br />krlcr oI Ndifi cllbn <br />rlrr I h{vc rcd lht inpli.lli( did <br />rnd sidc L.vr rcLfin8 t. huiklirS <br />I <br />I <br />=