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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.COMMENTS OWNE'I BU!LDtrR DDLCARATION <br />I lmhy rrlrn rnddr,cnah, ot f,crjury rh l am cxcmlr fr.m rhc Conrracron l-iccnsc tiw tur rhc [,lro*in! rcavrn lscc.70.]1.5 <br />Busincsr uxl Pmrlssnr Cdu) Atry Ciry or Counry whic[ rcqurcs i Fnnir ro co.sfl.r. .lrcr, nnpturc, ncDrnish or apn .., <br />srrudur. Frktr ro i'\ irsuaicc,6l$ dq,ncs$c rpplicrtrr lnr such pcrnrirh nlc ! sigrcd n cmnr rhnrh.or\hc i\ liccn\cd rursrd <br />ro lhe lmvhions ol tlE Conracroi\ l-ianscd ln* (Chrrrcr 9. Comn{ncin8 sith Scdio. 7fix) of Dnision ] .t rhc l]usinc$ trnd <br />Pmle\stnN Cone)orrhd ncor shc is crcnrrl rhcrcliom Md thc ha(n lnr thcullc8cncxcm ion AnyviddionoiScclionT0ll.5hylny <br />+rlicrnr nr d pcrnrir \ubjcckrnc lmliclnr lo r.ivilpcntrhyolnol nnrcrhan rirc hundrcd dolln,r (S5(h). <br />_1, as owM of rhc D'sFny. or n, enploy€s wilh wtr8.s .i rhcn $b .ompef,erion. will do 0E sdt !d llx nndu h mt <br />inl.nd.d or oficrcd lor sh {Sc.70421. Eu.ifss ed Prcfc$ions Codq TIE Conrtu loas Licns L{w iloc! nor aptly |o an 0*6 of <br />lh€ FotEly wlb tlillls or iqm*s tlEmr ud whD dce sch mlt hiN.lf or h.Rclfor fimueh his or h.r osn cnphycs. <br />pmvi&d rhd ien i!'prDvlml{s a mt iotodcd nofcEd lor sL.It novcw. dE ttrildinE or inpr$rmnl h $ld vhhin orc rsr <br />ol orphtiotr dE arwE Blildcr *ill her tu burko of provine rhd lE or slB dil mr build d inr'te Ltc potEi, td tr pupos of <br />-I. <br />ns owmr of rh. ,!BF.ry. m €xclusatcly.o.racli4 sirh liccn*d .onrractod ro on{od rlE J' (Sd. 7044, B!3ircs <br />md hoLshn Codc: Thc ConlEclols Lic.nR tlw dB mr q,ply ro rn ovnd or orop.ny sho build3 o. impbvcs ln rco..ond who 6ntn rs tor iu.h poicdi wnh a Coomdon, lien*! pu6ud ro thc Conrdhis Li.nE L.w), <br />-l <br />u e &ntt udcr Serio!- B, & P.C, for rhi! rMn, <br />l)rrr <br />]IOSTESLCAMIEXSAIION <br />IECI,If,AIIAN <br />I hcrcby oflirm undcr Fnalry oi !.riury om oa rhc following d(l@rk'nr: <br />-J h.E.rd will mint inrC.nifslcof Co.F ro Sclt'tnsc for ertft @m!.ns{ion. &. previicd for by Selion 17q) of th. <br />Lrbor Codc. for tL p.rfoM of fi. erl( fm *hhh dE pcmit is hscd. <br />Ihnvcrtrdwillmrinrlinworr.ra.o.rp..\rri(,.nr\urrncc-us,cqutcdhySNri{,n:l7q)olrhclih.rCodc.forrhcpc.tortunccoa <br />[E vnt for shbh lhi, is iis.d-.r'mpcnsltn,n n$ulrrcc c!fli( and ,xnicy nlnb€r m: <br />-t <br />ccnify dat in lnc Frfoirmre ofrhc wort for which ihis p.rmil ir islucd, I shallnor.n:plo! rny pcr$. in a.y nMn$ <br />s. a ro bccotu slbiccr to rhc po*m ompcnsdn,n hvs ofcdifomia. and aBr rh, if I slould b$om subFr ro r,r <br />w.rtsi.ompcnsationtrolisionsofSoclionlT0OoflnehhorCodc,lsh.ll.tonhwilhcotrplysiln$o$tDvisions. <br />WARNINC: Failurc ro wur. work s' mmpcnerion covcngc is unl0wtul. e.d ddl subrc.r atr .npl.rcr ro rininal ,cmllis mn <br />€ilil fincs {I, lo om nundEn lhousrnd dollds (Sloo.0o0). in lddirion lo ltE cosl olcoqrns0lion. drm8cs !r provitcd for lhc <br />Sc.r ion 1076 of rhr Llbor C.dc. int Esl and arrofty\ aes <br />IIIqdAAIIIJN <br />I hcNby rftlnb o.dcr pcndry or Frjurr rhui I m u.dcr polision ol Ch3fls s (conmmios wirh Sccrion 7 n) .r Oirisnnr .l <br />ot lh. Busircs ond Pron$ionsCode, url myli..nsc is ii rull rora u cfrcct. <br />37u ts3 <br />IAIEIAICUONIENITINI;.AGENST <br />I tctoby affirmlndcr pcmllyolr.@rylhol lhm h a.oNtdclhn hnding rgcncy fo. thc,crfortuncc ofltc e tu which lhh,rmil h <br />issucd (s(. J09?, civ. c.). <br />dIILIIANLDIiCL BrlII0N <br />l lm6yillim utuicr Ntr.lryoltrrjry rnc ol rlc rol[,*i | dc.lrari.n\ <br />l)cnn Ii(,n I,.rrnirs \h.nus Nor n.!i(in Fcd(rLturgn!rri{nx Il ittu J0. P n6) <br />Rcqun lanrrofNotrnlri{trr <br />-l <br />c.nit, ll[l tlE fcdcBl rcglbtkins EgerdinS lsbc$os r.mvrl ec nor optlicabk lo lhis pmiEt. <br />_l ccnify rhlr I lElc rcad rhis ippliqrion3 l shrc rhar rhc rvc informtion isco,Br.I a8re lo@nlly*ithrll Ciryaod Coonry <br />ordh!ftB 4d Srar. ti*s Ebrin8 ro buiMioe consmcrion. Dd nmby auho.i. Elrc*rrdrilri of rhjs Cny and Coumy ro cnro updn 0E <br />oh,vc mnrt'n(l lrropcny ttr inspccrion <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent h-l?-tY ).J MA <br />WaterUnder f loor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildin g Sewer <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent b"tz-tv <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-t raplDrain Line <br />Ivlain Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />/t ./A <br />Rough Plumbinq 1''t'tg <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL z-\]t'l\ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.V <br />-----A t <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />YJILIL <br />*,v-.ull <br />'l-/^kt1 <br />-,.,')-)*-? <br />I