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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />S pas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Bouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh h/L(nK s\ 4, <br />FINAL 7/7t/rt >D 6b <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />o <br />-+ <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWNIiR BUTLDI]R DELCARATION <br />I hcrcb, afljrm undcr pcnrlry of rrjury lhar I om cxcmpr lmm lhe Coorracro6 l-tcnsc La* i(tr rhc rolk,sin! 6,ii (Sc..?011.5 <br />Businc$ al]d Prolc$ion Codc): Any Ciry or Counry which rcqrncs r pc.on n, .oi{ru.r. llt r, inDir'vc. ih'relhh "r EtEn rny <br />nocurc, prir to irs issuarc, lho rcquircs rh{ +pli.anr f{n such pcnni' r. fil. a siln d Mtnmr rh,t lt or shc is liccrrd puFu l <br />ro th. nmvisions of lh. Conr.clols*d tiw (Chrprcr 9. aonmrcncin8 wilh Sccrion ?000 oI Divi\ion I nrrhc susinc\s nnd <br />P,oltssi,rnsCodc) orrhrrhcorshc iscrcmpr rhcrcfrom( rnebark forrhc altscd crc'npii.n Anyvn,hrionorSoli(]n]0ll.5byony <br /> ror a r.nnn suhjc.hrhc trftlic0nt lo 0civilNn0lryornor Nmlhrtr fivc hundrcdd.lllm (S5{X)) <br />l. ds oqncr oirhc pn)Fny, or my.mpk,yc.s wilh w,Ccsrs rhct vrc.annpcnuion. rvill do lhc work and rhc slMrurc h nol <br />lntnd.d or of.r.d for elc (Se.7O1i, Ausincs and PmLisnrns Gxlc: Ihc (b.nador's Li.cns ti* doc\ nolqrplr ro !n own$ of <br />lhcpntrny *ho huilds or impmrrs lhcmn. ud *ho des se-h so* hinrcllor hcnclfor lhou8h hh.r hcr ow. cmtloy..\. <br />tlr.vnid rhar su.h i pnrrcnEns tnc nol inrcodcd or oliqcd nn st. lt ho*$cr. llr hoikliig or idpokr i\ $ld *ilhin un( ,tr <br />olromptri.n- rhc Osncr lruilic! *illhlvc rrE hurd.n ot provin8 rhrr tE o. shc dil mr h'ili., i,qrorc rhc pmacny li,r rhe purrrE or <br />-1. <br />r\ owrcr of thc lnrlEdy. rr crclusivcly conkr.r in8 *irh liccn*d .otrkrclor to c.n(rucl lhu Ilfl jccl (Scc 704.,1, Suak* <br />Md PRnssbn Codc: 'l hc C.hrkkri Liccn\c Law do.q nor ,t,t ly b n owncr .f Frpcny who buildi or inprors rhcr.on. <br />rnd who ontmds rbr such rrreJccIs wirh r Conrractorlr) liccned ro thc ConrBcrols t,iccnre kw). <br />-l <br />anrcxcnrfl undcr S(tion-. B &PC forlfihrcasn <br />Dele: oencr. <br />wonxrqs' coMPENsaTbN <br />DECIAf,AIIO! <br />I h.rcby firm und.r pcMllyofprjuryorc oflhc followin8 dclralions <br />-l <br />havc &n will nEinr,in. Ccniarcalc of Consnt lo S€lf-lnsurc for woftcrs comllensrrion,!s pnvidcd f,r hysccrio.1700oirhc <br />ktrtr C.d.. for rhc Frfitrtune of rh. *.rt for which rh. ,xmn is i{sucd. <br />-l hovc aod will mintaifl work s comrcnsalion itrsramc.0s rcquncd hy Sc.lion 1700 ofrht Ljb.i Codc, ror lhc FfornuB. of <br />lhc *ort ior shichlnhp.rmn is is$ed. Myworkss omtcnsalion insucncc cMicr ajd llolicy.lalxi ml <br />' E,r,tur,,". /a.,rr. /-s <br />' 6o?zE < -:'2 z"/e/r <br />lccnily rhrr i'r rh. p.rlbrnuncc ofrhc $ork h)r wfikh rhi\ pcrn,ir is i\\ucd. I \hall tror c'nploy dry tcrsotr ir iny Danncr <br />\o rs h bcL_om suhjcd k, rhc workcn compcnsir or l.* { or C,lilo ria- ind uB rhd !r I \houkl hccom \ubjccr t) rlr <br />sorkcr.onlFnsarionrmvisions.fSccrnrn:lTlDofrhchtryCodc.l\hall.ri'nisirhconplt$irhrh,rF)risnr\. <br />WARNIN(;: Frihrc k, $.urc wortcr .oDp.trsriron.o!crd!c rs unlatrlul. ond $(ll suhjccr .n cnrplorlr t, oi'ni'd pcMhic\ a <br />.ivil rinf\ tr|] ro otu huidtud rhor\r d {lollr^ lll(x).(xl(, <br />Sccri(n,:1076olrlrc lrhtr C{x[- drrc(nnd dktrnry'\ rc.\ <br />i,r. drn!Ac\ r\ tn,rnlcd ntr rhc <br />a/,ey'r <br />I hcrcby nlfinnuMcrynrlryoipcrjuy lhll I .m liccnqlunder prnvision ol Chlnlc. 9 I corftnci'rc *irh s.dn,n 7fix)) oI Divi\id l <br />of rhc alsincssnnd Pn,lc\\t,ns Codc, dnd ny lk.n{ i\ in fullror.c dtffc.r <br />3 ,/o 5z 72ry'(/e .-, <br />CAXJiIBUqIONIIJNDINC.A(iIINII <br />isruLYt lscc. 3l)9r. civ. (.) <br />ATTLICANLDECLA.BAIION <br />I ho$yufimunderplnallyolpcrjuryonc.lrhc nnbwinr d(larlrions: <br />r)cnnlilion Pcrmir*Ashcnos Notilication ltdc.{l Rc8ulllions frnt tllj, l'rn6) <br />_Rcquircd txrrc! ol Norifi c:ri.i <br />ilyrhrrrltr ltd[r!rcgulni,nNrctnnti',I r\\ rcfk^]lr.c norrt,ph.nhlc k, r]N fn'J..r <br />rr.orrrcr li!rcc b c.n|]iy sirh xll( irt rn(l(_,trt <br />n..\ r d 9d.lj*\ rcl ingt0 buinlinS rcFeEnr.rivci ofrtis Ciry rnd <br />- D.r. . <br />at-rc trEnrioncd lrepcny lor iNpcclion p <br />,\pplictrnl or Agrnl Siuntrturc <br />P"-' * n"-" rp.inrt, X 2"ar.t6trZA- <br />Air Conditioners <br />Service lvleter <br />"/,</z <br />I