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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OlVNUII BUILDIiR DEI,CARATloN <br />I hcrchy rlfifln und$ Fnrlry ol pcrjury rhar I iflrqenllr lo'n rhc Conkrn,F l-i..ns. L.s ror 'fu followins rcr{nr (s&?0.r15 <br />Busincs affl Proic$ion Codc), Any City or Counry shth r.qunc\ r Fnnir rJ .onslruct. ihcr. i'Ill'nk, &nYnnh ,tr rlnrn rny <br />iru.rurc, pri{nr) irs n\u,i... rl$ rLttuircs rlrc lprli.nd ror sx.hlfirnir k, filc0 sisncd srlrcn,cir rhur shc is li.cnscd Pusurnr <br />ro lhc povisions ollh€ Conlrrclr s l,irc $d I-!w lchaprcr 9. C. mcn.irj8 sirh scdnrn 70(xr ol l)irhion I oi rl'd Bn\n'.$ and <br />Pmit$i{nr Crtrl. ) or rhnr hcorrhc hcr.rrpl rhcEir.n,nd rhc ha.t for Ihc (ll.scnc{mprion AnyvidrrttrrorScdi T0.ll5$y3try <br />lprlicanr for r subjccrslhc applicrnr h acivilpcnrllrofn.lnElcrhrn rirc hrndicd doll \llsool <br />-1.$ <br />ow,u ofihcl,orcny. oi ycmplolceswirhr03csnslhetn,L(xnFnirri( rlr{ururci\8, <br />i'ncRlcJ or olltrcd lor srk lsd 7(I,14, alsin \q dnd PR,rissn,n\ C.dr: Thc Ctdh.t.i( Liccnr l-o$ docs nor rppl) t, !i otftrof <br />rhe nmlf,ny who huikk or iNpmvc\ rhcmn. and who d*\ such rork hi'ns.ll.r h.rslror rhroulh hi( or hcr owtr c.Di,y..\. <br />l]lovtlcd rhir su.h iDl'tuvcmnF !rc mr ilnc Ld or olicton ,ir {lc li hoMv.r. rh. h ikli$.r nnFtuv.nrnr h $ld wirhin oN ,!.r <br />of.o,n!Ltt[ rlf Ow..r auikd sill hrrc lh. burd.. ol pnrvirg rh h. or shc did mr hui]d nr inlnn)lc rhc ln'IEny for rll rulns of <br />L d\owJrrofrhcpropcny, r*rcxcluqrclyconrn.rirS wirh lrcn\cdco ri.t,nsn,con{rudrh.pmFcrrscc 7(!J.8untu\\ <br />!frt t\,L\\i'n C.dcr fic Conrrrtr'r l-iccn\e I rs do.s nor inrly ro 3n otrncr ofpR)l.ny \rh,) horkl\ or nnD.o\!\ rhcrcotr. <br />d d sho onhdsfor \u.h ptujcdsqnhiConkn.bdsr{ purn,lnr k,rhc (inrrxd{r'\ I icrn\.|-as) <br />Id rcrc'trDt uilcrSccron .B &P( lhrthnrrJ-a' <br />1!aSLu!5:1l]ll-!:$r lllar <br />t)t.t( t.\k\1t()\ <br />I hcrcby rfinn undcr lcnollyofFrjuryonc ofrh. n,lbsirr dcclamliuN: <br />l,atxtr (i,rlc.lnr rhc lcrli,nnflu olrh. work 6r (hi.h rhc nd'rlr is l\{'c,l <br />,tr sillnri ain *.ikcr{ .onrrcNrr ion iNuhtrcc. rr rqurcd hy Ssr ion .l7ll) oi lhe Litxtr Code. fu rhc Frfonrrnc. ol <br />rh. work tu shi.hrhis Fnnir i( isserl. My wulkcd .onr|xtrsrhotr iNur f,c.rrirrindE,licynunrhcrr. <br />I .cnify rhrr h rhc p.rfonurc .f rhc Eork tu Bhi.h r hi\ lf,nnir n hnrcrl.I $r1l.or cnpn,yrny F6on i'r rnyhr ct <br />s N ro lEconE subF <br />'o ' <br />hc $.r kcrs' conwnsir ion laws or ColiforniL d+Bih irI \hould h..onf, \uhj..r t' rl'. <br />uorkcF' conrFns.l ion povtions ol scdn,n :17(x) ol rhc I nhn Codc. I \h l. r{,nhqnh .. rly wirh rl${ Frvi(iotrs <br />WARNIN(;: tiilurc ro {cud workcK conprtr\dn,n.ovttuEc ir urhstul. aftl shall su6Fd , cnrl,rtcr r..ri'ni'irlltirlrat nnd <br />civil ,lnc\ np ro onc hn.nrd thous!trd dollnrs (Sl(t,.000), ir lddiliotr b rhr.od orro rp. \rrnnr. dr rgcs N Prornlcd lor rhc <br />Scctnnr 1076 ol'thc Labor ('o!c. inrcrcn n nrtontyi le\ <br />Derrr Appliconr: <br />r r(rlsrrx:tx,rmt:r0n <br />DICI.AAAIIA! <br />I hcrcbydnir nndr r.nalryol!.rjury rhd I.,n liccnicd undd lmvkirtr ofChipt( 9lcotnnrn.inr wirh S<rirn 7000 ofDivnion l <br />ol rnc Blsincss !.n Pofcs\ionr Codc. nl .r, licn\c ir in fnll fom dld clltcl <br />raNErnlJlrll)lrl;lDlNclli[N1:r <br />nsucn (Scc.lrn?. Ci!. C.) <br />Lcftlcfs Nrnrc: <br />- <br />t ndcfs Addrcss <br />- <br />AIIUIiIiLIIE!:LIrAAIION <br />I hctrty fiirnundcr pctrrlry ofpc'jury otrc ofrhc n)llowitrg dtclararbn\ <br />Dcnmliri, Icrnrir*Astlios Norilicrrim ltdc(lR.sulirnr\ ('l irlc ll|, Prna, <br />-R.quircd <br /> NorirLrri,nl <br />l..nifyrhd rh tcddrdl i.tsrl&rnN rc8.rdi.! rstc{ s rcnr,vrl irc .or rDnlic$lc b rhi\ px,jccr <br />l.cnilrrhtIhlvear lhhupplicorionandnrlcl[ rhcnhrvc inlbn, nr i"corc.r Irllak,.unrrlysirh3llCir]x.,1(i)onry <br />ordimnccs md shtrc LrNs rcl iDsrohuildin-qcon\trucrn'n.ondhcrctryanrhori,rfttrc\ctrrarilc\ulrhnCny d Counl] ro cnrcr unon lhc <br />nborc mnriorcd pmNny {or in\pcdt,nrur,oss <br />Applicnnr o. / Si!tr{turc o <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Shealhinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framrng <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />ltilasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Beport <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL A'5- /6 ,J).5"*z c9 <br />Certiticate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Set Backs <br />Sublloor/Vent/l nsulation <br />Brown Coat