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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILI}DR DFJt,CARAT1ON <br />I hcr.hy mrm !nd.r p.n , .r p.tury rh.r I dn cxcm rn,m rhc conk b6'Li.cnsc bw tulhc nnk,wins rdn{n (Se.7o.rl t <br />Bu\inc$ r l Pn,f.*i.n Cod.): Any Ciry or Coutrry whrh rrlluircs ! tErmir to con{rucl .hcr. inrpfuvc. d..r,lish or rcp8t ,try <br />iru.ruo. prior k ir\ ,$u,n.c,.ho rcquircs rhc +rli.i r n, su.h tEirnit Io lilca sirncd (llcrcnl rhur lEor lh. is liccn{d N$uanr <br />b rhc F,vnnn$ ol the Conr6crois l-icc.*d tiq (Chlprcr 9- ConhcicinS wirh S.cliotr 7uD oi Divnion :l olrhc Busincs and <br />Pmfcsnnx Codc ) or rhnt hcorsh. iscxcmpl rhcrcfnmnnd rhcbisn for lhc lllcscd eicmprnrn Any vn,hri.nofS{rirn703l5 by.ny <br />lprlicanr lhra pcnnitrubjNls lhc lppli.anrioacivilpcnrlryornorfrnerhanfirchundrcddollirc($500) <br />I. N o{trd of lh. l,olEdy. or my employccs with wu8$ rs rhcn qre c\impcnsri,,r, lill do rhc tuil ttr ddN i5 trur <br />irkded or orcrcn lor silc (Ss.7(x4. Busircss rnd ltr'c\sions Gdc: thc (-onttror'i Liccn$ tiw dms nol 0rDly ro u o*ner of <br />r hc ln,l.dy whl huilds o' in{,rov.s lhcmr dwhodftssu.hw.rkhirn\.lforhcrscllo,thnugnhiso.hcro*ne'npl.yccs. <br />providcd rhlt ruch imtmvcm s N nor i cndql or ofiircd li,r \xlc ll ho*c!u. rhc h^ildin8 or inyn)v.m is s,ld within nnc JEr <br />or co pltrion. th. owncr auildd w l rtE budcn ol ,'nvirS rlrr tu or shc did mr build .r i, rh. f,mp.dy ror lhc |)Ur[nr of <br />-r.!sowncrofrh.lmpeny.amcrclusirlyconr,adinswirhli..n\cdcontrcro^t,connrucrrrEtojccr(sc.7oil4.Bu{ncsanl Asf6ssnCod.'IhcConrmcror'sLicctrseL!{dcsnora0tlyroanosncrotnropcnywhohuild\.rnhpmrcsrhcrcon. <br />ad Nho co.hck ror su.h ptuic.r qirh r co.rn brl s) lk{r*d puNan o rhc conrrroa s Ltcn{ ue) <br /> und.rsccrion .a &PC lnrrlri\rcrwr <br />OPner: <br />trl)Btr[85:caufl:ll IoN <br />D[(;L$4.U0! <br />I hcrchy amnnutrdcr pcnrliyolpcrjuryorc ofrhc lollowinB d(lamrions: <br />lh.!cntrd w,llnuirrotu0 Ccrrilicalc of Con$nt ro Scli-lnsurc r'or sorkcn previdcdrorbySalion:lT0Oorrhc <br />tih.r abd..lar rhc NrlnnDmc ofrhcwork for shich rhcpcirnf is ksucd <br />_lharc lnd $o,kcr' conllen\Drb! nNurrNc. Ds requn d byseriotr lTtDoarhc tilxtr C((lc.lor lnc pcrturnDn.cor <br />lhc work forwhichthis pcrflir is issucn M,worlcE conllrcnsari{nr insurakc.mifi and rolicy nu{rhci ne: <br />Policy Nu'nbcr:-ErpiB: <br />I.cniry rhrr in <br />'he <br />F.rrormn.c or rh. work lor whih rhN Fnnir i\ tsucd. I \h!ll nol cmploy trny ptr{,n h ant nri.ncr <br />s s to heom subj.{l lo I hc sorkcn' compcnsa' bn hw\ ol Calirbrnin. Md 4m th,! il I should bc.onE $h/cd ro <br />'lEworkcrl conrpcnsrion provnions olSccrion:17(x)dtrhc litnr Cdd..l\hxll. rbnhwirh conrdy with r hoc ,'mvirionr <br />WARNIN(; Frilurc (, surc w.rkcn compctrsrtion covcrr8. h unlawtul. and shall subtcr m cnplortr b rirninrl lEtrlhis lnd <br />xx)). rtr rd(lii,itr t) rho .on ol .on\f, \rrr!r. dr !.! pnxiJ.J rnr r[r <br />,lQ-a11 t <br />DECI.AAAUON <br />uM.r rmvision ofChaprcr 9 (c.mDfting wirh scrion ?000) ofDivhion 3I hrrcht rllimu or t^-.nrlryol pcrjuryrhrr I t I <br />of rhc Busim$ md PrcfcsionsCodc. a,i nryliccn* i\ ir fulllnru arxl xffc.r <br />,l t( <br />I hcrcbyilllrmtrndcr Ntrdtyofncrjuryrhit <br />is\ucd (Sc.. 109?.C1v C ). <br />rucliu lcn.linga8cncy f.r rh P..lotn .c olth. work lnr([ichrlrit pcnnir's <br />AIILTI;ANLDEII.AAAIION <br />I h.afiy a,linn u c!,Enally orrhc rolk,*ine dNhnrionsl <br />Dcml ion Pcrmih-Asbcsros Norificarion Fcdcral Rc8ulnrion\ (Tirlt J0. Pd6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />t rrcrof florificarion <br />rctrk^nlirc ror.ptlicnbk n) this pn)F(r <br />rhtr! nlnnnrrioi n.orc.i I r8ret,..n{)ly$irh lL( ir!nnd (,{ r"ry nl (,)utrry ro cn(cr qrotr rlr]rrchyxurhri2. rctrc{nhrivc\ ol rhis (:i <br />l( 7-- <br />tfu/tx <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/Vent/l nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing z//n 4 X'q^ <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lVlason rY <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />I <br />FINAL fl/ib//a /dd<Al <br />Certiticate of Occupancy / ' L/ / \\ 1 U <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG. <br />a3040tR <br />kndci\ cddrs{ <br />- <br />I <br />=