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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BU!I,DER DELCAR TION <br />I hcrby a,ltm unilcrynilly .f i'crjury rhd I m .xcnl,r rro'n rhc A,ntrdon l-iccisc ti* ,n lhc rbllo*in8 rcohn (Scc 7031 s <br />Busi|css rtrd Ptuf.ssn Codc) iy Cny or Count, which rcqutcs ! ncnnit ro consldct. rlrcr. inrfrovc. dcnnish or ml n any <br />In,cru(. pri{n lo n\ hsurrcc. also rcquncs $c,ppli.nnr r{, such lrmir h flc r si8md sr em lnat lEor shc h li.cord nuruul <br />h rhc povisiotr\.rrh Conrrrois Li..n\cd ljw (Chaltcr 9. ComnrcmirS wilh Sccrio Tofi).f Division I ofrhc aurrcqs and <br />Pmtcssions Codc)orrh,r h.orshc acxc rprrh.rtio'nlld rhct{sis lor lhcallcsedcxcmprion. AtryvnndionofSc.lion701t.5byiny <br />aFili.rnrt,apcnnirsuhjcclslhc.mlicanllorcivilp. rlrlninoi nxrc rhrn ll!c hu rcddoU!n(55lX)) <br />-1. <br />!\ owrcrolrh. lroFdy. (n nrt cnuhyos wirh wrsc\ a\ rhct slc compctrlxrion. will &' rhc rut aM rhc (nrlurc h ml <br />irrcnddl drollcrcd Lr qlc lS(7()tt.lluin.ssrtr ProL$ion\ c(ic Th. Co tDckr'! Lr.nsc Lnw d{'c\ orarpl,t,rnosn$of <br />rhc pm,f,ny *hohtrildsoriDpr.!c(,ddwhod(f,ssu.hw.rkhin\cllorhcrs.llorrhroushIisorhcro*ncmnlorNs. <br />ll(ivi,l. rhrr nkh impmvcftnrs m nor inrcndd .r ot rld nn srb ll hoNcrtr. rhc hurklill3 or i' i\\rLtsiihtr'I{! ) <br />ofconll)lction, rhc Osncr Buikld! sill hrvc rhc hurdcn ol Dnvirl rlurlrordr dxl or huild or iron,rc rhc pmpcny nnrhrJlur|rNcof <br />Ln\.wicrolrhcpmFny.rncr.hKiElycotrridi,r!n,\cdcoftndtr\!,.oinrudihcpmjc.r(sc.7ol-1.Buidr* <br />rnd tlnnshn Corlc\dl-rw(l,EsnoirptlyroM wncroipr)p.nyqho hnildsot inrprnrs ihcrcotr. <br />rnd who .otrrBcr\firsuchpmF(*irhtrco ncro.lsilmn{dDU^ur[r,rh.cin r..rtr { l-i&n{ tjw ) <br />I flcrrn,tr r or Socrn' <br />Dole: O*ner: <br />lV{ rr.KriRv c(lNtPEiisATroN <br />D.EI;LAIAIIOB <br />I hcrchy.flnrn utrdn lrhhyofl[iuryoN ofrhc rblbwine cclrrdions: <br />I halc ald qill.minruin. C.niatr c ol Clnr*nr b Sclrlnrurc fu workm .omFn\al ion- $ providcd lor hySc.rion.r?m ofthc <br />lihor Codc, lor tlr !.nnmakc .l rhc work rd shict rhc p.rmir n issucd <br />rhc \r.rk f.r shth rhn pc.mir i\ i\sufrl MyIorkc mnltl. \rriu in$fumc.ffiicr,, trlirynunhu uc: <br />t\ri.y Nunhcr_ <br />-l <br />ccnilylhd ir rh. Nrrormnc..rrhc work fttr which rhi\ ncrnril n tucd. I shall nor cnrploy.n, p.ron i. any nunncr <br />$ $ k, hc.6m suhjcd k, rhc sort.6 comn nsrtion lrqs.fCrlifonrir. md l!tuc rh{ ifl should bc.otu srhj.rr k, rlf, <br />work.r'.lnnFnsurirnrnviltlnsofSccrionlT{Dofrh.tihtrCdl.,lsturll.lonhsirh..nrllysirhrhorpft,li\iont. <br />WARNING: Faihm ro $.urc work.^ L\nnFnsnrion .ovctusc is unhwtul. rnd snrll suni.t r!' cmrloycr ki si'ninil tcnrltics rnd <br />lill,11"il,',LiHT,I::"{:li::}.ll <br />,."' c///tr <br />I ltrrthyrllnn,rDdcrpcnrlryol t{rjury(hal I Jnll undcr pmvhion olChitlrci 9(commncnrE wirh Sccrhn ?uD) oIDilhion I <br />,'l rh.lll\i,,.\\ rnl fiiilcr\i,trr\C.rLe. rD(l ur- ]\c ^ i'r tullturcc ctr..r <br />- <br />Ihcrcby!firnr undcr lcmhyoipcrjury rh th.rcka.oNflcrn,nkndirgr[cnctrttrrhcFrturrntr'rc.rrhcworkr.rwhi.hrhislf,nniri! <br />i(sucdls( l097.civ c ) <br />AITUCAILDEILAE{II!]N <br />I ffiyrmnnundcr lcna,ty ol orrh. rolbwins dml{ ioos: <br />Dcmolirio. P.n r\ \h.{or N.r i.!in'n FcdcBl Rcsulationr lTn[.10- t'!n6t <br />-Rcquircd <br />tJrl.r of Norifi .ili <br />lr.nilyrhrrrlr,id.rrlr.gtrhri,,n\rc!rklintrdr(rr,\(aD\nlr.Ninfflnrhlcr,rh\t)i.tcLr <br />Ilcdir\ lhrr Ih )li.rri(,ri,xl{ircrhrrih.xhivclnli,iinrri, i\.on..r I rsrN ro.omply sirh nllCirr,nr Counly <br />onliNtr..\ Md Srnrr l-aN\ dllriryt, bui nt(on{ <br />.lxrc rr rr,'d p'o|.'1y1,tr i'nnrril), <br />ADIlicn l or ]\lrnl Si[nxlur. <br />Prrn rN n.nn (trnrll: <br />yand Coudy lo cnrcr uF)n rhe <br />6, )" * <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Ener <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />l\,4aso n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL b 4Z-re J/,zC .A.Ge) <br />Certif icate o! Occupancy <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />Erection Pads <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Drywall <br />Handicap Beq. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Reoort <br />LcMcil Addr$ <br />I