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BUILDING. INSPECTOB RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BT'ILDER DELCARiTION <br />, hcrchy !finn undcr pcnllry ol pcrjuiy rhar I m.r.ntnr rmrn rh. Conrrados l-icens Iiw fu rh. n,lbsih8 rcdr)n (S..?0ll5 <br />Bu\i'rcs trdl Prottsion C,xl.): Any Cny or Coutrty Bhich rcquircs a llcrnir b .on{rucr, allcr, nnpruvc, dcmolish or rcpM ,ny <br />{ru.rurc. plntrk, ir\ ku.ncc. alw rcquncs rhc afpliclnr Lr such pclmn ro nbrsi!rcd (dcnf, th tE.r shc i\ liccnsod Pusuani <br />lo lhc nrovnions o, thc Conrrac(tr s Li.cnsd uw (ch,pr$ 9. Coln.rncins si(h ft.rion 7fix).r Divisi.n 3 ollhc Blsinc* and <br />Pn,r.rsi('ns Code) dr rhr h. or lh. t cr.mnl lh.rctomalld lh. t{sis ntr rhc dkr.d ct mptiotr. Anyriol.lion ofSccrion 70115 by,ny <br />lpllic r tor. lcirnir subjccrsrhc oppli$n! r.,.ivilpcnalryotn.r morc rhan tuc hundrcddollars lS5@) <br />-1. <br />rs osncr orrhr tr.lfny. or mycmplorrs wilh w,scs 3s lhcir slc con{i..sanon. wrll do tlE work d]d thc dod!ft L n.r <br />iNcelcd or ofictod li, $lc (Ss 70a,4- B!\inc$ lnd Profc$ions C{xle Ttr conrrucloas Liccnsc Llw does nor lPlly r. M owncr of <br />rhcpmrcny *ho huilds or in{reB rh6n,,rxl who &rs ruch woll hinsclf.r hcrrllor lhnugh his.r hcr own cmtloyccs. <br />ptuvidrd rhrr :u.h inDn)Enrnrs m ml i,rrcMcd or ofcrcd ntr uh lt hosrcr, rtr h ilding or invmk'ftnr h $ld wirhin.m )trr <br />ofco,rrldi,n. rh. owrcr Builds will h!rc rnc no.dctr of rrarirs rh,l hc or shc dit nor blild ot itr{Jhvu tu pftFiy fot rhc l]uqre of <br />l. r!ovnd oirhc protcny. nmcrclusivelycoikrcring eirh lic.n\cd .o nt 0.bF b.otr\|ru.1lhc pr+cr lS.. ?o4-4, Bnrnc$ <br />ud Ptrncssioo Codc ThcC.ntad.r'\ Li.cnrc Las docs i.r rppl!ro ino*ncr oiprrFny*ho hrild\or nnPflrvcs ihcrcon. <br />rtrd who .onr*r\ f(r su.h pr'lccl s wilh ! Conlacror I n liccn\cd pu.sla n,rhcClonrn rtr's Liccnsc l-!w) <br />I rncrrm0 o'!&r s(.otr-.11 & l'C litrrhiicrnn <br />(rencr: <br />!uraKi&!19-uElis IIQN <br />DtsclAAAIlON <br />I hcrchy!llirnrundcr nctrrlryorrrcrioryontof rhc lalha rE dc.larnrtun! <br />-l <br />h0!c md will roinrain a Cenificdc orcon*nr ro srlf.Ir\urc rr $orkcc con{EN{ ion- rs proviitcd t byS.crio..1700ofrhc <br />titx1r Carlc. for rhc pnloirurcc olrhc *o for whth fic pcrm ii nsu.d. <br />-l luE rndwillnEinrii n ni{rnN.. N tulun.d hy Sc.lidr.r7(xrolrlt l. hor (i c.lhi rhc FrlnnnrD.c.l <br />.rrirxrl T)li.l nr n{r nrc*_,,tr:r,lur." <br />*a' "1 n, rtu con ol c.nrNnsnriqr. ni mgcs !r piovid.d for lh. <br />I hceby atlim undd r.nahy ol t'.rjury lhnt I am [ensd undcr Imvhion 9 (conmrcncing wirh S(lion 7fix]) ofDivhbn l <br />of lhc Busircssnnd tmfcssn,nsCod., dnd ny ltcnk is h tulltbnc orxl cflccr <br />cqvE c <br />)) <br />I I'crchtnfinnu dcr tctr t <br />nsucJ rscc 1097 Civ C: i <br />I pcrltryrhrr rhcrc i\ a.{,n(ru.ri(r lr <br />A.ITLICANTDIII,II3A.IIAB <br />I hdrt,nnmlndd p.ndhy orp.rFr, otre otrhc t('llowins d"d- nr! <br />Dcnnnition Ptrmits Asbcsos Notifi.ari.n [cdcral Rc3lkrn,nr Onb40. Prn6) <br />_Rcqxncd tlrtc. of NotifE.tion <br />'ryrhdlhclidcrrlrcruhln,n\(g Jin!J\hdo\.1 $nlrrc tror dt'tlicxh[ ri] rhi\ nn,arr <br />*lccniiyth l hrvc rcud rhis,ptli.rrion,rn ar. rhlt thc otrrc i.fornulion is.oft.r l aSc ro.omdy wilh oll Cnr {nd ( <br />ordinunccs md Srarc tiwi rclaringt, buiHin8.onstruclion. ad hcrchy rurhorizc rctrcsnhlncs oithh Cily and <br />,bvc nf,di(trrd pft,Nny in <br />,\r,pli$nl or ,\*cnl Sign lum <br />Pcnnil$ ntrnr lp.inl ): <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq LlzG IrB .A.4.ttD lblA to P( ttt< . G*.+c S al fu*, <br />Shear Wall <br />Framino <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Beq <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL -/ln lty ,{,(l( 7 r tq) <br />Certif icate of Occupancy tl <br />Noles, Remarks, Etc. <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />l.cnilrrh,r in rhcrcrlo nccoflhe wort I'or whichrht p(flnil is i\\u.d.l drll not cmtloyonyPc6on in riylndncr <br />n, rsroh.roNsuh]c.thrhc"1 cn.on1p.n! i,,tr lrws or cnliromii. nrr!8rc hll ifI \hould hcd,m subjNt l.ItE <br />sorkcrJ omrcnslrion prorhions oI sc.r i(,n :1700 of rhc tjh.r aic, I shdl. fonhwirh comply e irh rho* pn tirions <br />IVARNINC, Failorc h *cur. trorkcr' compcnrdion corrrrgc is unlawiul. rnd drall rn cnrrloler ro rinriml lrBlri.c and <br />tr'nJur ' AJ,lrc$ <br />- <br />I