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SOUTH COAST TERRACE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION <br />ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE MODIFICATION FORM <br />(P lease Print Clearly and Submit O riginal and 2 Copies) <br />Homeowner 's Name <br />)u. i lO <br />Address of Property - Lot Number and Tracl Number <br />Home Pho 1t q5 81- Pt.q Work Phon <br />Forecast Start Dato (aftcr aP Forccast Completion <br />Homeownel's D <br />U <br />XlAir condltioner <br />Tree9 <br />fscreen Doors <br />Extension <br />_Garaga Doors <br />_ZWIndows <br />_Awnings <br />Gaz6bo <br />Other <br />PLEASE FILL IN DETA'LS BELOW IF Nor ON <br />L''Type of mat6risls to be us L <br />'Type of wood sutfa <br />'Color Schem <br />'City Building Permlts atlached? yES @ 'lmpacted Neighbor Stalement Attached'l YES NO <br />NO 'Thr3e Coples Attachsd? YES /VO'Aro all axisting improvements shown on etans? $)) <br />Nolg Plans that are appmved ale nol to bo coosidsred authorizalion to change lhe drainagg plan as installed by the developer and <br />Epproved by lhe Clty. The roview ls intanded lo conslder aeslhetic appearance of lhe drains, pipes and coring and other applicabte <br />aspects oI dralnage. <br />Own6r may also need to acquire apploval ,rom he City for permlssion lo encro8ch withln City easemenl. Furthsmore, ownor ls <br />responsiblo to comply with all buildino cod$ 8nd laws for proposed modlflcadons. <br />t--b6 EEL6W <br />Ttc abow rcqulrt for modifcatioo has bca; <br />O APPROVED as submittcd <br />O erpROWO *ith thc following changcs and/or co <br />O DENru - rcasonls; <br />O DENIED - Iooomplctc submission, flccd to rc-submit with <br />Architcctural Commi <br />Sigr.Nrc SiSnrturr Si8n.turc <br />USE <br />Datcd: <br />NO WORK SHALL COMMENCE BEFORE OBTAINING ARCHITECTURAL COMMTTTEE SIGNATURES, <br />_Fence(s) _Landscaplng_Patlo Covor _Ooors