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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS OWAIER BTIILOER DA1I'ANNTloN <br />I lld*t .rm un&r Fn lty .r pqu, rhn I e .tdF nDi rh. tudrBrdn Lk@ l^' for 't followis ro$n (s< rC:1.5 <br />t ni.d! rn PtofBior C.d.l Any Cny or c oudv shth r.quir6 . Fhn to connru.t. !hd. imFov.. &mlirh ot Etrit &i <br />nrudu4 Frn ro il' isum.., rle ..q!ir6 lh. +dird for such p6ni lo fi|. r risn.d surond thi! lE or sh. i! lkdr.d ptrLla,i <br />ro rh. F)vilioN of lh. ( onrkr.a3 lrs (( hslnd g, Cof,m.ncinr rilh Salio. 7000 ol Divilon I ofrht Brina Md <br />ProfBion! Cod.) or thn lE.r ih. n .rdpl lh-cfrom ud rh. bci5 lor llE lll.rdl dntFion Ant rirldio. ofs.(nn'7011 5hymy <br />irpli.rn! aor . Fmh suhrdtt lh. .mlicol lo r civil p. tlofmtn.lhd6\.hundr.dthlb3(lrm) <br />l. 6 otrc otrh. F.rinJ. n ne aril,lo!€ Nnh *+6s th.n $b coDF.Mion. \ill d,ll!.;dr rd rlE tum ! d <br />iddildl or.Ild.d ac sklSG 7o{Ll. Buri6 ud Pr.asioN Co& ln (i'ddoa3 Lkru l,$.haml srlyrod0*6or <br />rht ,r.Ftt st6 t!il&or imtrnr-rlE66, d'd $h. d6sd$n fiim!.lf or h*lr or rhhush hlr or nc om dpht.6. <br />prov idcd rhrr N.h iqrovo6rr @ n.r intd{.d or olId.d ltr sk ll h.sd6. ltE hrildin8 or i,q' ovffit is $ld $ irhin oir }ar <br />of conpLr irtr rtE (n\ 16 Bribd uill h.w rlr htrddi nr lrotr.s trE lE or .lE dil nor brild o. imro\r fi. FlFry lor llt tlrtrk of <br />,. so$Gorrh.ForErr, mdclund,v6nr.!m* n h liG&d .odr.rd to 6dtud rlE Imrd tS€. 7O{. 8r!l'6 <br />rd Prok{r Cod.: Th.( o rstoi3Lrd.lre &Eer.rplrro so$raorFoparyut hildr or inp6\6 rhqon. <br />.rd $ho otnfrs lor s(h F.trj<l] ent r Co'nrrdo(,lic6E d pdud roih. C6ffi6i! l-i..M hs) <br />I {nc\cr.Dt unds s(non <br />D.r. Ornd <br />\roR(FRS (',OntiEr\SA lliiN <br />DISABAIIIII <br />I h6.t\ nmrn u.dd Fnd\ of Flu^ orc.frlE flniN <br />'n3 ddldariod! <br />I hav. Md will i ('olific.l. of Cor6r ro'lnsuE lor { orkd' .onFs.iion. s Fovid.d tor by s<riin 17([ ol rh. <br />tibor ( .J., for lh. pafomucc o f lhc worl for which ln. p6mit n Bud <br />Il\.rndNllm.mra $orlds rom,t6.t(,n 'intrin(c, ar r(|rtr(l b\ \tri.n rlr[).tIh.l if\r ( od.,lor rh( r€li'rnin(c oi <br />'h.\.{lirOhnh'h(Ixm'tr' r'.n nrnn.(in6ir*lnlf,\ndmtoiu. <br />""" //*rr*n flLA <br />r.,..(...,,,,". aa|Qot-"n{ ,** l(-t-(1 <br />l.ori! rh.l in lh. Flormec of lh. \o* tor {hich rhis Fon i! iru.{. I intll mr mploy.n} Fer in o} neF <br />s Bn, tEem aUFr ro th. ro*G odFdir. l,u! oa( .lifomii dld +r lhr if I rhould h<or $t*tr ro rlE <br />N{rl6' sn{rorbn lfnrLnlB of Sdirn 17m of rh. I .bor C.d.. I Jdl. li'nh$ nh onp! $nh lho. Fo\iliod <br />\!llRi\lN(: l'3'lur. t) str'r \orkor .o flcnqrhn.(unld\ful. Md ttlll rutUcr loJ( ro ommd Fuh6 rnd <br />d\il in.s up ro on. hu.drcd rhou$nd dollrt (tl(,lmra6 !s n'\ri.r! |,tr rh. <br />Oa'r(, <br />SNr .n r|rn ol rhc I xlrn ( o,lc u .r.s MJ tr <br />41d17 r I <br />I t( t\st:D (lr\ llt\( t(]R <br />Dt( l-\R.\t(r\ <br />I hc$, lrtrm unds Fdy ot Fiur) rhn I M l' undd F.!iti1. o, (-hq{6 9 (co@rs n nh S.dio. 70(x)) of l)nni.n l <br />or rn Buind Dd PrcfaioB ( od.. rd my |(4* n in tull loR. ,n dldr <br />,*-*,,^Cb C19 <br />,,,,, -71o-/7 56 <br />(.ONSINO(-TION LEIiDINC A(;ENCI <br />I hdb imrh u.d6 Fnallr.l'Fjurylhsl lh6. n r conrrudion lad [.sdcy tor rlE p6aonru(. of lhc Nort hr shi.h lhn Ff,il 6 <br />issu.d {s.. 1097.Civ ( ) <br />AIIITCAXLDESJAAIIII! <br />I hdit lfrn uid6 F.lltt nf pdjury oE of lhc folkrf, in8 dc.ldlt ion3 <br />D.molirion PdmneAsh6to, Norific.riln F.ild.l R.g!b'iotu (Tillc t0. P.n6) <br />_ Rdtur.dk6olt*niakdnn <br />I (<nrtr rhd rlE r.d6rlrc$uls!64 rcsirlin <br />(ompl! s hall( irJ *nd ( d'nh <br />hh ( iry ud Counry t' dr6 uli,nlh. <br />7-{6-0 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER t lzlr.r tBtd to> <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL eltltq Btd rot <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Du'rHiJ <br />Pole Bases