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SITE-WORK tD/stG.EOMM!NTS <br />. <br />OWNER AUTI,DER DELCARA oN <br />I hcrchy oififln und.r pcnslt! ol lcrJu.y that I !m cxc0pl lioar rhc Conllacrur t,icenE L:* ror rhc rolk,winS rcrsn (S$ 7031.5 <br />Busincss a Pmfesion Codc): Any Ciry or Cou y which rcqlircs a pcrdir ro consflct. ,lb. inProvc. dcmolish or Epan lny <br />dn.rurc. pri{, ro nr is!trrc, nko requt t rhc amlicxn' fn iu.h Fmir Io fiLa si8rcd stdenttrr thol h.o, sh. is*d pu^udr <br />r,, rhc nrovnions of lhc Conrrrcroi( Liccnrd Lsw {Chrprcr 9- Comftncin! wirh s.c(io. 7tx$ ol Divhion 3 oflhc Busincss lnd <br />Prorc$ionsC.dc) orrhd lr.rshc kcxcmpr rhcbasis for rhc rllcgcd cxcnrl'lion Anyviol ionofseriJnT0ll.5byhny <br />0mlicrnrioripcrmnslbjcIsrncapplicantloacivil,,cnoltyofmrnnrethanfilehtrndrcddoll-s1S5{D). <br />A]ds owm, or$c pbFdr. or my.mployccs with wJB.3 N rhcir q,h co qEnslbn. will.h rlE woll ad lt ntrm. to <br />n crdcd oro,lcr.d for lnc (So.?044. Busincss and PmLssions Codc\cl-,wdocsnorafdyto0nowrcrof <br />rh. pmrcd, wh)t ilds o' itr{rft*B rtrMn. drld qlxr dds skh r.* hnnscll.r h.$cltor rhrough hi\ or hcr oen cmpk,yNs. <br />nmvidcd thol such nn rovcmnrs m nol inlcnlcd or o,icEl lor sb lf. howcwr, rhc hoilding ot lnDmvcmm is sold wirh onc <br />'eeorcorpLrion. rt* O*mr Buildd wil hah dE t [d.n of pDvinS rhd h or shl dn mt borld or iqmr Ur Implny L, Lhc ,urFe of <br />l. r\owncrolrhc |x,Jrny. aDcxclusiv.lyconlrrriD! rvilh I iccnsctl co nt kt,s t, cornfl.l rlr foiccl(s( 7(I{4. Du{ncs\ <br />rrxl l\I,r6\i)trCodc th.Conracntr\l-iccnsct-trwdo.\.'rnplyr'anowDcrorr)pcayq'honuiftorimpn,lcs'hcrcon. <br />aid who .otrtrad{n)rsu.h pil.cls wirh n Contict)(\) li.cnscdluruinr rolheC nrracrr's l-icci{ LJw). <br />I.trncxrnror uidcr Sclrn,n . a;"- C -2 Zzg**% -zll)lf,E&tloufENlalro! <br />D]ICL I]AUAN <br />I hcEh, ai,irnr uf (lcr F-nalry orpcrjury onc nf ihc followin! d..lrhrniis: <br />-l <br />hlvc !d BillEinnin ! C.nificrrc orcon\c.i rosclr ln\rrc ror work!tr competrsarion,as pmvilcd lor bysccr n]T0oorlhc <br />t hor Codc. Ior thc l)erforrorcc oI rhc *ort lbr which lhc pclnir is h\o.d <br />I hrvc ond will mainilin porkcrs comp.nsation insu.rncc. as rcquired by Sccrioo.UoO ofih. tibot thc Frlornuncc of <br />lhc wor* lorwhi.hlhh pcrmil is issucd My workc onrpcnsriotr i.suranc.cadcr rid poli.y.umbctd.: <br />A/*rrr rn r ru rn *un *..c ol rh. work for which this lEirn( is rssucd. I shau nor cnnb, m, I}.r$n rn ,ny <br />h a\ lo lEcom sublrl lo lhc *o*cs cotr{rnsrlion lawsofcalifoni!. and asi.t rhr ifl should ntom sul,jd ro rhc <br />workcs ompctrsdlion provhions ofSalion 3?00 orrhc ljh.r GiqI shall, r.nhwirh$mply wilh thoE Ptovnions <br />WARNINC: Frilurc k' surc w.rkcs .on!*herion ovcDgc ie unlawtul. {nd snoll suhicr !n cmrL}$ ro rimn,l tf,mlri.s.nd <br />.ivil lincs rp t, otrc hrhdrcd rhouund dollds lSl(D.(x)()). iMddir to lhc (o( oi con,|{D\rti,n,. drnug.s ns <br />Sccrn,n.10T6 otrhc trtrtr Cold, Md .iky s fcrr.>> <br />DICI.ABAII9N <br />I hcrbyllitm ul(lo penalrrolncrjury rh*dLndcrptuvisionolChnpls9(€onnncncinawilhSc.rion?mo)orDivkionJ <br />of <br />'hc <br />ausims and Pmfcsions Codc. ard my ltcns h in tull forcc arrr cfr€cr. <br />CONIIBI]CIIONIENDINCIGINSI <br />I he$by aminuidcr Fnahy or p.rjury lhdl thcic ir r.uiructi.n kMitrB 0scncy forlfic pcrlortutuc of(h. work lor rhich lhh !.anit is <br />issuen (Sec.3$7, Civ C.) <br />ATILIgANfIIEI;IJAAIIAN <br />I lEEby dfiirD undcr pcnlll y ol'pcrjur, orc oilhc lbllowirE dcclurriuN: <br />thnnnirion Pcirnils.Ashcsros Norilic0liotr ltderal RcBullrion\ (-lirle 40. Pan6) <br />-Rcquncd <br />brrcr or Notifi carion <br />_l ..diry rhd rhc rcdcrd Egtrlario,s e8,rdin8 asb.slos !cn$!!l uc nol amlicahlc lo rhh pn <br />d&aty hlt t nn\c rcad $n applicariotr and norc rhar rhe ah,vc informarnrn i\ coft.r.l.!r$ b.onplyvirh rll Ciryand Colnr, <br />odiMtrc.s.nd Sturc L3ws rldins ro tuildins consrtucrion. ud hcrchy aurlnriz. rcrc*.rarivcs ofrht Ciyand Counr, lo cnrcr upon dc <br />fi,vc mdn,ncd ln,|f,ny to, iNp..rionpu /8,\|rlrliuul nr ,\,turl Sigrtrl urtX 2 <br />c/t t1 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorivenVlnsulation <br />Rool Sheathino <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/E nerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />It/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />D eputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL z/u/D -"Mut ) <br />Certificate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE <br />"^,,, 'G'22 <br />txndn s Addrn: <br />- <br />Z <z-Z: <br />[------r------ <br />tt