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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OIA'llER AUILDER DEI]CARAIION <br />I ffiy rfinD !fttd Frl! ol Flury rhr , m .rmF nln fi. C6 r.16 Ljc.M try Lr llE aollo*h8 lr. (56.7011.5 <br />tldi.* &d Protca3ion Corl) A!, Cny or Couny *hth r.quiB ! Fln ro @'inru( s. iiFov.. <rr@[rh or r!r.n Ey <br />nM@Fsrot islle. .L r.+iB <br />'lE @ltdn aor s*r! pann lo 6L. !ie!.d fidM, rhd lEo.JEirltdE d FEar <br />b llE FornioB of dE Conrddi Litnrd bw ((-bp(6 9, Comftirs *ath Sanbo 70oO of DiGion I of r,E a.!i6 ad <br />Proftsi.G Co<h) d rhd lr d ilE ir 6@pr lh46on ed rh. b.ii for tlE .lle.d aorqion Ary iohion of Scli.n 70ll 5 by uy <br />lr?licd lor . Fnh 3ubjd3 rh. .!?lkd <br />'o <br />. cilil Frhy ol mr mr. th& Iiv. tuD&.d {blllIt (1500) <br />_1. 6 0*6 of rhc FDFiy. or d) anpl6t6 *nh u'.s6 B rlEs $L @nFadiotr uiu dr rlt sd in rE idc ii m <br />ido*Ld or olIa.n for sk (Sc.rO4.4, A6i6 eA PmfdioB CdL: It. Conrrdd t LkoB bw dod m' !r?ly lo u o{E of <br />rh.FnFry vho hril! or inFb€ Eotr d vlb d(6 uh *!ri hidslf or ha*llor rlrough hn 6r h.r o*n dplorG, <br />,rovid.d lhll Nch inFoEEn! e rct i'{qi.d or olH for sL ,f. hsds, llE hrildil8 or inFo\ffi| b eU within M. }6 <br />oacon klion. thc Ow Buil& will h!v. llE hrrl6 of proving lhi tE or d'. did ml boild ot lqmw th. I,oFry lbr th. Flpos of <br />_1, aotr6olthc F.pqry. oq.lcivcly.o ra.tins $irh licda.d .omr!cr66 ro.odrucr rE Fol<r (sc 7o{4, B6in6 <br />!,n fiotdr Co&: Th. Conr.dor! Licd!.l,w do6 mr q,Plyro m own6 ofFopgry wfio buildr oi inprora lhr6n. <br />..d vho @ dr3 fs sdt F!jd! wirh ! Codr.cio(3) lad!.d p{rsn rc th. Conr.crM ! Ltce lrw) <br />-l <br />e .rdF ulidc Serin-, lt & P C 6r rhir l6on. <br />D.t. OrE: <br />\aatr.La):l'Lt!!E]!-u&:ut(taBrtl( <br />, h-4, .mm undd p-Eny of Frury oE ofrlE folhtr i.8 d.rlr{ioN <br />_l !i will nilnri, r Carift'r. oaco6ar lo'lBm fu @tca ompadior . Fvdal for b, Sdi.n !700 of th. <br />lrtor Codc fo. lhc Ffollrl.@ of lh. erl for whGh lh. Fnil i iu.d. <br />I hrvc lnd *'ill m nrdr wo*.rr .omFnsthn a rlqunal b, Sd ion l7O0 of rh. I lhtr ('od., for llr pqfolruc. ol <br />th. *ort tor which tht Fnil ir is.d. My vorkdr .omp.N.lion iBu.e. cdis dd policy nunb6 rc:, 5Ca€' q}3c{/'')c.t1tblt7 <br />_l (dit thd in tb. Ffot1t4. of rh. worl for whah rha Fni i. i$u.( | drdl nor nphy et F$. in Dy nME <br />s a !o bcom $brd to rlE Nrrd mhFsdion l$! of Cdif.mir &d rer tlu ill dbuld heor otixl lo llt <br />wrta' onFEdior pmlirbN of Salion :t700 of rh. l,hr ('ode I id! ftrlhwilh mnply silh lho- pNvn{B <br />ITARNING ro Ge *qtd @,Salrion ovsls. ir uh$tu1 al3h,ll $br<t ophF ro oimi..l Fdi. &d(nil n.6 up ro oc huid..d rh66!d dolL6 (t100,0001. <br />'n <br />lddiFn ro rh. .d of omFln <br />Sdiln t076 ofrlE trb.r Codc iddg dd.lrcrEy'. 16 <br />TECUAAIIAB <br />I h@by ilrm unds F ilry o f pojury rh.r I o licq*l utrdd Foriion of crE rd 9 (co@.irg vnh sniion 7l)0o) or Divilion l <br />of rhc Bains Md PrcisioB Codc, !d my lic.m ir in tuU torc ai.ftal. <br />?,c, <br />,.**,- / <br />collralcrotrl,ElltlclcElrl <br />I nalq !lI@ uqr6 FIlty of Frury th! rlE b.o,E*tbi ladse.ecy 6rih.Ffdrffi. of <br />'lE <br />rvt tor *'ti[ liir FDa i <br />eiu.d{sc 1097.cir.c ). <br />atruc6ll.tDclJaAuo! <br />I hd*ry .nm undd Frhy of parury oE of rh. lolb*in8 &.hr.r io.3 <br />D.m.lirh. P@n!-Arb6tor Noinq' io. Fdall Rcsul.tion!{'1r1.40. Pd6) <br />R.qutql l. d of Nonficarb. <br />-l <br />.sl ify lnd lh. fcddal r.sulll ioB r.8rditrs stslot rmv.l r€ not lprli@bl. lo lhi! pDj.(l <br />I cd,trhd I hw. rddrhi! rpplt{io. a{ v. iitornErio. 6 coftcl I rc.e ro Nmdy *nh lll ('hy od courry <br />ordimn.6 &d srarc La\s Eldine <br />'o <br />hoildin* collfud,o( ,rl hE hy i\6of rhis ciy.nd Co!, to at6 upontlE <br />.hor. Mron d FlFny for ilaF.lion ruF6 <br />^rrlt <br />.nt o, nr-, S;-,.-. /i",, - <rllLy' lq <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Frami ng <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />9-ryw-all <br />iexr7fit. t-atn )/n/rt 4,1tr/n+'/A,- <br />ts-rown Coat .{/0hr,I lr,at,rt rc, ,---- <br />Mason ty l, { <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif.ffi t,+71+.Qza*h 9t//4 €rr.,4dm /.rl <br />- <br />FINAL ///Azz &lrrtrh-afi-.' <br />Certificate of Occupancy ' ' [' 7 <br />Notes , Remarks, Etc <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />- aLlu tq <br />rtmrre nrmr (pano: X ]nt nt. (-i"rs <br />f T------