<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ran ge
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />frv\n7f*Rough Mech.Jao th tE1 ./
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release t /
<br />FINAL ar7/7-v t/-4paz,/4 b/
<br />Notes, Remarks, EIc
<br />owNat lult Dl.8 olt.c^l.^Trolt
<br />I bdifr, .Ifi'h ulda p6.!y of Fjur, tt r I d B.dd 6m 0E Cofln.lB U.EE La 6r rb 6&{n'e til. (k 7011,
<br />B6i6 &d Ptobih C.<l): A!, Cty 6 Cdn, *tth r.qtn6 . Fri ro @frrs. dr. i'Dp.oE .hbln' d l4.i E,
<br />rltudrc Fix to ir isl,& EquiEdErdid 6, s[ FEn b tu. ris,Ed fiad thlb6a.ik6..l Fad
<br />ro d!. Foviris of 0r. Cotir..rd . Li..iE d t e (Ch4tr e. Coolffi4 Bitt S<tio! 7000 or Divbio. , or $. &!iE .!d
<br />PEfrr.i,u Codc) q thi h. q !E ir as!fl rl'-6oE -d t E Lir for d..lkg.d da$i,!. Ary vblrbr ofsdbr r03l., t! o,
<br />.?pli..d 6r.p6hir $bj<i.lh. ?plicer pdl,otb| @Gtbr frc h!r(H&Ur.(1500).
<br />-1.
<br />r (,$G ofllE FoFry. d dy olplo).q snh w.A€. Ei FL@[P@riti. * &, dE*dtdrbmlc b Dl
<br />i!nd& d otrald ft,r sL (Sd.7044. AudB od PEfdbE Cod.: IE Colr..dr! tj(64 Lt* &€ bl eply lo E ou@ ot
<br />rhc FoFry rtb hib d iqoc d6oa id *ho <h6 !.i $nt hirEtf q half d lhurh t! a lE om aFbrtd.
<br />Fovid.d rhll u.h n!r.!rdn dr E El inlad.d otu &r r.le If, how. tlr hiildiry r iq.!vq6t n -E *ith @ ,6olotli^ dE(,\rE A,iE w hEr[.hldaofFwit d.IEd 4.dn d hiBa iqoE d'. FlFtyt d.F,Dcof
<br />_1. aolEoirleFlFrr.oachliE .ofr-riBwih li.6!.d.@rar6ro@.*ucrrllFoin(s!C. 70,!1. &!iE
<br />Dd ElEir Cod.: TlE Co' t Lt@ L.* 116 El +pl, to r ow ofFDFry sto h,ildt d nuro6 lt6o0.
<br />.!.1 rlb odjl. tuirt Foj6n*ih. coesdl.) lio.d Fdtd ro$.conr.dd ' Li@ t4}
<br />_l oad9r 6& sdb , B. lt P.C forli6!a'r
<br />.ua8f,ra!:cqulEllAltg![lcL68auo!
<br />I h6.{,y .frm !nd6 Flny ofFjury orc oflh. folbwry rhcld.lioa:
<br />-l
<br />ll.v. rd will . Cdirr. of CoMn b Sdl-lMr. l 6ld @n .@rirn, a ,rovi.d ror t Sdb. l7m of llE
<br />L.btr Code n! 0E of lh. m* f.r f,fiin th. FDt it isrd.
<br />-l h.{ .!d *ill uid.i! *oltd @tipdt{bn i.!Jfu.. ! Eqrircd t Selbi 3700 of tt Cod.. er $. Ffo.uE ortl' rdt &. ltii dn Foi a i-t Mywto 6qdi6 irrc 6b d poli., nnt6 G
<br />c.,a. )z+,r',s/ tz'tz
<br />ot df ;z z
<br />-l
<br />csif, U'r i. th. F6lr!],a oftL worl t'. dt[ 6i Foi ir isc( I *rll Dt .qloy Ey F6 h &y i1.G
<br />- alo tcolE $qtl b rlE wdlcJ 6mpc!.ion Ls oacdit,mi, -d ryE dl. ill ttolld t*!@ adiri lolt
<br />s 6 @npaEdion F!vii(6 ofs.dbo 3700 oftlE t bor co<L. I t[. f.dnvih 6.dy *irt ltlor Flwiodt..
<br />cnil 6B up
<br />'o
<br />oE h'r,xi.n lll.Gad &lla (tl
<br />Sdrion 1076 offi. l,to Codc n!l6!n.rd.nqrEy
<br />of.orr.6eioa d.at6 a pbrldld b, dE
<br />I h@b, .,Im !nd6 Ftriry of Fjlry lhi lidr Folnioi of Cluprs 9 (smffiD8 virh S..rni 7000) of Dvsion I
<br />oy li6- a h t[ for !.1 .&ct-2
<br />84./'/ //
<br />I h.rt'y rfim uD& Frly of Fiuy thr dEr
<br />isu.d (sd. 1097. civ c.).
<br />oEisrbn L.diIs .sdy lor llE Fftu. of llt er for *tth rhi Fmi a
<br />_l .ciry $a llE f.<b.l rqllhio6 ,.srn
<br />'c
<br />6b.n6 raDv.l e ml ?problc ro $ir Foitl
<br />-l
<br />carify rh. I h& Ed thi .rdidan .d rr. $r dE .tov. inbmrih a cdr-r. I .ar- b onpt $ii .ll Cit ntd Cood,
<br />orLlnr.trk., trnl \r r l.n\\r., nr rl(hn[ $Nrurnn,.,nl hn.l.\ dtrlh.r]/c '.1rsorirrr. firln' ( {1 ndl,{nr\rolnnrUF rl'c
<br />rhoE D.dir.d FDFr, ld
<br />7-7-zV
<br />t
<br />Vents
<br />-r,o-,
<br />t'-?:l -/?
<br />on,? '- 7' /"/
<br />Attr,rcadr"0lgatalto!
<br />IHr.eD!rd6 !a*yolFiE, @ofrb 6lb*bt.t .LriE:
<br />Ddolirbo PcEnlAtaro. Noilficiion Hcd R.rdnir!, Gnb ,ll). Pn6)
<br />-r!qri!d
<br />r.al6of Ndir.dn