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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOB RECOBD <br />APPHOVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />TransIormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners I <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Ivleter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service [t/]eter 1 -L,/,/ltl t.l ll I <br />FINAL 7{//1t ',u I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCARATTON <br />I hcrch, afirn undc, Fnahy of ocrjury lh l m cxcmpt lmm lhc Co.t,rri,6 t-i.cns ljw for Itu following rcaen rS(.70:11.5 <br />Busincs and Profcssioo Code): Any Cny o. whrh r.nutcs a pcnnil ro onrrru.r- alld, imp.ovc, d.nmlhh or rPrt any <br />stucrxrc, I,i, to irr issumc. 0ho rcquias thc lpDlicuol lbr such lrrmn h fib a siBncd $arcrnol that lE or shc i\ liccnscd Puruanr <br />k, rhc p vhioDs of rhc Controdols Liccn\cd Lrw (Chaplcr 9- Coddehcing *ilh Sccrion 7UJ0 o, Divtion 3 olrhc Burinc\s ard <br />Profcr\ions Codc)or ih3r bcorsh. iscxcmpt rhcrcrtun and Lh.b.ris lnllhc ol lescd c xcmrr nnr Any vioLrionofsationTOll5 h, lny <br />lmlicanl nn i !.mn slbj.ra rhc applic,nr ro a civil ,cnalty of nor mrc Ih fivd hundd dollais ($l{ro). <br />L r{ oRtrcr ol llr fmlcny. or trr, cmplo}tcs wnh,rgcs a\ $lc.onFtr\0rion. will do rhc wori end rh. {mrut i, tr r <br />intc or ollcrcd a{tr eh I SL{.7(l'4. AusRs\ and ft.fcsions (lodc l'hc Contncxr's l,ic.nsc bw docs nor rPply ro rn o*Rr of <br />rh. pnFny wlF t{ilds nr inrlF$( rlENn. ,trd trho dms such nn* himQlf ot h.r\clf or lht ugh hh or hcr own d lrlo}tcs. <br />trovi'lcd lhar such imporlnrnk m dn inrMdcd or oficftd for srb lr. howcvcr. rM hikli',! nr nnpmvc tnr is $l.l wirhin unc )cr <br /> rhj Oqnc! Buildq*llhalc lhc hudcn ol provins rhli h..r\hcrlid,x, buildor im[orc thc pnDcny f rh.pu4rs(l <br />-1. <br />n\oencrolrhcnmp.nt,,mcxclusrvclr.onr(rinS wnh{d conlr trst,coi{fl.r rh( rn,l.ct (Scc. ?(!3. Bu\inr\\ <br />rM Pdlsirn codc: l hc Cotrlrad{tr s l.iccn\c I-aw do.\ nolrrply n) rn ownd ollr{cny $ho builds.r i'npmvcs rhcrcon. <br />rnd *ho c.nrtucr\for\uchp(,jc.rswfhrCronh.nrns)li.ctr{dt'ursurnrlorh.G)nrrrcrtrll-ic schw) <br />lrD, un,ljS.cri(r .ll &l'( lLtrrlri $n,r <br />I),r€ ()rnrr <br />rrcatr[&r.CalrtlNsArr0N <br />DECI.AAAIIAN <br />I hcrch, llltD ondcr ImlryorNauryonc ofrhc r'ollowins dcclff(lioos: <br />-lhavc&drillminrainaCenirrnrcofco.snrrosclal.surclor*orksi.\,mp.nstrn'n.,srr.vidcdforbySeclion.lT0oofrhcLftor Codc. for thc rcrfonMncc ofrhe korl ror {hich rhc nmir il isucn. <br />\rlrcnnNunrcc.!sr.qutd$yS(rionITIX)ofrh.tjbotCodc.Iorrhcprnon <br />rh. *ork lu lhichrhi\ <br />')(rm[ <br />is isucd Niy*orkcra corDcnlarion in\0 <br />4 k u) <br />o'10 L <br />-l <br />ccnilyrhut inrhc pcrforroncc ofrh. wo.k forwhich rhrFrnril n nsucn. I\hallnor c Dlo!atryFrson in rnydanncr <br />{, $ tu tr.o'ft ro Ihc wo*c6' convEnsar ion llws ol Crliloriir. ,trd o8m rnar il I lhould t co,t iubjed u rtu <br />wolkcs.onv.nsdnnrprcvGionso,Sccrion:1700otrhctrtrrC,il.,Ish{ll.,t)nhwilhconv'1,*irhrho*F)visions <br />WARNIN(i, Iil[r b \ccu'a {orkc^ (ntrcD\ rtni .olcrrtc 1\ tth$t. rn,l \hrll stric.l ar) c d.ycr n' ci'ninal P.irki\ rnd <br />r. onc hundred rhousatul dollars 1Sl(D.uD). in 4niioD n, rhc co{.r.omPctrstrio., damscs r\ Pdvid.d fin rhc <br />u[rhc Ltrh,?c.rtc, lcrcn in,l drla\v{ *, <br />DICL.IBII9I <br />I hcrcby alftrmutrdcr pcnolly of rcrjury rhar Lfr lien{d undd Eovision olCh{lcr 9(commncins wnh scdion lom) ol Divhtr:l <br />of rhc lrusincsand PmL$ions Codc. ud myliccnrc is in tull lor 3rd.flatr. <br />. .62* rz-g5ZLo1 <br />,,,, s[.4 f] g ..,,,*,." l,4,tt ldl h"^tc,t 7(wnn <br />s)Nuausu0NrlNDllc-&cEN(r <br />I h.rby rrfinn undft Fndryoip.rjury rhar lherc n r con{tocrhn hftiine aAcfly ior Ihc !.rformrcc orrhc $uk nr which rhh Pcrmi n <br />hsucd (Scc 1097. Civ C ) <br />AIIUCANTDEIIABAIION <br />I llrt, lmo Dnd.i lEnahy of pcrjury o.c ofthe lollowins dsldarn'ns: <br />Demlirion Pcrmirs A\h€do! Norirrarion Fcdcral RcSulorions (Tillc,l0. Pan6) <br />-Req!ncd <br />kucr of Ndifa.lion <br />I ceniry rhar rh€ t deml rcSularions rcsardins asbcsror rcmval arc nol ,,'rla,bh to thh Imj.rl. <br />-l <br />ccdiry th0t I h8c @dlhk appliclrt,n ud s . rhar lhc.boE inrorndion h corer. l{8xe roonllly*ilh 8lt Cityaod Counl, <br />SL duthorizc rcprcsnhrncs .t rhn Ciry,M c(Isi?L/L .1ra <br />-LL <br />Communications Cable <br />K\'l-l ,,(, <br />(\ <br />x /r'L- <br />Gndcir Addrs <br />-