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ctty ot )A1/7A /,/./ry- <br />tos Angeles Uniform eode program <br />Uniform Proeedure I-7: Special Inspeitions <br />Special Inspection Re port <br />.DISCREPANCY ,aCOmORVel <br />A1i discrepancie5 shall be brought to ths io8rBdiats at€nthn of lf woft conbrms lo appmved d6ign and cods rsthe ConEeclor for conecton. ll ccrectorE are not made ia a $is repod h Bu din 9 Deprtrent ind c <br />quirefiEnG, subni1 <br />tjmely rnanner,Sris report shdl be used 6 a discleparEy itect of reco rd a <br />opi es to Coobabr, Engingeri <br />Submil tlc orig ind to Building Deparfneot and copies b nd Orrner no ld€r than tie busines day follor,;i ng <br />Conbactor En of record and Ow <br />$e conclusion of Er e sprcia.l Ins pectOn,For inspectons grealer lhdasubmit a conform anc4 re orl d least once v/egli <br />This is a:*Pro ress Re rt Final rt Re No 1PIoJect,aidress:Pa e No. _1 9f _122 I E /7 q.P.olal: <br />7-th/@sztzaaQ <br />Phonr Numbe, <br />7L+345-8266 <br />fYpe ol Inrp€cuon; <br />r Reinforced Concrete o StrucbJral Masonrv <br />,r Presuessed/Post-tensloned o Bolts in Conoit"li.l"-nrvr shotcret{Guntte . sur.t rar-witato --"' , <br />i Insutatirg consete/Gyp.rete , n,gn itogii, -eofrng <br />Time nme <br />o Piling, Piea & Caissons r Smoke Control <br />o ExcayatJon and Fills r Energy Complianceo Spray-Applled Flre prpollng c Testing Reports <br />AOUne5 # ^)/q44y- <br />Date <br />7,,1,, <br />Arrlved D€p.rt€d/,".7 z'Dz <br />D€rcrrpt oD and Loc.flo't of Work fnspected <br />@ ,o+/ Z> ef7qr- aaz€ srzzDEAb./ 61/Z <br />@) gk /4 ///DkaP ?Bz ,,a7s7st74k2, <br />//,/ V/-/k F-/-z'f, 6 ".*a Q?Gz-tz-tQ 4?>c . <br />+#.>r/ r/.t// ,*=nt+ P1*-V nry*r <br />Remarksr /^ h+-b z/al*zza /d/ <br />2. W^{ft tz-' eE"2 424f,,?y'r1e-27 <br />I HEREEY OECI.ARE IHAT IHE FOLLOWTIG IS IRUE TO I}IE BESr OF rY KilOIVLEDGE <br />1' :Al'l' cR MY c0MP l{Y Is. RETAIHED.BY-THE owxER oR IHE ARcHmqilElrGrrEER oF REcoRD To pRovrDE spEcrA.LnTFqIo_!foR fiE wonr( corERED rn nrrs rtddi,-" <br />-i. i!1lYE-P-!!igRMED THE REqunED_rilsreCroiiuiine nrE nilE pER oo As sTATED ABoyE,3, THEwoRr(co\EReorxrrusneronr6n-CbliioR;iara1+io#-sl'pmor,ropr..Afls,spEcrFrcAnorusANDAppi_rcArcx <br />wonKrrl r{sxrp pRovrsroils oF rrE cooE excinns-iiiirriiiio'iiiGawrsE, <br />PE rm Nt ber:2C)+uYa,)nglneer of rd <br />Full Narne ol Sp€ata Losp€ction l <br />Fluan Van Bui <br />Cib/ Reg ist'aton N umbir: <br />w13049 e/9-Comp.ny; <br />VanBui Inspection <br />Siqnature <br />Huan Van Bul, oeputy Inspector <br />Da