<br />I hftt'y lrm undq pdolry of pdlury rh& I m .rdpl 6om rh. (onlrlc1oa l-ic.n!. Llv for ln. aollowi.g .ai,n (Se 7olt.5
<br />Brin6r ad P.olsion Codc) Any Cily or Coudy whth ..q!G i Fibir to @tr{o.r, rlls. ihFove &tulBh or i+., dy
<br />rlMue Ftrb nr itw. tlo G$ri6lh.4?ltel aor sh Fnn io frL. riSn d ndml lhrt otdrali.d..d Frrld
<br />to th. Fo\iriod of rlE Co.rel['! l,ratcd L.r ((LFd 9, CoMtrin* $ nh s.dion 70m of Division ! of tlE BunEs .!d
<br />Pr.f6nrn! Cod.) or rh.r lE or sh. it crcmF rhg.fiom ud rh. b6n for rh. .lkr.d ddBhn. Any vhlrnF. ofsdi.n 703 L by dy
<br />appli.lnr rlr a pdmn .ubj<t! lh. +plicel lo s civil F@lly of not mor. lhu liv. hun&cd dollri (t50o).
<br />-1.
<br />6 o*E of rh. Fpdrr. d my nl9lo)6 Bith $ 186 6 th.n $k con'pdiion, \nl & tlE *dt id dr r,ElE a br
<br />iddrll r offacd ftr el. (Sa.rorl. &!iE ed E!r<i'6 ( o<b IlE Co.rGloi, Liw ls &6 6i i,ply to e ow ol
<br />rh. pNFi) $'lb hil& or lrg016 rlEE( md qh. dE *t wrl hic.ltor h*lf dr rhmuah hit or lE of,n oploy6.
<br />providql rhai such ihl,ovqdr e ft, int6d.d o. of6.d for sL. l( howq. lhc build4 or iqr(ffi it $ld Pirhin oE Jd
<br />of ompLrioG rlE Oq nq B{il& trrll llw th. tudar of Fyag lhr lE d sh. dil mt hiB or iqrnv. dE trcFy tor E FrPosof
<br />-1.
<br />N o\ffi olth. FnFry, coturding *nh [ca!.n coddoE to coniru.l llt FoF (Sd. 7014. Btsind
<br />..d Piri!.ion ( od. ft.Conlr.cloir Liccns.l,.wdo6 not q,plylo eoundofptuFnywho buildsor inprovdlhd@n,
<br />ud who otrurclr lor3!ch Fojrtrt virh. Cofl6<1o(r) li.o!.d puBorit lolfi. (ont.dort l.a.qE ti{)
<br />I m.rmpl !,xt6 S.(ior-. B &P( forrhb@n
<br />Drr.: onrd:
<br />lll18rif8llc{lMt[tsaro!DICIJAAIq!
<br />I hd.rt,mm u.&r Frn, of FJqr^oEof E rolbsinS .k(Lrn DN
<br />-l
<br />harc {d will Dliollin a C.nifi.n. t, s.lf-lBur. for srl6r tun9.norion, 6 Fnvd.n fot by sdlion l70O o t rhc
<br />Labr (id€. lor lhc p6fomucc o i lh. worl for whi.h !h. pdnn i! isu.d.
<br />I hr\r Dd $ ill mlld' comF6rrior ilgu.. d ,.qur.d hy Sdio. l rm of rh. Lt'o, C.d., for !h. Ff.lMC of
<br />lh. trrt for shih llir Fmn n sEI My wdl6t onposiio.,Bule. cm ald [!l(y.@td e:
<br />Poli.y Nunb6:-!rpic
<br />-l
<br />cqr'ry rh6r in rh. p6lolrl1m. of rh. *orl for shrh rhir Fmil s i$u.d,l3h.ll nol dploy iny F$n i..r, mec
<br />$ s lo b<om. subjcr ro thc *qrq' comaEelion hs olcalitomia md agE lhd if I sholld beor sut ar ro rlE
<br />*orld omp.M io. FoviiioE ol Satio. l?00 oflh. l,bor ( od.. I ilulL fodh*nh onply with tlEF rFvili,N
<br />W RNINC F.ituE ro su. srld @oFdir, ..\a+. i u,LstuL .d ndl e dplord
<br />'o
<br />Eimin l podtE lxl
<br />.ill ,iB up ro oc hun<!.d rhoG.d .blis ltlm,om), in rljnhn lo th. o. of c6mFdio.. &h.s6 B poiLd lor rrE
<br />inrdd Md rrurE' t f€.
<br />I hd.h.rm uftld tF .hr of Fjur' lh.l I e liGsj uxL,d9(oMin*$ Sal ni 7O0O) of Dn arhn I
<br />of rhr llusinss nJ llol$sions (, c,mdmtl(.irrlnllrllli,r..$dc
<br />bl (,
<br />I ffiy .lTm urlr FrXy of Fjuty lni rbs. b . sluMi'. ladilB {try for lh. Ff(ru. .frlE Frl for *nrh thr pqn. a
<br />isu.d (se 1097, ( ir c)
<br />AflllcAxr.lEgaaaua!
<br />I hErq.Jtmundd pcnrhy ol!..juy onc of$. followins ddle on!:
<br />Dntul'! ion P@tu-Arbdrd Norifktthn F.ddd R.aulnioc ( I nb 40. Pdl6 )
<br />R.{l!n.d td6 olNdiftdi.n
<br />-
<br />I cql ify lnal rhc ,idd6l r+,rhrtuB rcgtrdinx NtElos rdnovul s. nokppli.abl. k' rhis pruJdr
<br />I cdrrylhd I h^.E d rhis 4piidbn rn s!l. rhi rlEdo\. Daornrion it(ffi l.grcloomplyrnh Cny..dCo6r!
<br />i4 ad}.urhoriE Eg6dt iv6 ot lhs Cit t &d (b!mt ro 6rq uB)n EordiBN6 rnd S'dc l.B EktrE ro h'ldine.odrud
<br />abo\. nmron d pmD.n! lor c!..1,qI p-F"d
<br />Appu.. or^s6rshn.,u. f- L
<br />p.mkn'r.rp.rtro: 1|}. f4 fu+ -\44
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation rl
<br />Roof Sheathing t4ttlrB
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif.
<br />FINAL elulb, 1 \-mnnq t6)
<br />Certificate of Occupancy I I U
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />l,o1.I q Licmr
<br />."",..",".(.