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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hdcby oiltrn undd pdalry of tdjury rhar I an .ropr lion rhc Cod4do6 Li.G. b$ lor rh. followif,! r@n (Se 70:t I 5 <br />Bsin6s and Proaesion Cod.) An, Cily or County snich r.qun6 a f6nn to coNrruct. ahr, inpro!.. dcmolish or !@at my <br />srtuct@. prior ro ns iisuanc€. al$ Equt6 th. applter tor such p.mir ro fik a sisn.d slar..Mr thrl hc or slt. 6 li.os.d pulsur <br />to th. Fovisions of th. Contr*tor's Lic.nsd lnw ((n.F6 9. comn..cing wnh Sfrtion ?0o0 of Division I oalh. BusinN d <br />Prorcsnrns Codc) or rhar h. or sh. is umpr lhFcnom bd lh. bcsis for rhc allcs.d .rdnflion. Any vioklion ofS.clion 70li.t by loy <br /> a.r r p.flnn subjds rh. rprlicmr lo a civil pcnalry ol ml dor. rhe fi\ . hu.drcd doll6 ($500) <br />l. 6 oqnd oflh. pl!p.ny, or my .mployc wilh wa86 a lh.t eL co,nFnslion. qill do th. \rort 8nd th. nrclu. 6 no! <br />mrdd.d or o,Iq.d for sl€ (Sc.70{4. Busitrs ud Prof6ioro ( odci -l hc Conrraclois Licm. liw doB not apply lo an o*ns of <br />th.pmpdy *ho hiil& or inFo\6 fi.on. dd *ho d(E luch srn hms.lfor h6df orrhhu8h hi or hd orn.mplov6. <br />provid.d rh.r nr.h inpllrmd* m nor inra$al or ollial for ek lt, h)*ad, th. buiBi.! or nymr .ffi is $ld wirhin on. ,@ <br />oaco,npl<liorl rh. oune Blilda will h,vc rhc bdtkn ol I'oriru rhd h. or shc drd mr tliu or imp6v. rh. Fspdry for $. OrFs ol <br />l. aosrd oarh. prop6rr.,crins wirh licoFn.ofuadotsro coBrflcr rh. Irsjd (Sd ?044. Bsin* <br />ard ftot sion Cod.:1h. Conlr.clois Lic.ns. Law doB not applyro M oNns olprorcny qho builds o. improv6lhshn.and trho conrdcl3 ftr !!.h*nh. Contrado(s) licoscd r,6u. $lh. (nnta(roas Li.d. trs) <br />! en.\.mfl undd sdion ,B &PC forihBr.a$n <br />rqaaEaEcaltrEdsara! <br />DES.AAAIIOT <br />I rrm u.dd p6ln, ofFjury on. oath. follovi.g &.lrilioN: <br />I h{v. ed will nri.rain . Colificd. oacongr to for {0116 oml,6!rio,L a Folid.d for ty Selion 1700 oflnc <br />Lrbor Cod.. lor th. paforoc. of thc wort for which rh. pdmil b bsucd. <br />I ha\. artl \ill marna,n rnrlds c.rnp6ar.nn'roumn\.rcquied ht S(lion l7fii ofrh. tibor Cod€. for th€ pffonnanc. ol <br />the $ od lor which rhi. is n$.d My vort6 iBuram. canid md poli.y nunrh.r de <br />I celii lhal inlhcp.rformanc€oflhcworl for \Ihis p6 rit h issu.d- I shall nol .mploy any pd,n in anymdnt <br />$ ar ro lrconc slbjdl to rhe *o*6d ompdelion lr$ s oacali,nm,a. dd asre rhar if I shJuld t ..,n. subjd Io lh. <br />* orkad onpo$arion prorisioN oascd ion l T00 or th. l-abor Code l shal!, fonh*irh .onply *irh rhoe pmvisio.s <br />$ RNINC ljoilffc 1o s.u.e uork6' comp€nsa'ion .o\sa!.tu|. md shall subjal o nployq lo aiarinal Fuhi6 and <br />civil fin6 up to onc hundrcd lhous dollds ($100.0001. in ion ro lhc cosr oiconrp.Naho!. &'naE.s a prod.d for rhc <br />Sshotr 1076 of(h.l.atrr ande inr66iand <br />./r./tt.L a n,7 <br />l rl.( I \k \ I l(r\ <br />I hftby rtlirm undd pdahy of Fju.y rhar I an licdsj und6 rrovisioo ofcnaprd 9 ( slh sftrio.7000) ofDirisio.l <br />or lhc A6in6s d Prq[6siod Codc. od my licos b h tull forcc ed c,Id . <br />r,/z g <br />corsrau(IloNrElDllli_&cEllr <br />I n@by lfnnn undd por.hy of Fjury rhrl rhdc is. coErrucrion ladins arm.y for rhc p6romd.c otth. $ork lnr \rni.h rhi pdn n <br />$su€d (SE.1097. Civ. C.) <br />AITLICANLDECI.ABAIII)! <br />lMy.fiimund( paahy olperjury on. of lhc follo\eitrA d(I'arions: <br />D.nnnionPd rns-Ash.srosN.rincalionF.d6al R.sul.rions(Tillc,l0, Pan6) <br />R€quncd t.etr6 olN.tin.arion <br />I c6tty lh.l drc fcdqa I lal ions rqedins 6b6los r6no!alarc.or apflicablc lo rhis pojccl <br />I.d,firhai lha\.rcadrhlsamh. j.nand(arclharrhcahr\einfo'marionscor(iIalrero.onrplr. \'irhnll(irtad(ouirr <br />ordinan.d.nd Srar. liNs r.Lr buildinA consrn,clion. ud heebr- aurhori,! rcprBcnranv6 orrht C,ry &d ( ornryt) di6 up.n (h. <br />aholc m.ntiotrcd pnpeny lor <br />,\ppli(rnl or,\penl sitnrltr ^",1912y'.2 e <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Rough It-"5-t \ -vlAi) <br />Service Meter U R( <br />FINAL fi-n"\\Y.\-14$ <br />Notes , Remarks, Etc <br />Meter Release <br />? <br />,/<1l.