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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG. <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Ivlisc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Igilet Room / Clothes Dryer s-z[-/r tr.Wjol <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release A <br />FINAL,tb z 7t*+t ,3<! <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OT NEA AUILDER DEL(NRATION <br />I hcrcby lmrn lndd I'cnlhy of l,cr.iury rhlr I m .r.n$ frcnr thc Conrr..lm Lian* L!* for rlE followitrB M$i (S...7011t <br />Busimr! un<! Piolcsion Codc): Ary Ciry or Colnry whi.h rcquircs ! rEmit lo consrtu r. 8lrd, in\mw. &elirh or qun dy <br />slruclw. prbr b ns hsu cc, rl$ rcqunca lhc agpli.rir lor iuch pcrnir ro nh r sigGd sr,lcmnt $ai lE or sh. b lirnpd pursuui <br />ro lhe rotisions of r Liccnsd lr{ tchErcr 9, Commncins snh Sedion 7000 of Dilisioo I of rhc Burincsr and <br />Pmlcasions Codc) o. rhll lr or *hc ii .x.q,t ftcdbn x.d rhc t{sis for rh4 lllcged crcmflion. An, violflioo ot s.oh. 70l l.5 by.ry <br />appliclnl ior !pcrnil subj.rls llE rrpli.antlorcivilp.naltyofnormr.lh fiv. hundEd doller (3500). <br />-1. <br />&\ ownr or ttE piDpcny. o, n, cr{rlorrcs wnh wag.s &i rlEn eb comFBdion, wiu .lo the w6t aid dE surEiw i! ml <br />intcndcd or ofie6d for eh (5(.7044. Blsimss and Pmfc$ions Codc TIE ConlEcltr's Li..nsc l,w docs nol al,ply to an owr of <br />ltu pmpny who blilti or iiy'mks tlE6n, 3d who &Es rch slk himsclf or hs*laor $eugh hh or h$ ow. enplorrB, <br />trovidcd thar slch impmwnls m ml inrcn&d trofrd.d ror sh It how.B.lhe hoildin8 or i,pmwEnl h sld *idin orc }le <br />ofcoophio[ rlE Oee, 8!ild6 will haw 0E h!ib. 6f Flving rhd lE oBlE dij m| taild or h!rcr [E pFtfiy lo dE p!4b* ol <br />-1, <br />{sowffiofih. pmFnr. m.rclusivcly.onr&ring sirh lian*d.onraro6 ro onnod E, (Se.7014, Burirc$ <br />and hnfssi.n Codc: ThcConx&roas Li.cnrc Ii{ dGs ror apllyro an osn6 ofpropcdywno buildsor imporc. rh(co.. <br />snd who onhcls aor such pmicls wilh r Conlfldons) Iftnsc{ l)unulnl to lhe Conhctol! Lims trw) <br />uof,f,E8s:cQMPjlsarlott <br />PECI,TAAIIIIN <br />I hcrcby aftirm undcr pctr.lty.l pcrjury orc orlhc folbwi,E delarclions: <br />l-rhtr ( dlc, nrrhc t^-rhirnnic. of rhc sork nn trhirh rhc lcnnn i\ t\ucJ <br />-l <br />bavcund will m,inluin worlc6 conlpcn\lriniasu,ah-^,cquns]sySdion:l7ll()orrhcl,b.rCodc,forrhcttjrrormnccot <br />rhr Norl ro *hictliispcrmir is isled niy sorkcs @hpenqtion irsuruncc cnrtr and Plicy huohc. dc: <br />I,(,li.y Nur$cr: Exp <br />_l ccniti rhnr in rlE Frforturc. orth. work for whici rtis pcrmir is h$cd. I rhall nor.rq,loydny I'cr$! i. an, mntr <br />v, &s lo txsB suhtrl lo lrE wo*s{ ohl,.nelhn lavs or Calilomi!, lnd .88 rh.t if I slnuld tEcom sobrcl lo lL <br />wo*cr'omtcnsolionl,ovisioNofSclionlT00ofth.tjtxrCod!,lslEll.fodhwnhomplywhhlhspmvisions.. <br />WARNINC. F0ilu,c r. surc *itrkc* .o'rycniiri(,n covcogc i\ tnla*tu1. md shrlr \ub,*r nn .nrplo)$ ro nlnriml !...lths and <br />.ivil fi cs ut ro oM hurdrcd rhouqnd dolh^ ($l(x),Ixx]) ir/.i{ilr,n h, rhc (,N or..nrFnqrr'nn, driugcs n\ noridcd ior lhc <br />:.:::,,^'i{fi" i ?- <br />* <br />" <br />*^;::,, *{.v1 / {# <br />,,a* n,rtir a,rnr*a'r,r* ' <br />DECLAA.A.IIO <br />or rh. h'\i',cs r Pdus\tnrcodc. nnJ trrv lic.n\c i\ i'r hlll,r(c rn.lrrricr <br />,r", ( <br />ralslf,lEllaN.LljlDlx(i-a{i.ENcr <br />lltrbyrllirmund.rp.n,lryufFrjuryth.'rhLrci\r.uniru.rtunkndingdSctuyrorrhcprrfomsnccoflhcsortntrshichlhta.oiris <br />i(sr.d lsc. :1(197, Civ. C ) <br />A8I].ICANLDEII,AEAIIAN <br />Ilxrhy nmuMcrpctr!hyolpcrjuryon.otlhclollowirSd(lamrions: <br />Dcmnili,'n Pcrmils A\lE(os NorifEation LdcrnlRcEulation\ (.| nlc 40. Pfi6) <br />-R.quncd <br />ktrc. rt N.tiftrlrion <br />I.cnifyrlrarrhrlidcfulREuLrnrNNgrdin8Nh.iosrcnxrMlrrc iorloplicibl.brhi\fl,1..r <br />_l ccnily Ihat I holc rcad rhh alplication srrl srorc rhot rhc dnlc inrbrnmrion h cord.I aeN rocomplyqirh rll Ciry anrl Coun'y <br />o^linln .s a.d srarc kw. Ehrin! ro bu <br />ohov. <br />'mntiomd <br />pmlcny lo. irsF.lion <br />Apt'li.unt o. AE€nl SiBnrlu,c K <br />r.soflhisCily d Cou y lo .nl6 upon dE <br />_^,", {/-,(rtr <br />COMMENTS <br />Above T-Bar <br />I lmcicmDt undcr S(uon .8 &PC lorrhhEa{n. <br />D.le Orn.r: <br />"-**".( <br />I <br />= <br />=