<br />I hcrchy a.fifl. undcr pcnllry or r.riury rhar I d excn fNn rh. Contn.tra Li.cns b* lor thc fnlloqins rcason (Sec.?011.5
<br />Burinc\s and Pturc$b. Cod.): A.y Ciry or Coum, ehi.h Equncs ! lErmir to con\rrucl- allcr, ifrpr.ve, dcmlish or rcI'nn My
<br />sructurc- prior ro irs issulre, aho rcqltcs rh. lplliclnr ihr such rErn (. fik r sigmd naicmnr rhd lE or shc is lian$d pusuot -
<br />ro rh. pmvismns of rhc cotrriclols Liccn*d tiw (Chuphr 9, Conrmcncins wnh Scction ?OOO of Divisioi .1 ofrbe Bu\in.{s,nd }
<br />Profcsions Codc)orrhal hcorshc hcxcmpr rficrchomuDd rhcl,lsh ior rhe sllcgcdcicmflion Anrviolnrionorsc.tio.T03l.5hyony
<br />0rrplicur for r Frmir subjsrs rhc lppliconr t, a civil poolrr ol nor nDrc rhd llvc hundnd dours ls5t{)).
<br />l.,sowncrorrh.pmFny.ornr,.nDbrtcswnhwngcs$rhcrrv,lcc.mpcnsln,n.*illdollt*orlandrhc.rdmis,
<br />intctrdcd or onircd ior slc (S(.7O14- Busincs and ftolcssions Codc: Ihc Conrrscroar I-ic.nrc tiw docs no' lmly lo 0n oqrcrol
<br />rh. rrt,pcny who builds o. ilrqnoB rhcRnr od who des such wo* hiNcllor h.rsclfor rhough ik or hct owncmployccs.
<br />pnvidcd rhrr srch impmkftna m mr inr.tok{t orfcEl {or $k. Il hra.E. rhc hoikli4 or in{,nNcmnt is sk! wiihir .nd y.ar
<br />otcon{,lcrion, rhc O*n.r aliknr will haw rh. hnrd.. of fdving rhd tr .r chc dil mr hoild or iqm( $c potEny for tlE plrlnr of
<br />_l- !\.*mrolrhc pmrEny. ro.xclu\ilclycoikr.tins wirh l iccns.d .o i trdcroN b con(ruc hc ,)8Ed (S$.'. 71!4. Bunnc$
<br />,M Pnn\1i,n Coder Thc Contrlor's Li.cnsc tiw dms nol aprly lo 0n ownci olproFrly wh{r l,uilds or imFnJv.\ rhclcon.
<br />lnd who c. roch io. such rmjccrs $irh r Conhcro( I liccnsd pur\unr ro rhc Conkrtn \ Li.cnk tf,w).
<br />I amcxcnrpt undcrSdion-. B & P.C. l'or lhh rcuson
<br />OPmr:
<br />raf,trE8s:roMflixttroN
<br />I h.rc8rflnnudd.r pcndlryol N{ury. col rhchlk,sinAdL\ldrrir \l
<br />I h.vr rnd *ill minrain , CcnifK.rc ol Co"rnr lo Sclr- ln E nn eorlcF conlp.n\arbn. {s lovidcd Id hy sdrion 3?uJ of r hc
<br />lilxr Codc, fn rhc pqro!funft of rh. work for whkh rhc ldnrn i\ isruci
<br />Il[vc!fldwillnrnrinw.rkcrrcon{crsrri,)ninrurrrc..r\rcquncdhySern:17(X)oflh.LrhorCodc.lorrhcI]ctolrlmcot
<br />rhc *ork ld $hi.h rhirr.nnir ir k\ucd Mt *orker' comp.n\dion insurM.c .aricr idFlicynunrhcr arc:
<br />al+r o 4>) k:(fF vvr<bzalE4 cl
<br />l.cnrry rh in rhc pcrronMmc oirhc work lbr which rhir Frnril is nsu€d.I shlll nor cdploy rny p.r$n in My m rcr
<br />$ nslohccom subFcl lolhc work c6' co nuc trsar ion Uss ol Culilorn ir. and agN rlBr irl should tE$m subjccr ro rhc
<br />wo*cr conrp.nsntiotrDmvhions of Sdior :l7lx) of rhc LltDr Codc.lxhrll n'dhwirh.onll)ly wilh rho$ tmvhions.
<br />WARNNC: li'ilurc to sur. sortcF conDcnsarn,n corcras. i\ unhwrul. arkl rh ll subjcr .h cmploltr l. aiminal pcEhics and
<br />.lvil nncr un n, onc hunnrc(lrh,,d\rnn olhA lsl(xr.(XxD, in a,ldiii{nr t,rhd.oi nEA.\ J\ pr.!id.d nn rh.
<br />sc.ri,r.lllT6olrhc uhn (iir. i' .'cn rrknDcy \
<br />51 ',- ltK
<br />I t
<br />I h.'ct],rllnru .r 0cniltif farjuryrhd I rir utrdci provisio. oiChaplcr I (commncins shh Ssii,n 7uD) ofDivistnr l
<br />ol rhc Businc*xn,l Pi{,lcsion\ Codr. rnl mv liccn\c ^ in,nll nmr Ukl.tfl.r
<br />C2
<br />5r=(s
<br />I hcrcby!16 undcr lEnalry of I]crjlry thsr rhc,c i! a @nrmdi.n lending rlcmy for $. p€rlormncc of th. vork to, which $is pctin i.!
<br />issucdlsd lla7, civ c.).
<br />I rh$y aflinn rnd.r pcMlry olp.rjury onc ollhc lollowin8dNlrations:
<br />Dcnmlirion Pcrnrih AstEsros Norificarioo Fcd.lrl Rcsul ionr(Tirlc 40- P,n6)
<br />-Rcquncd
<br />klcr ot Norirmrion
<br />I ccdiiyrhlt rhc lcdcrulrcBUlationsrcsudir8asbc(osrcmovllaN nor $dkrl,L brhis pdc.'
<br />-l.cniiyth
<br />l hnvc rcad rhi\ applicltidn dxl {trrc rhd rh. ah,h inruntsrn,n iscolNt.l.8re to conl,lly*nh rll Ciryand Coutrrl
<br />ordiNmcs $n SIarc Lnus rchling t, huildi.s c.ni cr lxtr,c rcprcsnhrncs olrhn Ciryand Couryt, c.r.. upon d.
<br />ohovc mnrioncd fmp.ny lor ir
<br />Applirnnl o. ,rcnl Sigtrst 0Y1.'J,>t+42><1l+
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underoround EZ )/k rye .F<*;as
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Buildinq
<br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Rool Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />lvleter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service lvleter (*t\FINAL 4/5,/rs 5Nt(
<br />s )o rg
<br />d
<br />Under Slab i Floor
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. -
<br />5ovZAgalG
<br />I
<br />I
<br />=
<br />I
<br />It-
<br />=