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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDEN DELCANATON <br />I hcrcby ofinm undcr pcnllry or llerjlr, rhd I d creqr an,o thu conlmcrou Liccnse LIu for rhc t{,llosirg (S.c 70:r l 5 <br />Busincsi and Profesio. C.d.): Any Cily or County whah rcquns ! Fm b con{fl.r, allcr. in{,rovc, &mlish or alan any <br />{flcrurc, prior r. irs L$urn.c. aho rcquncs ric lpplicanr ior such,lcn b nba ligncd st,lcmnl rhd hcorshc is liccnscd NNn.r <br />r{, rhc pmvilion\ of ih G,nrftdor's Liccnscd Ijs lchrprcr 9. Commncins wilh Sccrion 7mO of Dithio. .1 ol lh. Busincss 0nd <br />Pn,fcs\bn\ Cddr)orrhar h.orsh. ir.rcnfl incrciiomand lnc hosn for rhc allcscd .rc mfl ion. Anyviol ionofs6lhnT0.ll5br.., <br />,pt'li.rfl loru pcrmn suhF.h rhc lptlicrnr to Bcivilpcnrlryolll.x mr. rhad riv. hundrcd dollus($500) <br />-1. <br />!r .*n.r of rh. l,()trriy. or my .Dpl()yccs wirh wrgcs 5s lheir q,L (nq--n\ar ion, sill do rhc *ork ,nd llE (rrw is nor <br />inrcnd.n or orlcrL{ lor slc (Sa 7044, Bosinc\s snd Pmr.sin,ns CdL: Thc conrracxtr\ ,-icen* L.u docs rer lprly ro rnosnLr.l <br />rhc pNlcny who bxit\ m impmB rlrmn. rJxi wh. des suh mrt hnnselfor hc6clfo. rlmuEh hia or h.r owtrc,nploy.cs. <br />/ovidcd rhor strch iqrorcm s orc not intond or otlcrcd tor s(lc !i howcver, rtr huilCing or imlrorclEnr is sold wilhin onc Jtrr <br />of.onpLrirn. rh. O*ftr auiUcr w hareIIEhtrdenofpovirgrharhcorshcdilmrt ild or imPtuv. rh.Imtdy lor rhc,)urlns.f <br />-1. <br />is opNr ol rh. pnpcn y. am eiclusilcly conrracrins $irh licn{d c.tur.ro6 ro .onslDcl ttE ,tmjccl (Sa 7044. Businc* <br />md Pnrs\n. Codc: Tnc Contrcror's Li.ctrsc L!{ des nol nplly k, on opncr nl proPcn, wh. buildt or inpmvcs ficrcon. <br />and pho conlmcls foi such nri*clr wirh ! 6.rBdon, liccnscd pursuan' ro rh. Licen* L.8). <br />-lamc\.nrnrundcr <br />sc.ri,,n-. a & Pc lnrrhnt r{trr <br />Iral€ ()rn.r: <br />WORXFR$ L'lI,VPI:iI.SATION <br />DECI,Af,AIIO! <br />I hcrchy am.nrlndcr tcnalry or l.rjuiy onc orrh. rollowinC delearnns <br />-l <br /> n Bill minllin a CcniaEarc oa Con{nr ro Sclf l nsurc r.r work.K .ompc.sul ion. os 0ovidcd lor hy SNrion l?fi1 or rhc <br />lrbr cod.. Lr th. lfrronmncc olrhc *ork for which lhc k n\ucd <br />_lhave rnd *illnDinrrin sorlc^ ro rf.isdrir{ nhurutr... ns rcquicd byS.dio 37(x)ol rh.l]h.r(ndc. lnrrhc !'ctlornuncc.i <br />rhc *ork ni $hirhrh'\ pdnnir i\ ssu.{ My *orke.s conrl{- \rrio. rd F,li.ynun$$m <br />ax,,i,1 <br />-l <br />ccdiiyrhd inrhr l,e ornERcofrhcwortlorwhichrhk|Ernriisnsuql.lshrlln.rc.lPloyonrlc6oninonymanner <br />$ $ b bcorc {hjcct to thc r(rtcr' .nnrp.!s{ nnr h*\ of Cnlift ni,. ind r8rcc rh ifI snouu hccom \uhjccr hrh. <br />wulknr.onrpcnsdnrnpmviri{,nsorS.crioo37(x).rrh.lf,}.rCodc,lihrll.f.nhwirhcomPlywilhrho*povnn,n! <br />WARNINC: Failurc ro ccurc $orkcr' conpcnsrrn,n covcagc i\ tnhqrul, d shall subicr an cnl']o]cr lo .n inal ,.nrlri$ and <br />.ivil lilrs nn h orc hondcd lhousnd dollo\ (Sllr).fir)r. in addirn,n tu rhc .o( ol conrPcnsrion. datugcs !\ pmvidcd for rhc <br />s(rnnr:rl)76olrhc l.!tu (id.. i'ncrcn rrlrrtnncy r h <br />IIECI,AMIION <br />I hcreby ainrm unds Foalry or p.aury lhn I m liccnsd undtr {'rclirion of Chapr.r 9 (etmruin8 with Sc.lbn 7000) trf Divisinn 3 <br />of $. md Prcfsssion! C.d.. !.d ny lkq* i! in tull ford and cll6r <br />a-T <br />CONS'IRIJCT'IoN I FNI}IN(; (:ENCY <br />I hcrchy .flnm undcr Fruhy ol Pcrjlry rhd lhdt t,Qrnetu.rirn Lndin8 !8cmynnlhc pctformtc orrhc work i whichlhistrmit i\ <br />hrucd 1se. r09?.civ c ) <br />L.trdcls Addrc$: <br />- <br />AISLLCAN:LDETUBAIIQN <br />I hcEby rnim undc, p.nrlry orFrlury onc ofrhc iollowing d(liralions: <br />Dcrmlirion P.irnik-Astrc(os Norilica'i6n F.&,nl Rcgularions (Tnlc.O. P.n6) <br />Rcquncd l.rlcrot Norifi cali,! <br />_l.cnilyrhrrihc fc crrlrcguhrions rcBidirS ashsl.l rcnn,val ric noi itpli.rhlc ro$is PmJc.t <br />l.cnilyrhd lhNc rc rhis applicrrionatrd drrcrhxrrhcrbrc inf,mx i({ 1s.or..l I rarcc loconrdyrirhrllcnyiM c.urry <br />y rurhtuc rcprccnlatilcs oflhis Cny dd coxnry'o en'd up.n tlEoiltrrrct J Strrc ftras rc]f,linE t, huiklin!.oni rtn,n- <br />Jh{. rflh, I'iincn} .' 'n.r$! nr N1rrtti- , <br />^ppliclnror^B?nrstxnoru( )( <br />\)<\,f{ <br />ftmilennNlpnnt): <br />I <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildang <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Bouqh) <br />Rough <br />Service lvleler <br />{/rt/lt ,z .yen t1.^+41 <br />Noles, Remarks, Etc <br />Communications Cable <br />Ivleter Release <br />FINAL <br />tindcr'\ N/m <br />- <br />-T