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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildino Sewer <br />Area/Slorm Drain <br />lnterceptori Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent l-/4-r9 , /.).1/Q 1?) <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbinq s-72-/a,.hJ*.@ <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL ba8-/8'//.fDh ':!DNotes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNDN BU!LDEi DI]LCARA'I'ION <br />I h.rcbt rlllrm trMcr pctrrlr! oi pcrjry rhd I nm.rcnr fom rhc C.ntrdou Li..n\c tjw r(r rhc i(nb{i,r8 ,caen 6 cc 7o.l l 5 <br />8u\nrs rnd Prolcssion C.dcr Any Ciry or Corory shich r.quircs r ,krnrir ti conirucr, !llq. imF)v., rknnth or rcr0n nny <br />srucrurc, pritr t, ir\ i\\!an d. rlkr r.qunc\ rhc rmli.a fd su.h tEnir ro lilc a siEmd srlrcmnr rhsr lE or \hc is li.ctrtd |[Fulnr <br />b tl[ pn)rni.Ds ol rhc Contrcxn\ Lkn\cd Lrw (ChrJrlcr 9. Gnnnlo.ilE sirh sc.rion 7{xxr oI Divkion.l oirnc B!sin$\ and <br />P,ofcssionsaidc) orrhrrhcorshc ngcnq,r rh.dr. udrhch!\i\ntrrh.rlirlcdcx.mflion Atryvid$ionotSecri ?0ll5byroy <br />6pplicanrrurrrnnir\!hjsr\rhcJpplicanrr,rciviltrciahy.imrnucrhrnlirchunnrcddoll.r(S5(x)) <br />-1. <br />ss o*mr of rtc Impent or ny etrglorrci snh wlrcr &i th.n sb @np.nsdion. vill do th *!ik 8d tlt $tucl@ t mt <br />i.rerdrd o, o,IcEn for sb (Sc.7044. DusiE$ tr.d P,llclsionr Cod.: TIE Conh.lols Lien* Liw d@s mr ,p!ly !o d owmr of <br />rh. ropcny llshoildsorin.aBrr6En.,!!dwt'dcMhsahimsclrorherelrorlhmu3intorh.roMcnployc.s. <br />lrovid.d lhli sEh impmtmnrs N ml hrod.d or otu for slc. li how.6. rlE bnildihs or in?mwmnr it $ld withr orc Fa <br />ofconplctt'tr ln osn.r Builder will fiarc rlf, hd.n olproving tn.r he or shc dil tur build d idIioE thc |,oFiy for llE turys of <br />l. as own.r .f rhc pmrcny. am cxclusivcly corrE r in8 wirh li.enscd .onlncbn ro .ustrtr l 'lI pmr.d (S.c. ?044. Busin$\ <br />!fld PlDftsion Codc: Thc Co.lnclor'. Lj.e.* lje doc..or appl, ro 3n owncr oftmFay *ho hlilds or imrmvc. thcr$n, <br />and vho smEd$ for such pmirls wirh aCorrruronO lt.nsn purunr rolhcCo.tradoi. Lie.s. t *). <br />I dcxcnrd undn S(uon .B &PC for'hir(!s. <br />lloa5E8s:coMfEtarlaN <br />DECLAN-ATI(iN <br />I hcrcby flmrn undcr pcnaltyofp.rhryoncotrhc following dcclddrio.s: <br />-lnsvc. <br />will minrain r Ccnificatc of ConFnr ro Sclf.lnsw ftr so*oC ont trelion, $ pmvi&d for by SElion 1700 of the <br />Llhor Codc, for rhc pcrfoMc of thc mrk lor shth thc pqnir is issu.d <br />I h.rc rndwill minrain sortcri omF.sarion insur.rc.. a\ rcqlircd b, Scclion l70oortu ktxx Codc, aor lhc pcrlomftc of <br />lhc wort fm phich lhis n rmil is isso.t My *orkc6 on{Enerbn insrr.m. .aEkt ard lDlty numh.r ac: <br />Policy Numilci-Expitcs <br />-lcenifyrh <br />inthcr'e ormrcof r,E wo.l( for which lhk p.roji i. ksu.d,I shall not e,I!lo, a.r r.rsn insyronn.r <br />$ s io bcstr suhirt ro th. wortdl arlPcn$tion laas of Cdifomia, lnd slr thd ir I slruld sublrl lo tL <br />*0116 smFnslion,mvtbns of S.nion 1700 of llr t tor Cdc I slall. fonhwath otrlply silfi lh$ pmrisiots.. <br />$ARNlNcr Fnilurc n' $curc $orkcrs conrp.n\dnnr .otcrlsc is unlawtul. and \h,ll {bli,.r {r .nrrloyr. t(i rinriml rtulri\ aid <br />.iril litr.s ut' ro otrc hundrcd thou\und (lolhr\ (Sllr.()(xr), in rddni{in b rh,- on olco.llfnsrlidr drrBgcs as p!,vilc{l tu rhd <br />s.fl..n rr/i,.,r rl,.l Jhr (ndc. ir(c'c r onJ rtr.1m) \ l.(. <br />ApDlient <br />IICENIELCANITACrcA <br />DECI,Af,AIIOI! <br />I hdby sfrn udcr Fulry of Frjuy Lttil I m l&.ned u.dq Fvision of Ct+ld 9 (oltftmi.e with S..ri,! ruo) of Didtion , <br />of $. Blsims lnd Pbfcsios Corh. dd ny lkcM i! Ii tuU foc &d elTe.l. <br />I-ir \c Ch\s\c Nun u <br />COXiIBII]IIOIiIEIDINGIGEIII <br />I hcEny offirm unncr lEnlhy or Frj!ry rhi rh$. n a onnrudbn hrding d8cnc, ror lhc pcrformRt ol rh. w.rk ror *hich <br />'hn lErmi n <br />i$x.d (Scc 1097, Civ. C.). <br />AIII.ICANLDECI.IIAAII{I! <br />I hft$y omm undcr pcnclty oI pcrrtr, onc orrhc tollowinS d.cldrdri.ns: <br />Dcrmlir,on PcrnirlAsb.nos Notifi€orion ltdcml RcBubtions (Tirlc 40, l-lno <br />RcquiEd trtrs olNorif$thn <br />-l <br />.eflify that rhc lcddal rcElhrions Egldin! srb.{os rcmvd dc nor .rplic"blc lo thh rojccl <br />_l .6rify rhlr I hrw rcad rhii rpplicsrion $d sal. rhd rn( ,hor i.fomri.n is orer, I ag.€ ro omply wilt 3ll Cily lnd Couity <br />ordiMftcs dd Smrc Ll*. Ebring to brilding corulltr.iiotr ad heE$y aulho.ix EFcs lrivcs otftb Cny ad Counly lo.nts upon lh. <br />abovc mnrkr*n pmFny fr icpeton punmi <br /> or agenr siEn.r <br />- <br />Roof Drain <br />Lrndd'rN@'- <br />-------T------ <br />i-