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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Ivletal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Bouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Rouqh Mech.;,Lq--A .//tlN,,.0 <br />Final Test <br />FINAL ,-/3"/B Q.t (4 ep <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNET BUII,DER DET,CARATION <br />I h.rcby nfintr und.r Fnrhy (if Frjrtry lhll I afl qcnu ln,n l hc Coord.s Liccnsc ljw lor rhe ftnl(,win8 t.r$n ( Sa.7l)J l 5 <br />auntrct{ ni PknissnD Cod.): An, Ciry or Counry whkh rcAuncs 0 lcrnrir ro tod(rucr. !lr.r, inrFovc. dcnnlirh or toprn an, <br />soctr'ru. pritrr,, irs isur(.'..,1$ rcqutcs rhc qr c0nr r.rnrch rEnnir ro,llc a riln.d sdrcnrd thol hcor \hc i\ li.c0sd pusurnr <br />ro rhc pmrnnrn\ ol rhc Conrrartr\ Li.c.*d ti* (chnptcr q. ComnEncing *irh sc.rion 7(xx) or Division 3 .flhc Brsincs\ and <br />Pn,tc\\i,'n\ Cdc) or rlur lf,or \hc i\cxcnDl lhcrch ondlk+bn\i\ntrrhcdlkBcdcxcarPri.n. An,viollliooorS..lidr701l.5byuny <br />,prli.rnr fd rp.nnirsuhl..rsrhc !pplicinr io rcivilprnrlrt.fnor mrc lhan fivc hundr.d dolla6 ($50O). <br />-1. <br />os own.r of rh! ttuFnr. or sy enq,loyds wilh wags as lhcn $b conEns.tion. wil do llt *ort !d lhc $ridw b ml <br />inr.fldsl or offcEd lor sh (Se.?044. Blsims md Codc: TIE Conlrelol s Lians tt* d*s nor q,ply ro !n ovtut oa <br />rtc lorE ry who ltuitis or ir{r@ ttE@tr lrd wh. d{Er Mh w* hiRsclf or hcelf or ihrcu8} his m h.r o*{,ldy€ci <br />p.oti<tcd rhur sncn in{ N ml hlcdcd orotu l'or sle. ll tFeE, th. i[ildine or inpbtmnt ksU wihin nm Fs <br />ofo'ri,l{ioG rhe OwM Builtr will hav. th. hftr.n ot pmving ll[t h. or sh dil ml ldild or irioolc !E t oFty for thc plIpo* oa <br />-1.,\ <br />osrcrorrhc Imtlrly, !mcrclusivclycoilractinS silh liccnsed conrmloB locon(tu.Ilhc Eoi.( (S*.'7044, Burincr\ <br />ond Pmtsshn Codc: Thc ConlBcrors Li.crsc Ltw d..s nor tpplyro Mouncr orprcpcny who builds or imprcvcs lhctcon. <br />and sho conrturl i6r snch {ilh n Conlncto(s) lt.nsd puA@r lo rh. Cdntacrols Liccnrc L.w) <br />-l <br />rn.tcDrfl untur Sccrtru .ll & l'( li,I rl,,\ 'cn\nr <br />IOXf,E8S:.COMEEMAIII')N <br />DECI.AAATJI]N <br />I h.Eby .mrh !trd$ lcMlry of pqjury om of rh. rollowing delearioff: <br />I rhr(i c.larrkjrrlan[Nc.llic tr.rk,nrshich l[c |tflnir i\ i\\!cd <br />-l 0d will <br />'Eintoin <br />worteB onpctr{dion iosrraR., N rstuiE{ bt Sccli.n l?00 of rlE tibor C..L. for tht p.rfomm. of <br />d. work for whth lhn Fmil ir hsuc.t My *ork6s onlp..sdion insmna fficr !d lolty numh.r e: <br />Policy Numb.r:-srp <br />-l <br />cenili rhnr inrrE nc.rormrc.f $c wort for which lhis Frmil n ({,cd.l shall nol.mPloy otryPcron in an, tunner <br />$ .s ld lE o,m subjcd k, rhc vo*qs'comrcnrrrion hws otculif.mie..nd l8N rhal iaI slhuld lubicd lo rlrc <br />wolk6{ snF.raiion ,mvisions of S.clion 3'7tlo of rhc Llhn Cod., I shnll, fonhwilh corq,ly wiln lho* pFvisio.s <br />WARNINC: Faihrc ro $dE *ortcu omFnelion srcs8c is unlawtul, ond shall subj.ct o.q,lorq lo dihitul PcBhics d <br />ctuil fincs !p ro oe h!.d.ed tnousdnd dolls (llOO.o0O). in sddnion lo $. .osl of coqrmalion. d.tu8er !s Prcvtdcd fo. tlE <br />Sccrion :t076 of rnc Lrb.r tuc. inicEsr and allomy s fes. <br />LLAEIIEDI;OtrIEAIIqA <br />DII('I {RATION <br />I hcr6y afinnr und.r |)cnJlry ol !.rjuy thd I rm li.cnk.d udcr pmvisnr.rChlt)rd 9lconnmncins wirh s..rhn 7fiD) olOivisn,n:l <br />of rhc Bu\nrs d Pror'.ssions Codc. md my licctrsc n in tull Lr.c 4d cff..r <br />B: I ieN Numt r: <br />C!]IEIBI]qUQNTEIDIIC.&GEN(I <br />I h.Eby rnnn undcr ricnrlry of l.rjury I hm lh.E t a Lu(ddion lcndins uscicy for rhc Pcrrbrnsrcc oa lh. *ork ftt whi.h rhis Fmil is <br />issucn (ss. ltr97, civ. c.) <br />A.ttj.t( NLDr(I,laalIar <br />ll+!*hyrnnr ndcr pctrilry,'rt)c'j'try onc or r[c nn[Nirs d{lmri{n,\ <br />l)cm'lIirtr Pcr rir{ \tii.\Nor]li.rrtrtr, FcdeBl RcguLr(,Nlli(lc+o l']Jrl6) <br />.- -R.qut.n lrrr.roiNoriliii(nr <br />Alplta or Aacnr si8turur. <br />PqrnirN tunE([irl) <br />IIII <br />I <br />Above T-Bar <br />Meter Helease <br />-l <br />ccniryrhar lhc liderd r.lrlnrion\ elu'linE $bcsos runmvnl R nor appli.abh ro lht pmrc.t. <br />l.crtifyrhnr I h.rc rcrd thh lptlicarion and rr{c rharth.dhot itrfonMln,n is torcd l,siLtro.onflywi'h.llCilrlndCou.ry <br />ordinrn..r and Star.lrws rcl,ring Io buildins con(rudion. ud h6ehynurk,izc r.trcscnl,tivcs oflti\ Ciry d Counryto cnlc! ulon Ihc <br />nhov. nrnrn,n.d pr,Fnynn irsFttiotr pu('osci <br />I <br />f-------T------ <br />I