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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS orvNItR B[JI_Dl:ll t]tlt.CARAl tON <br />I hcrchy alltm undcr lcnrlry of pcrjury rhd I o cxcnrl riom rhr (i,nt"cktrs Li...\d Lf,w for rhc n hwin8 caq,n ($c 70ll 5 <br />Br\incss md Piori\\i,,n C,xlc) AnyCiryor Cornry $hich tuqunrs r triinir nr.on{nd. ill6. nntrovc. &nFli\h or rulln'{ y <br />llru.rur.. pri(t lo irs NsuJtc, rho.crtuircsrhc rmli.rtr n)r su.h $mrirh lilc s \iancd \hrc *nr rhtr hcor \hc i li.ctsd Frrru.rr <br />h rhc pn'!i\i{* ol rlf, Co rxdor'( I-i..nscd lrw (Chrrr.r 9. Coixnori S q{h Sc.rion 7{ 0olDni\ion.t.irncBu\incs\rnd <br />Pnns\n sCodc)orrhrrhcor(,nrrndrh.ttrsisntrrh.all8cd.xcnDlion.Anyli{ftrionofS..ron70115byrny <br />Lll'I)licrtrr lorr pcnnir \ubjrcr\ rhc applicxnr ro rcivilpcuh, ol n.i nnmrhrn llvc hundrcd dollds (s5(x)). <br />-1. <br />!s owf,cr of lh. pmp.ny. or my .mployes {iln *!scs !s lhcn sb .ompcn$li,n, will do tl! wnl 8rd llr rn,clm h ml <br />in!.iddt or ofl.rcd i, sL ( Se.7o4f. Busi.css dnd Prol.sions codc Th. c.nracrols Liansc L3w docs nor q,ply 16 an owM ol <br />llr phllcny who blildsor imrmrs $ca) old whr dcMh elt himsclf 6r hcrsllor ihmu8h his or hd own cnplo)ecs. <br />lmvidcd rhar such impsmnts I ml inlci(M oroffcEn tur sL. lt howcv6.llE t{ildiry.r itrlnftNd n $B eirhin o* rtr <br />ol otrllllcrion. tlr Oq*r Buittd wiu hlE thc hrdd or F,vi.g rhd h. or sh. dil mi hild or inpmw thc I'mFny fo. llt p!rl!$ of <br />_1. !s 6srcr of rlr Fopcnr. ,n cKl$ivcly @nulcrirg earh li..nsd .odreror ro mnsrucr ttE Imj&r (s6. 7014. Burir$ <br />aftl EDf6sion Cod.: Tnc Contrrrol s Liccnsc Llv docs mr orply ro an owncr of trclcny sho builds or inp.ows lncrcon, <br />dnd sho co.rturs for such tmjdr. wirh a comBdo(9 ltcned p!6er ro $c conrfurols Licn$ ljw). <br />-l <br />d cxchfr udcr S.di6n- A, & P.C lor thi! E sn <br />Drt.: oM.. <br />la8f,EItS:CoMBSAIl(A <br />DECI,ASAIION <br />I h.rcby affrn undq rcNlry ol nalry oi. of lhc lolloviig d.chnlions: <br />-l <br />hlr ald,illmifl.i. aCcnifrarc otcoB ro Sdf-t6e tn s,kcR onp.N!rb., B p'lYij.d for b, SEtion l?00 6t tlE <br />Labo Codc for ll* I,d6orlr1oG of rhc so* for phth rhc pcmi b i.iu.d. <br />-I <br />h.vs ond pill o,inl,in workcB comp€nsathn insumncc. as rcquiEn hy S.crbn l70o .r rtr tlhor Codc. for tta ,,crfoillw€ of <br />the rork tor which rhis pcmir is isnd My *ortcF ioo inrurec.mi& did polhy num6.r m: <br />per{.rmnc. 6f rh. uork ft,ich rhk n Jmn k issu.d. I shlll nol cmploy any rcrsn in uy @m, <br />s, rs <br />'o <br />trsE subr..i io r worksc conrEnslhn hws of Califomid. and osB rh.l if I sh,uld t6m subitr rolrE <br />mrksc mmp.nsorion provisbns of Scclion 3?00 of lhc Llt r Codc. t stdl. fonhwirh .omply wnh 'k'* pbvishtrs.. <br />WARNING Failurc ro s!r. workc^ conFnurtun .ort6gt ir unhBtul. md sh.ll su6Fl an cmtl,rr lo qinind Fmlries ed <br />rivil fincs ur lo onc fiundrcd lhouslnd dollss (slm.(xx)), in uddilir. r. rh. coi .fcomFn$lion. da'uscs !s Imlidcd for lhc <br />lhc Labor C!d., ud,trrrcyt fer <br />l6 C I O-rr ?raat4 <br />DEIIdBAIION <br />I hcrcbyofirmundcr pcnally or lcrjury th.t I am licensd undcr pmvisio. .a ch.prc, 9 tconmxin8 wnn scdon 7000) ofDivision l <br />oa ltc Businc$ 0nd Prolcsioos Cod.. {rd mylic.nsc is inlull forec ort cffccr. <br />t1 <br />,)a,s S/zC /t 8 c".r <br />qoN$tlJsrlolLExl,INcitiEN(r <br />I hcrchy.ftn u.dcr rctrilryol!.ru!yrnal rhcrc is ! con(dcri,)o Lnni',! ascncy rd rh, Flnnurcc oirlrc *ork lirr whih rhis I.nnir i\ <br />isrucd (s(! c ). <br />ATILICANIDECIIAAU!}N <br />I hdrby umm undcr Fnalty ol Fe+.y om of rlE folloain8 del,ra' tuns <br />D.nbft ion Pc.rnik.Asb. os Nolific.lion ltdcrol Rquloli.ns (l ill. 40, P.n6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />Lcllcr of Norifi colhn <br />6ovc nEnrnnEd F)r.ny for'atiotr <br />A0trliclnl nr A(.nt Si* rltrml <br />t/ <br />Pfinrlrc Dn. (Ddrr):__. <br />^", 5/n//l <br />UNDEB GROUND <br />Waste & Vent ),,4 ,..SAO <br />Water-Under floor )v'r'e@ <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Rouqh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P{rap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Linei Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Waler Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbinq f,-tz-tg -D"{ab t ,E <br />Final Gas Test I i-/? -n.t /clA<I <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL ?-7-tb)).!-lo'-rn <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />TOP OUT <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Ozcto.^ <br />kd.r\ Ad&E* <br />- <br />lcunrfyrh ! rhc rLdcalrcBtrlarions rc8idinE nst({os rcnn,yrl ffc nor aplii.rhlc t,rhi\ pmjccr. <br />_l ccniiyrhd I hrvc,cJd rht lnrlicariofl arj {rrr rhd rhcnh)!. inrunsri(,r i\codc.r I aprerocouply*ilhallCiryrnd (tu y <br />o irrne!r Srdclntrsrclarrryi)hllldin!.on{,r,,zcrcprcscnr0rlvc\olrhnCiryandCounryrocnrcr!g,nllr <br />-------T------ <br />= <br />=