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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />l. N owncr ol ihc pmncny. or my cmplores sirh *rScs !\ rncn sob conrtr.nsarion. sill do rh. wrtrk tfil th. nf,r1rrc i nol <br />inr.ndcd or oflcrcd i{r el. (Se 7(l,14. Busin.s d Profcsnnr C,xL Thc Conta.bls Licctrs liw docs Nn spply r. rnowicr oI <br />lhcpnrlf,ny wlnr huilds or inuovcs lhcron. anl who docs {rch s.rk hi,.sclaor hcrslf.r rhtuu8h hk or hcr owtr cmployccs, <br />piovnbd rhrr such nnr'ovcmnh nc nor inr.idcd o' olItrrl ftn slc ll lnrw$r. rh. huilliq or iqroEnE nsldwntin''ncytr <br />otco.nrhrioD. rlE Ovncr Eoikler will halt rhc h{nici ot prorine rhnr lt or \hc dil frI brild or nr'r$! rhc l'mpcny br rhc purF,{ ol <br />l. A uwnc. of rh. ropdy, am .x.lusivcly conh.ri.8 wth li.cnicd cotrrEcrtrs lo con(rucr rlr pr+.r (se 7014, Busrnc$ <br />lnd PiDlissiln Codc Th.ContrucloisLicclscl,awdocsnorlpplyloM.*icrofprolcntwhobuildsorimtrcvcFlhcrcon, <br />dnd who.onr&hrorsu.hfr&ckwirh.conrmdo(r)*hu) <br />I Ncx(,r,uiJcrSc.hoi .ll &PC hrrhi\rcrvn, <br />Dote: ORmr:rvolxFls c-onlraNs^ixrN <br />DICL$AIION <br />I hcicby rl1nDUndci p.nrlryo{pciuryonc oilhc rolhwirg dLihrulnns: <br />I irk rnd will nBnnrin rCcnifi.rrcofCon\c t b Srltlr{trc kr qorkua .oDrcnsrrion. !\ pnvidc{t fq hrS..ri( l7(]oolrhc <br />Lltor (t pcni,rmrrcotrhc $o* lar whichrtu p.nnir is is{tJ <br />,lhavcrnd will mon uin sorkcr('conr.n rcquncd blSccri,)n l7(X)ofrhc L'l\tr C.rlc. li,r rhc !crlonnrm. ol <br />lltr *ort n,*hich lhh!.nnil i\ n$cd Mt cn compcnsaln)n i'rsunncc cMif rrd JxilicynuDhcr ne <br />I rn r.\ <br />_l crnifyrhri irrh. p.rfo'tunkc ofrhc work ftr whi.hrhnr..nir is i\sucd.I {rrll mr cmploy 0ny rcrv,n in rny utrrEr <br />$ask,bccorsuhj..tlolhcwork.rj.onDcNalionlnw\olCalilirrnirrtrdogrccrhtrrifI\horldta.otrEsubFcrt'rl'c <br />wrrkcrs.onlFn\nrnintrurisn,nsolsccriotrST(xrofrhcljhtrCode.lshlll.lnnh{irIrolPltwirhrl${pnvisions <br />IYARNIN(;: Fiihrc t, r.uo sorkcrL .ompcns,rt r ..vcrn8c i\ utrl.wl'ul. n \hall \lhjccr rn cmnk,ydr t, dinihrl Pc rlric( ond <br />civil linc\ up h onc hu6di.d thousond dollars (Slfi).(I)0). n rddition Io rhc cod of comncn\in,n, di,u8.s !s Povidcd lor thc <br />Scrrn r.10T6olrhc tjlff G)dc, ir crcsmdnfimcy's ltcs <br />SLzi/ t6 ct Qtt Zzp+l>, <br />DIIIdBAIIIIN <br />I h.ebt anrnr undc, Fn.llyofFcUury th.r I ah lic€nsn udcr pmvisio. ofCh4rcr 9(.ommncirg Bilh Selion ?fi) ofDivist,n 1 <br />or (h. Busin*s a.d Por.*ions Codc. ud nyliccnsc n in rul lorcc ond cnccr. <br />,"", {/Zt1tB-"*,on*' Dq,zoo ?ry,., /,--5 <br />CONIIf,IJ!:IIAXITNDIIIj.&GENCI <br />I hcEby !flnm undn Fralty of r.rjury Ihor rhcrc is a co.(rudion krndinr as.n.y ror thc,crbmncc oflhc worl lbr whi.h rhis F rir ir <br />issE{i (Scc :1097, Civ C.l <br />LcrJcis NJn'c <br />-ATPI.ICAITDIgLAMIITN <br />I hcrnyammffdc. p.nany orp.rru.y ore ofrnc followi.B dftLtr io.s <br />Dcmlirion ttrnil\ Asbcstr Nolifi.di6n F.dcral R.gxlari.ns (Tirlclu). P.n6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />txllcr of Norifi cari.,n <br />I ccnnirh,r rhcttdcrulrcBUl0rion( rc8nlinE r\bc{o\ r cnrwl rrc nor rpplicxhl. b rh(rn)j..r <br />-l <br />ccnilythll ! hrirrcodrhnlpplicari,nund d6icrhnrrhc!h'!c infdrnuri({ is.oftccr laArarocomPlywirhallCiryrndC.u.ty <br />ordiEnces trnd surc Luw\ rchring ro brildinB .onntucrnr( aJd hcrcby rurhorizc rcprcscnhrilcs oirhis cny und counryr..nrd ul.n rhc <br />lhic nrnriorcd propny ntr in\lccrion purrN\ <br />ADnlir{.1 or Aft.l Sirn.l0rc <br />-te /4{ <br />€/2s18 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monumenl) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels 7-7-/g,J/dolz (v'r) <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />I\4eter Belease <br />Rough t-/L-t8 J)elal {rE) <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 7-7 -/ /JJ"bh (-",/) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. , <br />trtl <br />OWNER BUII,DER DELCATATION <br />I h.rcby ,rfi n und.r Fn,lry or pcrjury th,t I m .x.nry lmnr rhc Co r0cror' Liccn* Liw tor rhc following ftas.n (Scc.70ll.5 <br />Blsincs d Pn'fcssiotr Codc) Any Ciry or Counl, which rcquncs ! pcmir lo consltuci. llrer, inlfr,t. d.nmlhh or eiEt {ny <br />(ruclurc. p or lo ns hsuarcc, ,ho rcquncs rtc lpplicdnr for s,ch Fmir k, filc a signcd sdc'Rnt rhar hc o. shc i\ licnscd lltNa"r <br />b rh. B)li{ions .frhe Conrn rols Licctrscn tjw (Chaprcr 9. CDm,rcrcins *i'h Secrhn 7m0 or Divisi(,n I oI thc gusiN$ .nd <br />PmL$ions codc) or thar lEor shc ircxcnlt)t th€rcfrom od lhc bost tu lhc allcscd cx.nFrion A.y viol,liotrolSstionT0-ll5 byuy <br />aprlicant lor 0 pcirnit sul,jrck rhc opplicur ro arivilp.nulryofnor nx8rhd fivc lrndrcd doll,r ($5m). <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />[-