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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUIDER DELCARATION <br />I hureby affi,ft unddr pcrxy or pcrjury th I an cx.mpr rrcm lhc ootrractoF Liensc li* for lhc followin8 rcasn 1s..7031 5 <br />BusirEs 0rd Profc$bn Cdc) Any Ciry or Counly qhich rcquircs a Fmh tu .onsd.t. d'd. improv.. &tulhh or EJEI any <br />srru.turc. prinrro irs issuane, dho rcqun.a ihc,,rDlicant ror $rh Fflnn ro filc 0 siSncdsralcmnr lhar lEorshc ir lic..scd i,lrsmr <br />ro rhc nbviiions oftlE Conrraclor's Lienscd La* (Cnlpler 9. Comicncing wi(h Sftrion ruo of Division I oa rh. Bx\in.s nnd <br />Pmlcsions Codc) or rhd he or rhc h crcq)r lhcftfrom and th. blsh tar thc alle8cd cxcmnlion Anyviolsrio.orscdionT0ll.5bya.y <br />applicsnr lu r F nir subj(F lhc applicanl ro acivilpc.llllolml nn,rcrl[.6vc hundrcd dollrrc ($s00,. <br />I. rs otrndr orth. EoFny. or mycnrDloyes wnh srscs 0r lhcn sb c.mFnsarion. silldo rh. *drk Md rhc {trrurc ( Nr <br />i cfrld or ollcrcd lor slc (Se.'.?O4tl. Busincs an.l I'rofc$ions C{nlc Thc G,nkNtu s l-icctrsc L.w docs not lprly h M o*ncr or <br />rne pDIrn, sho builds or idpmvc\ rh.r([ yluho&rs{xchwrLkhanscltorhcrrllorrhrotrghhkorh.r.wncthtloyccs- <br />polidcd rhar such imlr(^tnEm\ d. mr intcMcd or oficNl nx {lc. lt hoqcvcr. lhc h'ildirs or impoltmnr t $U enhin om }t3r <br />olco{'kr,.rhc()*ncrauitlcrwillhrvrrh.hurdcnofrnningrturhcorslr.diltrortnrihorimpmlrthctFfaryL!rictu,]xmo! <br />L ns owndr ofih. !tupdy, onr cxctusnrly lonlmctnrs wirh licctrscd conrmcrors h n,n{ .t rrE lRrctl lscc. ?()l,l. Ad\inc$ <br />aftlPmli-ssionCodc:lhcConlracloist-iccnscLasdocsnorapplybdownuror[orcny*hot'uildso,inprc!.lrhct.i. <br />.nd *ho .onrrk ror su.h pn+ca w h 0 CronrDdo(9 lkcnsd Ntsuonr rorhcG,nrrrcrois l-ic..{ Law) <br />I rhcrcntn uMcr Sccrn) <br />Orne. <br />uoaKEf,l:laurDNsAlto! <br />DIICLABAIIO! <br />I hc'.hy afftn, uid.r f.arlry ofltrjrry otrc ofrhc nnkrtrnrA dc.Jihri(rF: <br />-l <br />harc onl will mrinrtri.rCcnifi. .ofCon$trr ro Sclf lnsurc n, wo cm conDctr! pmvidcd fdbySNrioi 3700ofrhc <br />lj&, G,Jc, t, rhc Fforl:rlmc o f rh. qo* fur whi.h lhr p.rnir is is\ucd. <br />lh3rc ntrd sillminnrin *orkcrl co'npcnurnnr in\!raic., k\ Rqxncd byS(rion lTl n oi rh. ljho! Codc. forrhc <br />thc work ior wnichthk I'crmit is nsud Mywork€rs n,n nru n(.rnur ikllr'lrynurh.tnrc <br />-! <br />ccnililnor ir rhc performncc ol rhc sork ehich rhis F: nir 'r rssucd. I \hrll nol cnrpl.y uy ncron i. my Dtrtrcr <br />(, rs t, trroft $hl(r t, rhc w.rkds comt cns mi hss.lCrlifornin. i lsrccrhrr irI \buld h.onr {bicd tolhc <br />workc^ conTcnsdinr pn,visn,ns.fS.crion 17{Dofrhc tjtn Codc.Istull. fonh$irh coqrl, sirh rhos lovisi(,ns <br />WARNING: Failurc ro scurc workcr conrpostrrion covcnsc ix unl,Rtul, dnd .h.ll suhj$r on cmPlortr lo simitul p.tulri.s,nd <br />civil incs up lo om hu rcd lhousstrd dollas {$ll)0.0o0). i. rldin,n k, thc.on ol co,nPcnsorion. damBcs ar Provt.rl rdr rh. <br />sccrion 1076 ofrhc tibor Codc, inlcEsr and ltrorrcy\ fces <br />5/z-.,lt<appllenr: D".O* <br />u(:.ENffI}(:9Nl&l!ra,E <br />DESJNAIIA! <br />?oget 1,."- <br />I hcrhr rlfirh trndcr fcnnlryofpcrjuryrh[ I rm li.!ns'd unds arevnion ol Chlpr€r 9 (co'nmkin8 with Sdion ?UD) o,l)ivision ] <br />ol thc Businc$lnd t'mlcsn,isCodc. rrl ny lk..\. is in fullfd.c rlcliicr <br />'7rr417 <br />5/zz /tt coNr*,ir D.'-, 't ?u12, \;-..;; <br />CANSIAICUONTENDIN(i.IGDNI:I <br />Ihcrchy116r !nd.r pcnJlryorpcrjxrylh.t rhcrc n tr.oNlrucrior! lcndirya8cncy ror rhc r$ruriuNc orrhc sort t whichrhnF-r.rh i\ <br />i1{rd 1S.. r0q7. Civ ( ) <br />AITLICANLIECI,AEAIION <br />I hfr1,y rmm undcr pcnrlry of otrhc nnk,wins dmlnrarion\: <br />D.rtulirnrn P.rnnrlAsb.sos Nori6.alion lidcral Rcgul.rions ll irlc 4). Pdn6) <br />Rcquncd L.lrcr oaNolilkdtin <br />l.enitt rhnr rhc fcdcralrc8ulatiotrs ESrdinS asnc(os rcmoval nr. nor,pllk blc roth* pn,F_l <br />-l <br />ccrlilyrharI ttrvc rcld rhisappli.srion,.dsddhar rh. dt$rc nrronrurior iscorccr.I isrcc rocoh ywnhnICilyndCounry <br />ordinrnccs ond Srorc Llws rebring ro buildiog .oniru.rn,n. Drxl hcrcby 0ulhorizc rcpresn!(ivcs ,)t rhn Ciry trhd counlyto cnlcr uFrnrh. <br />rh)vr nrdri()ncl pnilnny <br />.\pplirn.t r, \x. l Sisnnlorr <br />4-te Ztlt <br />,," 5/21/ fX <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding i Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solf it Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />ltrleter Release <br />\ <br />Rough L-12-tg t-tttiN'l 1) <br />Service Meter ,\\- <br />FINAL 7-t1-lv \.u-i'16 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />t?ndca\ Ad&c{ <br />- <br />-f------ <br />------t----- <br />----+--- <br />I <br />= <br />=