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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DEI]'ARATION <br />I amnn undr FrIy oa pejury tbat I m €rcmpr fiom the Conttdo6'$ li* lo.lhe lollovins r.M. (sd.70ll 5 <br />Busin6s Md Prolsion Codc) Any City or Counly which r.qui,6 a tEnil lo @nntud, all6, nnprove &nolish or Ep.t y <br />slrudue rio, to irs isuan ., also requir6 rhc applicd tor .uch ,onir ro 61. a sig..d statdml dEl he or sh. h licc6.d psuer <br />to the prcvisions ot the Conticroas Licenscd ljv (Chaprs 9. Connocinr vith Sdrion 7000 oa Divisio. I oathr Busins ud <br />Proaesioro Cod.) or rhal h. or sh. is.r.npr rhd.nom md $. ba3i, aor th. alles.d.rdrFion Ary violalion ofscclion 70ll.t by a.y <br />aDnlr(dd ro, a Im subKuthc @rhcanl ro ao\rlDenalrl oltror mcr.rhu,trc hundr.d dolld(i<00)V <br />,/ \ 6 owno ofih. pmrd). or m) €mnlo)e6 \irh wid6 s sl. comp.Mrrcn. trrll.h t\.sort ed thc nlrl(@ 6 not <br />,lnlqxH or ofldcd lor sl. (Sa.704,1. B6in6 od PmfsioN Cod€ Th€ conracior's Lic@ Lrw do6 not .pply b s oMd ol <br />rhc ptuDdy Nho borldr or inpo6 thd@n, and who do6 such wo& hidrcll or hNlf or rhrouSh his or hd owD anploy6. <br />poliddl rhBr such iml'ovffls e. nol inrod.d or oafs.d aor $! I[ how6,q. rh. trilding or trqrc@r b $ld wirhin onr ]s <br />or moplcrion. $c O\sd ooilld vill havc lhc b{.do of provins rll{l te or slE did nor llild or ihFovc th. pibpdy aDr fi. purFs ol <br />l. soMdoffi.propdy, m.rcl$iv.l, .onlra(ing trirh li.G.d cont0cro*lo onn d the proj€cl (Se. ?Lt14. B6in6 <br />,nd Psbsion Cod. The c.ntrcioa s Liccosc l,av do6 nor opply to e ownr o apropdly who buil& or ihprovG rhdon. <br />and who co.rra* aorsuch Projdu wnh a Coirmcro(, licftcd pusw io rh.Conrradois Lic€e L€v). <br />I. €xe,npl undd SNr <br />-"' 1J-/vt lt <br />I h€rcby ailrm undq Fnaltyolpqluryoncofthe follo$in8 ddleatioB <br />lh.v€edNillnDnnainaCerlifical.ofconsdtlosclf-lBur.lorwort.Bconrp.nsalion,cpoid.dforbySdion3T00ollh€ <br />tnbo! Cod.. fo. rh. pdfonnance ofrh. $ or[ aor wh i.h rh. Fnrit is isu.d <br />_l have and *ill mai ain{ork.acodp€nsarbniNurance,6r.qunedbySalFnlT00olrh.tnborCode,aorlh.tdfomanceof <br />rhe $orl aor which lhis lEmir is ,sucd. My workds' comp€Narion insur cc can6 ed Dolicy nurnbd tu <br />Il cd,0 rh.t u rhe orrh. Nort ior \hrh rhis psnil is issucd. I slEll nol otrphy dy p.en i,r anl mdn.r <br /><.arohdom.sLbJe"^,hcso,ld'coi1pctua'^nla$r.fcal'lomd.Mdarrmrha'illsh^uLdbA^m.sbjdrrorhc <br />$0*6' .omp.@rion pmvi.io6 of sdion 1700 ol rh. l4or Codc, I shall. lonhsnh comply $irh rho* provisions <br />TVARNINC: r{ilur.lo sue {ortc compssalion corru. is unhvtul. tud shall subj<l 6 drployd lo oi,ntEl poEhi6 dd <br />.ivil lin6 up lo one hundred thoBtud dou6 ($100,000), ir .ddiiion to lh. cosl orcoo ion. ddoalcs 6 prorid.d ior rh. <br />scclio. .1076 oilhe tib.r Code. inrad dd anomcy s t6 <br />I hftby afiiln u.dr pdalty of Fjury thd I an li.a*d mdd FDliriob,tr f ChaflE 9 (commocin8 Nith Saiion 7000) ol DiYision 3 <br />of rhe Bsins dd Pror6io6 Cod., a.d ny lic.e is in tull lbr.. dd eII..r. <br />Li.cBcClN: t.i..di.Nu'nb.r <br />calslxllclIa!1[Bl1llc-dcEl(:x <br />I hcrcby afiimundd penaltyofp€rjurythat lh@ G a coNtruclion lddins.socy aorlh€ p.rlom c. or$cvorl frr $hich rhi. Fdn b <br />issu€d (S( 1097, Civ C.). <br />ASIUCANLDICIAAAUOX <br />I netby allm undd paahy oa pdjuy on oflh. aollo$irs d6Lr.rioa: <br />Ddnolnion PmnsAlb.ros Norilicarion F.ddal R.lubrio.s (Tillc 40, Pan6) <br />Rquirc{ Ldrs or Norifierion <br />2{:r .o, ir} rt'u, ,t'. i"a. ot .s,huob ,cssd'ns 6b6,o( rmovar a c n4 apprrabr€ b rhs pDrd <br />I.dirrrhd I nnl. red $is applicar <br />ordinan.B sd sratc Lr\vs nlarinS lo bui <br />ahovc ftnlio..d prepdly for inspedion <br />i()n d srarc rh.! rhc ahr c inri)n .rnr is .oner l aEero.o lfl]\n[ rll (-nr itrd (iiunrt <br />lding coBttu rio., ed h@ly aurhoriz. rq,srarive of rhis cnt md co$tlr\t)plic. i o. Ascnl Sipniru,c <br />,..,U"" ""-",,,Ur,,r< <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framin s <br />lnsu latio n/E ne rg y <br />Dryivall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />A/zz //z;--'r^//xt ) <br />Certificate of Occu n <br />Not marks, Etc <br />n <br />Urrl AuzAn<.tt-- <br />ID/SIG. <br />T-Bar <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL ^-, al/o</tX <br />T 4p>=LL6rS'* <br />f ---T------I