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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AU|LDER DELCARATION <br />I h.rchy lrfrn und.. p.Blry of Frut] rnd I u cxcmp fDn d. Conrrdo Licens L3* fortu folloving @$n (Ss.7011.5 <br /> .nd Prcfcsion Codc): Any Cily or Colnly *hich Eqlncs . psnn lo conslflcl, d!d, inuDw. dcmlich or e!& sy <br />srtu r!rc. lrior h ils iss!8mc. rls fr{uiEs rhc applitur for $.h I'rni lo lih ! signcd srercm rhd lE or s}E h liensn purMnl <br />r. ttE pmv*io.s of rlE Conr$crols Liccn$d Llv (Ch!t rd 9, Com,mminS *irh 7000 of Divhidn I ol lh. ausin.$ and <br />Pmr.ssions Code) or rhlr h. or slr i! cxcnpr iErtiom and rh. tlris fo, Oc .lbgcd .rmplion. Any violalion of S..lion ?0ll.t by lny <br />aff,licr tor r !.oI sutjclr ln lpplicant lo aLivil p.nallyofml mrc thD fivc nudrcd dolles (5500), <br />-1. <br />N owftr of rh. lrotEnr, or my e mtloytes wilh sasci {r rhcir eL @r,Fnslion. wil lh llE wo* ,n ttt slnrle t ml <br />i.rodcd n ofIcrd aor sL (S6.IX4, aulies and PrDfc.sions Cod.: Thc Contraclds Liensc tlq do6 nor .rrly lo M owner of <br />rhc ,mrf,ny *ho hiilds or i'qm6 r,t@n. dd wlh .k*r .eh Mrk hin*ll or hcsetf or llmlgh hh 6, h., oen .n:ployNs. <br />lroviled thli su.h ispmErnr. m mr inldld.n orofcEn brsh.l( hoE4r,llt toildiiS or itprtrmil b$Uwilhin"m )tr <br />of.onplction, i,f, O*mr Blild.r wiu hrrc tlE buk{ of prcvin8 rrBl h. tr shc dn d bild or inqrDr rhc Flpcny for th Niroe of <br />_1, usowmr ofrhc nqEny, !n.rclusilrlycodmcrins *irh I icc.\.d .onru.toB <br />'o <br />conslruct thc !,ojccr (Sa.70:14. B!:u6\ <br />dd Piofs*bn Codc: Thc Contrlctn s Liccnsc LlR dcs nor aplly lo !nowtur ofpropcry who build{ or inprov.s rh.r.on. <br />ond sfio conrncls aor slch pmj.ds snh a Conrndons) lienscd purxulnr io lhc Coflr..lols Lhcns trw). <br />I lncrcmDt unds Sdnn .B & PC.lo,rhirra.on <br />1lOf,f,l:f,[.(;0lltENS/III0N <br />DECIAXAIION <br />I h.tubyrlilrn und$ p.nrlry.rlr jury onc olrhc nnbwirc dcchrlriotrs: <br />I hdv.d sillnhinriir r Ccn il'{!rc of Cotrsnr lo Sclalnsur.l'or rorkcs .omncn\ulion- a\ Iln)lidcd lor hySeriml70oolrlrc <br />lnhrr Codc,l.rrfic pcrfornun.. ofrh. w.rk for whi.h rhol.nn i\ h\ucd. <br />ZJ-bJrr rnd (,ll hnr nworlcG (o.rlt{n\rrnn in rJnce-rs rcquircd t'yScrrn,n:1700 orrhc bktr Codc. for lhc pctli,nan(c ol <br />tcrmir is ksu.n. Myworks comtcn$ion insu6*c.ario ud Fric, numb.r m: <br />t1 12 '1 lll <br />-lccnitythrr <br />inlhc pcrfornrncc oalhc$ork tor whichrhisrcrmir k nsucd.l rhnlln r in anymlnrcr <br />$ as ro tEcnm subjccr Io rhe workc^' .odFnsarion hws or Clliromii. !d .8m lh0l if I should h(rom slhlccr io rh. <br />*orlc*.!ry,cnsrionnovhionsofSflion,lT00.tlhcl-arrrCod..lshrJl.fonhviltsryly*ithlho$provnionr. <br />WARNING: Failurc ro surc vortcn'compcnsotion covcruBc is unlustul. and shrll subj(r e oflortr lo ftiminal Fruhics lnd <br />civil nncs up to onc hulldEt lhous0d dolhn (Sl$-mO), in ro rhc.osr otconnc.sarion. drroecs ,s providcd for lh. <br />S..riotr:076 ofllE L$or Codc, itrrcrc( nnd nrlonEy s <br />o"r",L,f -L1Lf, ,- epprr..r, <br />DES.6N{IIAN <br />I hcrchya0nrn uMc! l].nallyotpcrrlry rhnr I rh licna{ ondc! Eovisio. .r chdp'$ 9 (.onmr..inB nith Sedbn ?(x[! "r rhi.i." r <br />or rhc ausnrsnnd PrufcsstunsCodc. and$ is ir tull tn(r ml rnacr <br />70L{4lL{ <br />o*", I I <br />,eniryrhdrhcfcdcmlrcBu,:rionsrcgddnrBostEsrorrcmvalarcmrlpplic,lcrorhhpoicd <br />-l.cnily <br />rhd I luvc rcld rhis aptlhortun anl sdrc rhar rh. !h.w ioforNlio. iscorNt.l a8B rommllyqirhall Ciry a.d Counry <br />mdinanccs and Sr0rc tiws rchring robuildins consmcrion. rd hcEt y aurbrnc rrc{llliiws oarhis Cnyand Coonl, k, cnrd uFrn rhc <br />dovc,rc.dorcd pmp.ny for insn clio. purln$ <br />Ap/rrnr or Asr r s,8ndutu: <br />P.nnne oue (rifl ):- <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Ouct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meler Release <br />FINAL l'21<l/9 -r 6e) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.u( <br />APPROVALS <br />Drle: Orn.r:- <br />IQXSIAIJCIIONIEBUTG-&CEN1;} <br />Iturcbylmrnurdcr pc.llry or Frjury rh3r rhcr i\rconsrtucrioi LidnEr8c.cyrrr rhc N muncc ol thc *ol& r{r shi.h rlrn Nnnir h <br />i\sucd 1S...1097, Civ C.)t,nn'\Nnr <br /> Addn\\ <br />- <br />,rppr.rcini urti anliiiw <br />I lrrhy rfllrm u.dcr pctrdlly oiJ,.rjry oN ollhc lollowinB dcclararions: <br />DcnrlirnnrPcrnriN AsbcnosNoriri.nrbnFcdcrrl Rclnhrion\('lirlc40. Pan6) <br />-R.quitcd <br />l-c[c. o{ Norili.drbn <br />Grease Duct <br />lnstallation