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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framina <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lrlaso n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />, <br />FINAL /tl?/tf ,.*1f,.l4 tl <br />Certificate of Occupancy /'"'-a-tt/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNDT BU!I-DER DELCARATION <br />I hscby amnn under p€nalry of p6jury lhar I d .rchpl ann rh. Conltactots l"iccnse l iN for lhe rolkrwidg tNn (Se 70l l 5 <br />Busins a.d Profeion Codc) Any Ciry or Cou y shich requt6 a rEh'l !o cocttu.l. a[6. ihprovc. d€molish or rep€n ,n) <br />srucluc, pior to ns isumce. ale r€quiE Ihe alplicanl lor such Fni to nl. . si8n.t srlremenl Ihal h. or sh. is licm!.d pumel <br />lo rhe povisiotu oarn. conlraclois Lic.nsd Law (Chapts 9. Colnmcncins *nh S$'ion 7000 of Dirision I otlhe B$iness ed <br />Proa.ssions (-ode) or thd h. or shc is qmpt lh6c6om trd lhc bdsis for llt all.lcd.rd0ion. Any violation ofseclFn 70115 b, e, <br />ipplicafl lor a p.nnil subjstslhc applicanl to.civilpenahyolnor eorcnm 6v. hundted dollos (t50o). <br />-1. <br />d o*nd oflhc prcldy. or nyenrploys rvith Nas6 &s rhcn sl. coinpffilion. $illdo lh. $orl.nd rhc srudm G .or <br />inlod€d or ofis.d ror salc ( sd 7044. ausind Md Pmlsions Code 'l h. conlroctoa s l.ic4* I.w do€ nor .pplv ro an osna ol <br />rlt. sopdy Eno tril& or nnpov6 rh6o( tnd $no.h6srch sllll hiDsctlot h@lf orfimuSh nis or hs oM cmploy€6. <br />provid.t rhat such nnlnov@.s d€ ml inlddcd or olrgcd lor slc. li hoN6's. thc h]ilding or nnFovam iseE Nnhin, n. @ <br />of.onpleliotr rh. O$Td Duildg will harc lhc h!(kr of Forins Ihll hc or sne did nor build or Lnpio\. thc p.lFly for th. pul,r oa <br />l,6owns olrhc ropdly, mlxcllsn.l}.ontraLlin8 $nh Lcc6.d conl.aclo6lo corl{tod lhc projd' iSc. 70,1.1. RNIns <br />ad Proftssion ftde: Th. ( onrrocloar Licc.s. Law do6 nol apply lo e o*ner oaltroren), Nno builds ot impov.s thdsn. <br />and who contmcls fo. such prcjsG sirh a Con!.acto(s)liceEcd lo lhc Conrra.lofs l.ic€.k La{) <br />I m crenrpl undq Sdio <br />]loaEDSSlCAllSEliAlIOrp&c!484!!,ll <br />I hscby sflirm under poaltyolpsiury onc orlhe loll$vi.3 <br />I have drvillmainrainaCcnificatoacoMnrroself-ldur.foruor!.6.onlp.n.ttidtr,6 providcd fot bySclion 1700 oIrh. <br />tibo. Cod., for rn€ palo'l1ucc oi thc NorI for rhich lh. psnn it su.d <br />I have and vill moinlain *orkera .on!.6ario. irerrec.. s requt€d by 56l ion 3700 ol rhc Labot Code, for lhc paiomecc oi <br />lhc work lor which this p€ i5 istlcd. My wDrkdt mnpmdion iNurmc tmiq ed Folicy nrmbd dc: <br />Policy NuDb6:-Elpt6: <br />lcoliryrhalinrheperfonn.nccolrh€woIkaorwhic[thispermilisissued,lshallmronployoaypssninantmdncr <br />$ s ro bffomc subjsl to lhe vort6 compsalrcn la*1 of Calilomia. rd .B@ Ihal il I should b€ ubjd lo lhe <br />worlm'conp€nsarionprovisiontofSarionlT00olthcLaborCode.lsh.ll.ionhrvilhcon,dywirhrhor!rcvisions <br />WARNINC Failure lo sue rorl.u compeBal cov@s. is unlnNtul. dd shall subjct m dnplolq lo 6nin0l pmhi6 md <br />civil llnes up lo onc hundrcd rh.usd doll6 I ). in addirion ro rhc.os olconrp.marioo- dlhasd 6 providd in rhc <br />S(hotr.1076 orthc L.bor Codc. imcr6r <br />tl -t-t g ,..-t omag M a cedo <br />I heby amiln unds p@lry o I pajury rbal i e lic.6.d indd prcvision olChopls 9 (commdcnr! *nh Seclion 7000)ofDivision l <br />of rh. BNins d Prdfsions Cod.. ad ny licse is intuU forcc tnd cr(t. <br />r^vYLZa+ GooF ia <br />ck uol.f-.p-gl*",11- l:1t Poof + <br />I bq€b, artrm undq p€nahy ol !.rr!ry I <br />icsucd (Se.1097, Civ. C.) <br />consrclio. Lndins lscncy lor rh.ldlonnancc.flne *tk ior whicn thG is <br />ASIUCANLIICIABAIIA! <br />I hqc6y a]lhn und€r p.nahy of p.rju4 onc ol Ih. follo$ inB ddldarions: <br />Dmoliriod Pmns-Asb6ros Notilication Fedral Resulalion! (1 irl. 40. P,16) <br />Required Lcltd ot Nolilicalion <br />db€slos r Dral rc not aprli.abl€ ro rhi\ pror<l <br />c (lrar rlt aluc nrlonn.rion t cotrsr. I alrr xr'.onplyvnh ou city&d counl, <br />hisCnyed Counlyto di6 ulbn rh. <br />^",1l-):18Mqr <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />t-f-