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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSSITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorvenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing /2//shA-4.d <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL ,t,/zt/lo . <br />Certificate of Occupancy V <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />O\{NIiR B!ILDER DET,CARATION <br />I hscby amlo undd pMah! ol pdlu.y lhal I d €xctopt ion rh. Conlraclos Lic.ns. Law lor nr iollowils r.a{n (Ss 7011.s <br />Bsin6s &d Profdion Codc): Any Cily or C.mrt $hi.h requn6 5 p6nn ro connrud. oh6. impreva .lGnolith or r.p€n v <br />ntucru., pnor ro ils isu4., abo r€quns $c alplicd lor such p.trrii ro lilc t sisncd statd€nt thal hc or shc G licdscd p@dt <br />kr th. trovisioG ollh. Conlrtrcloas L(ens.d lrs (Chaple 9, Corrmcncina v h s(rion 1000 of DirisN. I ol rh. Irtr\ind$nd <br />Pmlsions aod.)or thar h€ o, shc is.x.npt rhdcionr and lhc tEsis for rhe alle8.d cxdnprion Anyviolarionofsalion 7011.5 bvanv <br />applicanr for apennn subjd8lh. applicanlloacivilpoahyolnol.rrclhanlivchuodrcddoll s($500) <br />l. s osncr of rh. proD.ny, or m, mploy6 with \uas6 s !h.n ek comFrsdioo, vill dc' rb. "ork dthcslEd@s nol <br />inrer&t or ofrecd lor sale (5(.7044, Bsins dd Pmfsions Code 'l h. contrcioas ljw do6 not applv 1o an o\Fcr of <br />rhc propdy s,D buil& or iryrov6 $@r ud sho do6 such Nt,t hi,ns.lior h6.lf or rhmuPh his or hF ok.nphvs. <br />provid.d rhd such imp.ovoE$ ft nor inoddi tr ofb.n lor el€. ,l how&6. lh€ buildins or inprovmdr is sld tr irhi..n. vs <br />orcomplction. th. ow.d AuiEq *ill have $c hrd@ oaForing $d hc or dE dd nor t ild or nnprove lhepDpd,lorihc Pulposof <br />-1. <br />s osnE oarhc propsly. @ .r.lusi!cl, conti.clins $ilh licas.d .ontdo6 lo conslruc' rhe rojd (sd 7044. BEhs <br />and |rDfdsu Codc: Th. Conlradoas t,iccnse La{ do6 nol .rPly to os.( olriololvwho builds or inoi.ld lhtrmn. <br />and who.onlmcrsforsuchprcjcds*nhaConhdoirlkdsedp6uerrorhcConlra.lor'st,ictuch\v) <br />l,n.rmd mdd sdron - B. & PC.lor rha r.4n <br />Drt. Ownq: <br />ug85c8[cou!!NsArg.N <br />DECtAEAtt!2! <br />I hs.b, arrh undd p.nallyolpcjuryone ofrh. followin8 d(lamlions <br />-l <br />halr ad Nill maifllain a Cen ifi.arc olconmr ro Scl nsuc ror trlrk.E coalpen3liio0,4 pmlidcdro!bvSsrion11700oithc <br />Lab.r cod., foi lhe pc aonM.ce orlhc *oik aor shich lt. p€mril is sucd <br />I havc and will wotk.ri conD€nsalion i6rra.c.. d requted bySrlnJn rTooofthc l,alatr Cod., lor rhc pqfonnarc€ of <br />rhe rvo* for *hich llG p.mrit is isu€d. My wo&6 .omt $ation imurec. cnia dd policy nu'nbs ec' <br />Policy Numb..-ExPn6: <br />I ccnitlhal in rhe pdaonnsce oalh. wort lo which lhis is issued. I shall nor cmplo, a.v p€6on in anv mener <br />s s ro bcon. subj€r to the B0'16 Qnpdsrion laNs ofc.lifomia. md ase rh.l ifl should b€oD. slbj*i ro lh. <br />M|t6.Dnp.rsalnrnprovirioNofSdion1700oarh.t?b.rCodc.Ish!11.lonh\rithcomplylvilhlho€provisions <br />WARNINC railur€ Io sue worlcd conpmsorion covdasc is unla{tu|, tud shall subid an mPlovd to siminalpobki6 md <br />.nil nnca op ro on€ hundErl lhousd dollc (Sl0{,000). in addirion ro $c cosl ol comFr*rion. dm's6 6 Im"nl.n r'r rlr <br />sdtion 1076 olthe l-abor Code inr.r6t &d allom.y s 16 <br />lt <br />DICI.ABAIION <br />I hrcby amm u.dcr poDlty. i p€rjury rhal I m licdsd undd pmvision ofchapld 9 (.ommmcins rvilh Sdtion 7000) 'Il)ithion 3 <br />ot rh. Busins md Prcf€$ions Co&. ml ,n, licok is h tull lore dd ellct. <br />I -iceNe Cl6s:_l-ic.6. N unrbr <br />,* .-,*"*X- <br />CONIIBIJCIIONTEIITNC.AGINCI <br />I hcreb, afifln undd llnalry or pdjury rhal ih6. is a coflnrud ion lfldlns , for lhc psfom&c. of the woll t)r shi.h this p€rfln is <br />issu.d (S*. 1097. Ci! C.) <br />L.nd.''rName <br />- <br />Len,.lo ! Add6 <br />A.8IUC.ANTDECI,AMIIA! <br />I harby aftun u.dr paahy of psjury onc ot thc followi,! &.ld.lions: <br />Demolilion P{mns'Asbdos Nolifi€arion F€ddal R.*ulaliom (Tnb40. Pd6) <br />-Requtcd <br />Latd of Noiicalion <br />-l <br />cdiry that fi. f.dd"l r.sulalioB Eeddrng sb6tos rmoval {€ trol tppli.abh lo thls Prcj61 <br />I c.nify lhal I havc rdd thi! applictrion Md ar. rhd rh€ ahovc i.aomalion is cord. t .!ra lo complv wnh lll Citv md Counlv <br />ordiMcd dd $ar. lis rclrm8 io boilding .ondrucliotr dd n@by .urhod- rc!n.$tdiv6 of lhis Cnv &d co@lv to flts upon rhc <br />.L{vc nrotioned pr.p€n} ror iBpelion purpos6. <br />a!, eR4ta- DL <br />,,,", ,,f tr/rr <br />vg <br />^pprimnr <br />or <br />^senr <br />stsnrt!re, tL