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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWN8tr AUILDEA DEICAIANON <br />I hr*y.rm ud.r F.Xy ot F,try thr t a.r.qr tlE dE Co'! Li.@ Lr* 6r th.6uowi'! t66 {56.,011t <br />Bdind .!d Piof6bn Cod.): Any Cny or Cord, wnih Eq!i6 t Fna ro oreu1 .[6. anDrDv.. (trDltlt or ,!p.t -y <br />rllucr@ Fior to ill rEqunq lh. lpplbor lor ruch Frn ro frlc r rian d r.r@r llu 1r or iE a li.s!.d plB!,n <br />ro 0E Foliria of rt ContErdi Lirtrr.d t * lctrpra 9. Coffibs *rl Scrb! 70@ of Dirbr ! of th. Bui6 -dPmasioc Cod.) cdL lldrlE i' qqld {E6!E.d Et ir tu rlE.lkr.d qoFih AryvblriEolscriD70:lI5byey <br />.Ipliefl foi . p6ni Ebjrl! rh. .pptic6t Io ! civil p.Ehy ol ful @r. ri& ,lv. hlidr.d dolle (t500) <br />_L. o{c ofo. FoFty, a oy.4lord witt *16. Ei rL @pdir!. si! & rh Bt d rlrnlde i 6r <br />idadld .r oflad rd d. (S-.r044, Buii6 ed RD&rbd Co& Th. colfrcd . Li.d. r* &<. lDr r!?ly to & o*E of <br />li.FDFir eto h t d irylq ticEo. rd wt &6id 6t hiadls fdElf or tbooai ii' 6ld ou adoyq <br />Flvit drt rt iryorldGd iradd aoGrd ft. -t lt tow. dE Eldis d ilFoqd a-ld vtlEcJ- <br />ofc.qLrirl ln.o.F6 Aiil& wO l& rlt hnh 6fFwiI. lE [. d rL did tiiL d irye d! Fqd, tr ft !t,F-ol <br />-l <br />! l'rE of dr FoFrr. m RrliBl, @dr-riB *ih li.oE d.ldrEE ro <o.EEr dr Fbj.n (Sa- 7044. BuiE <br />iat PrDt .ib Co&: Tn. Co nd6 r Lic@ a,w &6 Dor.pply ro e owG ofEoFty who b{ik. or irpNv6 6doo. <br />.!d *,1'o @.trr. br Bn FDjdt wil . Codxro(O li.u!.d Frun ro tlE Cqridd ! Li.@ lrsl <br />_l e d.apl E& tdi'--, B. a P.C. br lia 'r-o! <br />Drt. Or.- <br />wonxFrs coirrExsinoN <br />DECIaIAIIA! <br />I hd$, rflim unda F!X, olFj6y oa ottlE folbwrle d..L..lbB: <br />-l <br />hrE rd witl t Cstif,.1. of CorE d ro SdolEc lo. wtd dnF!.lioq - FDviLd for b, Sclii l70O of tlE <br />Lbor C.d.. f( th. paforuc. of lh. s br *t!hh dc p6nh h b$d. <br />-l h.E .!d will E td .orp@rih iE!u.. . n qliEd t, S<!i[ !700 6f rh Ler C.dq &!r $. FforllG. of <br />lh. sort for which thir ir iiw.d My ior iGlmc. cqi, rd polky nrntE G <br />-l <br />.diry thd i! lf. F6|rrE. of d. erl 6. *'tih Ui Frn ir iu!d. I rlrll Dr drpk'y 6y fdbn b &, l!-G <br />F s to b@m rubj6 ro rk &rtd' onp€!!dh! bs otc.libhi& .nd .8c t itl lhoukl bclr nurer lo llE <br />s,ld @oD6rba Fllilbd of S.oir !?00 of E Lrtor C.d., l JrlL bdlwnt @rd, Bnh 1t.- FlviiiE. <br />\r \|rNl\(] tr L tr' i\ur. (,fr.( (!sv6s. n 6L*tu1 !i 3hdl sbjd & orploF lo ciBiBl Flli!.d <br />civil n!6 up ro oE huldrd tloot od &u-t of @6F ldioD.€ r FDvi(H tu rhc <br />rh.l,hn Co& id.d .nd <br />r rr{srll crrirrx ..mi <br />rlcLSAta! <br />I ta6y diE u!d. ot Firy lb I & li.d r&& Fvib. of G|,lq 9 (@do.ti!8 wtt S..rh 7m) of Divhi. I <br />ot tlr E* -d h!fr.d6 Cod.. !d D,li@ - b tuI 6c -d.E t <br />g/G/1:- <br />corgagcllou.l.EltlGlcllc( <br />I hqlby .lIm 6dd pa.Iy of Fjlry tlld tha. ir . oirtu rb! lad.s rdy 61 0E Ffollte. of llE slr for *nth $i Fal L <br />irud (sc. 1oc7, civ. c.) <br />AISJCAUI.IICIAEAJIO! <br />I h.dy rftn !nd{ Fd, of Fj!.y olc of lh. fouowilg dels ioul <br />D6btio. t@it' At!.r6 thri8<rb! F..b.l n.t!hi6 (Iib .{0. P.r6) <br />-R.qud <br />Ldl6 of Noii6.nn{ <br />-l <br />6ift $r rn. ftd6.1 ErlLbB Errdirg ddq lmr n E rul +lt.l,L ro lhi' FoF. <br />-l <br />cqtry $d I b.w rqd rhit lpllt tion lrl ndc 0la U. .hov. inforD.lion i] coEet I $r lo omrly *nh .[ Chy .!d Couly <br />ddi.,B .id $d. lrq ,tIiB ,6 tqitdila o.rr!6iri. -d hc.t, .dL@ rrE driva otlh,rfiy lxl Coudy ro ara <br />'4oo <br />rlt <br />$o\. lmrb..d F.Fr, fd <br />s9f -" 1h/zt <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />lnsulation <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Ducl <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />R h Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL blnlr,D(** lo-t <br />Notes, Remarks , Etc. <br />7 <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Other