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APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DEI,CARATI('N <br />I hc,chy lnnm undc. pcn&lry or !.rjury rhar I d crcnF rn m rhc Conkrn)m Liccns L.* fo, rhc tou.wing rcasn isec.7o.ll.t <br />Burin.\s .nd Pturcssion Codc): Any Cily or County vhich rclutcs u Frnrir k, $Nrrud. tlrcr, nnfmv.. dcmlhn or Eprn uv <br />sru.turc, rhrro irs issnarcc. rho rcquircs thc apllica ntr slch rEm r. nb0 siSncd slar.mnl rh ncorshe is li.!.sed txsu r <br />u rhc Dmvisions or rlt conr.crols*d llw (Ch. cr 9. Commcrcins,irt Sccri,n 70m ofDivision 3 ofthc gusinc$ rid <br />Prcrc$ionsCodc)orlhaltEor\hchcicmprltercfromandltebasnforrheJle!.dcrcmtlion.AnyliohthtrofSdiohT0-ll5hytr., <br />arJpliclnr for a rermir suhjcrs rhc lpnli.a <br />'o <br />a.ivilFnrlryornor mr.lhln fivc lN"drcd dolls\ ($500) <br />l.aldwn.r.frhcpmflny,ormycmployccswirh'ogcsdsIhcnekcoD.nrdn&rilldolhc$rkenIla(nlrirmr <br />imcfld.t orofi.rcd forsLlsa.7(144, Buii'Esrsnd PRrrcrsi.n\ codc Thc (bnrrlors l,tenrc lisd*x nor arPlyrornowNroI <br />Ihc ln,lxny ah, hdilds or iqnoEs rncmn- ond Nno dms such mr* himsclfor hcrsclfor thtou8h ItiF o. hct o*ncnlpk,rc.!. <br />provid.d rhrr such imptr,kmna m tul idcnd.d M offcrcd tu sik ll h.wcvcr. Itc ltiki',g or i'lllmvrrrofl is sld wirhin nnc ttr <br />ofconllcrir rhc o*rcr Buills *illhavc rhc blnlcn ol pmvirs lhd h.orrh did nol buitl or imtovc lhc Frp.riy rd rh. Plqxreol <br />l.rsowncrollhcnm|Eny. n crclusilcly corrrrr ina wir h lic. \.d ..nrNM\ ro con$rucl lhc pntcd (SN 701-1. Buitrcs\ <br />snd Pnrlcsi,nCod.: Thc Co r&kr'\LiccnscLnwd.cstror.t'tlyro0trowncrolpn,pcny*hobuiltlsorim0nrcslhcrcon. <br />ard *ho conrnch lor ruch lrotccrs *irh a Grntrron, liccn\d PoNrnr tu rhc conradois l-i(n{ I tr*l <br />l.ncxcnr undcrSslio <br />I hrrc rl qillminrrin r Cca 'ttrr. of conrdr t, scll:ln{rc f(trwo'kcs . nrJrns bn- a\ nDrid.d r{n bysc.ridr 17(xrol rhc <br />Lrlxtr Cod.. for rhc tol.mrNc oirhc work r'or *hiri rtc p.' 'nir is i\\ucd <br />_l hrvc rnd willmrinrriD *orkrr'.o.rt tr\nri(t ir{urn,rc, rr rquircd .lT(Xrofrhc l- hor (inlc. lor rhc r^-nniiuncc of <br />h rhi\ |xir ir i\ irlul{ My$.rkch .o lrf{ri(nr iNurrncc.rtric' :u Fnictn!.$rr ttrr <br />L"", <br />v.., <br />fe- gEc'4 r7./ //aTr) <br />5t.1C 11l194*d-* -)6 <br />-l <br />ccniry rhar b ihc p$rorron.. olrhc work lor whth thh lErnit h issu.d. I \hrll n.r.mphy,try pcnon in rny munm. <br />s N kJ bt$nE subF...r lo rhc so*cs' compcnsrrion hh nr Cllifinnir, dtrd ,!R r hd if I should hcc.m suhjcd b rh. <br />*o.k.n.ompcns.rionpmvnn'trrolS6_li.n3?00ofrhcItrtnC.d..Idrll.ionheirhomPl,wirhrh)sPmli\nnx. <br />WARNTNC: F0ilurc ro su.c worlcr(.omFnsalion covcmAc is unla*ftl. rnd shrll arr cnDbycr io oidn8lFmlris 0trd <br />civil finc* !t ro .m hu.dr.d ihousmd doll.s ($l(x).000). itr r'ddilion ro rhc cosr or conFnsrlion, dr uscs rs lr,!id.d ldr rh. <br />Secrn,n ll)76 Dlrhc l-abor Cdd.. imcrcsi Md 0rlorrcy's |as <br />P5 -Oq- I / r,oon-*,ffa/d' Ktm At e- <br />LICEIIEDIjANIBACIOA <br />IECIAEAIIQN <br />I hcdhylrltnufllcrFnalryofFrjury th.t I am lietrEn undcr pmvnion ofCh{rd 9lcomnrmin8 wilh SNlion 7000).rDivkion I <br />oi lhc Busnrs and lmlesiioni Codc. ll myliccnk is in full lom aM clfcct <br />r-\,,. <br />B fctda.{} <br />qt-e=7.19 4llu 44 r€,< € yirrnL rn, <br />coNsrntl(]Tt()N I Fr\DtN(: a(;lNcY <br />I hcrchy lrfinn u.dcr Fnaliyol pcrruryrhrr rhcrc iM con{,r L.dirA qcnc, llI rhc tcrronndn.c otrhc *ork tu siich rh( Iirnir i{ <br />is{i.(lrS( r1r'r7.(tr ( ) <br />APILI!:ANI.DEILATAIIAN <br />I hstty !fimi undcr pcnally of ncrjury om ofrhc toll.win8 d.clddrions: <br />Ocrmlilion P.irnits.Asbcstos Norificarion [cderal RcglLrn,is (Tirle,lO. PM6] <br />Rcquircd Letlcr of llotificlrhn <br />-l <br />cenity rhar rhc redenl rceuldrions Egr.ding osh.slos rcmval {c aor rpplic$|. r. rhis tmlc.l. <br />I ccnilyrhd I halc rc lnh aptlicarion ard srarc rhar rtc !li*! inrdmin i\ con(t. I asN ro comFly wnh ,ll Cily aln Coutrry <br />ordinm..s ind sr.rc tjws rcl0tins to l,uildins c.nsrrdn,n. uil herdhyrurktrizc r.a,crcntarivcs oilhis Cny,nd Coumr lo cnts uPon rtc <br />rho!c mdrmd Dn'mnv lor insnccrion Nm*s <br />prFor*-r *,rxmr sror,n %:=:Z-2f.;1/ <br />\-r,.*..,p.r,,, Q77/ 2f't'/ D . Kt z2 O ^r" <br />O./ - ot ^tA <br />L (.> <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solf it Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)I <br />I/leter Release I tI l8 _\.rfteh- <br />I <br />Rough Eltrt tp tL$,Da- <br />Service lVleter : t;'t'"J <br />FINAL t\,rlb <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE <br />Communications Cable <br />Iv!18tr[IN:l;0u8ENlAr(,! <br />IECIATAI]OX <br />I hcrchyuln undcr pcExyorrcjuryoft orrl[,wine d(lardhtrs <br />trN.''r AdJr\( <br />-