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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOB HECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Satety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />It/eter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL h/t(/ls /n ?% <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNTJR BU'I,DER DET-CANATIoN <br />I hcrchy arfirn uidcr p.ixlry or p.rjury rhlr I rh.x.rpr riorn rhc Contadon' Liccnsc Las for ltc fdk,wins rca$. (sd 70ll 5 <br />Bu\in s ,nd Prol.$tun CdL) Any Ciry or Coutriy which rcqrircs r ,'snrir lo con{dcr- drcr. idprov.. d.mlish or rcp,n ry <br />{ .turc.pri roits tsurtra. oho rcquncs lhc .lplicnnl for such pcmil tr ,ilc ! siEtd nrr.mnr rhr' h.or shc is licen{d Puruanl <br />b rnc r.olnions.t rh€ Conrra.ror's l-i.cnsd trw (Chapr.r 9, Co nrncin8 Bilh Scdbn 7otr0 ol Dilisn,n.l.rrhc Bucinc$ and <br />Pn'r.rsn,nsCodc)orrh{ hcor shc iscxcnDr rh.rc{mmand rhc basn for lhc olLscd excnrptbn Anyviola'ion.rS.ciion703l5$yany <br /> lor r Fnnir subj.cts lhc oDplicunr lo acivilpcnallyolnor nmrclhln nlc hundr.d dollrs ts5ur. <br />_1, !r owtur olrhc tioFny. or mycnlnoFs wirh wngcs as th.k slc!cns0tlon. silldo rhc work tud rh. qrturm ( lxn <br />iN.klcrt oroficEd ror slc (SN.7044. Buimssa Pmfcs(ions Celq fhc CodEdoi r ll{ docs <br />"or <br />apflr ro !n orEr ot <br />rhc nm,rn, *ho hilrs or itrqm*e dra)n, n qh, d(Es sx.h wd{ hinsclf or hcrrlr or llnugh ht tr hcr o*n cnylorc! <br />provid.d Ihar suc[ impmrcrrcnr\rcnn i.rcnd.n orolLrcd li,r slt ll how.w.. rh. buildinS or imPmtmol t sh *irhin nc ,t,tr <br />olconDlctiotr. rh Owncr aui8cr willhow rhc hudcn olpmvinB thd he or rhc dU no' bxild or iq)mvc $c pmFny for fic puqxx of <br />_1. rsowncr ol rhc l.opdy. amexch\ivcly confndi'rg wirh liccn\cd co.ticr'^ t' .otrind thc Imrsr (Scc. ?O14. Bu'in.s <br />arl l,lDf$\ion Codc: Thc c()nttr r.fs t-iccnsc Lrw docs nur rtply b M owncr ofpropcrly who huilils o' nnpnrvcs Ihcrcotr. <br />and Bho .. rmts lor su.h proFts wirh a Conlncrq( n licctrsd luFutrnr t, rhc Contdor's l-kcnsc LaB ). <br />lrDc:csnrutrJ.r Sccri,)n- A &PC lurrlri\r qr <br />u].2ts-[E8!11D!!E!SlLl\llKr [aI(2! <br />I h.rsl,\ rlli'n trf(lrr Nuhy,,1 |.Utr', o r or rlr hll,,snr! d.( r,xrinr <br />l.rhr C,'(h. l,i rh. Brn,n Nr f f rlr \dl ln. shkl, rh. t.r n I N $0.t1 <br />(lr \!![ tur $h(h rln\ ])dn[ i\ r\{(rl Nl! trork. r .!n,rrJr ,,' ],{n.trtr. lrnL., rnlll),'l.v ! rh.r m. <br />c.",,- 2 qn.cYt <br />toco13o 96 oo3 _Expircs:ro.l /B <br />-lccnilyrhlr <br />inlhcpc trrome nl rlr work for ahich thr p$mir N is$cd. l shrll tror cnrPloy an, P.ron h a.y trnncr <br />$ ns k, b.{.mc subjc.r to rhc w.rk rs comp.trsrtion hus.lColilo ria. and asrc rhar iiIshould,m subjctr ro lhc <br />*o rr\.ofrp..\arhnrn,visio.(ofScclionlTLt)olihctjiuCodc.lshlll.n,nhwnhconrtlyuirhrlr)cprovisions <br />flARNINC Frilurc ro *.trrc qorkcr conrpcnsnriotr covcrrgc ir unlaNiul. rid \hrll \ubjc.r rn c rdoycr k, dinrinll Pctrrlri.\ md <br />cieil ti cr up tr, o.. hutulrcd th.usand dollaN l$lll().lr(xr).ln r dition ro lhe con olconFNrit,i. drnr8cr rs rrovidcrl rbr lhc <br />S..ri{r:1076 olrl[ Lhn C'(x,c, inrcrcjiMrtronry \ lcc( <br />s/s /rY n@ <br />UCINTED-IONI8ACITf, <br />DFCI AIATION <br />I hcEhy.ffirn undcr pcnollyotperiury rhar I m !.dcr Fdvi\n'n.tCnaprcr 9 (c.mmmin8 wirh Sdion 7(xI) orDivnion l <br />6f rhc and P$r.ssionsCodr. tuxl my liccnsc is nr lullrorcc d{cffccr <br />Cto C.l6 1So tyq <br />1, ls o/rt .",r,,"r",, Suntrrrrl i'azS'ta fu <br />I!}IIIB!]CIIONIENDINC.LAEN T <br />lhcEbtrlfiirnuidcrp.drlrydfpcrju'tthlIrhscniconslruclionlcMin8a-sctrctlorrhcn.rn,mi.col'hcvolrfowhkhrhhFrnrili\ <br />ksrcd (Scc.309?. Civ C.) <br />AITLIIANfI]ECIASAII!}N <br />I,trmr undcr ,).nrrty ol,icrjury onc ofrhc followirB dalfflrionr <br />Dcnmlirion Pcrnrirs Asb.{or Norilicoiion FcdcBl Rc8uhtions (Tillc 40- Prd6) <br />RrqunrJ Lcncr of Norilicrrion <br />l.caiJrrlrtri rlr l.dcrr rugtrl ri,n,\'!!r(liDgr$o(o\ronn)rxLrr. or rft) rnhlc r, rh\ nmiccl <br />rLl.cnityrhlr I h*r rcrd rhi\ {pli..rion uld srrc lhnr lh. ahrvc in,oflMti.n is cotrccl lrsrdtuconrPly*irh0llCilyindCounry <br />odinrrccs ind Srarc Lnss rcbring ro btriUn't n,n. md rEr.hy surhorizc rct'rcscnldiEs ofrhn Cny and'o cnra uron tlI <br />ahvc rctrriotrcd pnrlcny tu insEcri.n <br />Appli.nnl or AFenl skn6luE <br />r,(m,ikrnnn(,,,rin,): -Da**r+ SYarrlaV <br />*,, ;/z/ttr <br />I <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />{ NuDhcr: <br />I <br />--------T------ <br />I