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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WOBK DATE IDiSIG. <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />VMErection Pads ,/a <br />UFER Ground t- I t u? <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />^?4ry",{Shear Wall (l>11[E lr ll <br />,t I <br />IA.,L.iFramingtl)YIrB T ,Y t(.raf d^^uitl ',-"I{lnsulation/Energy I \)l <br />utapblt)Drywall I ?, <br />Ext./lnt. Lath /t L <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />av4<,4-T-Bar r$I .)/ <br />Handicap Req uv <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />'^tqer'J,FINAL t6ltq 1i ?9./ <br />Certific ate of Occupancy yl <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />(,WNER ITUILDER I)EI,('ARA'IIoN <br />I hcrch, rrirm und.r Fnrlry uf pcrjury rhar I d crcnDr fronr ihc Conrmha Li...\c Lnw fur rhc nrbwirg !cr$n (Scc 7031 5 <br />Ru\nhs md Pmf.\siun (-.dd) Any Ciry or Coufry which !.quircr r tknn[ h .onsln.r. rlrcr. nn[otr. dcnrnhh or rcIan un, <br />slrucrurc. lmrlo i* (surrcc, rho rcquiic\ thc rffli.rnr r(r\u.h lf inil t,lilc. siSrrd starcnrnl lhrr lror shc is liccn{d Phuxnr <br />n, rhL p'ovi\nrnr ofrh. Conkrkn\ l-ic.n{d Ixs l('hr0rr 9. Coarnrncin! *nh Sc.rion 7(XXr of Oivision:1 .ilhc Busin.* !.d <br />PmfcsronsCoc)orrhrrhco.shclscx.mJ'rrh.rcrronmdrhcl!\i(ltrlhc0llclcdcxcnrplion Anyvi.llrionofScciii,nT0ll.5hydiy <br />trpplicrnr l'or a pcmit suhjecls lhc !npliconr ro acivilpcnnnyoinor mrcrhin rirc huidrcddolhN (55(x)) <br />l. $ osi$ or rhc phlEd!. or nry cnDlo,rcs n'i'h $n8cl r\ rh.i. vnc cotrlnctrslrirnr. will no rtu {ork uxl rh. dtuiur. i\ ioi <br />i'ncRl.ll ororitrcdhr$lc(Ss7(lilt.Buli'rcl!xndl}lncsiqNGxlc:lh.(innrncttr\l.i.c$t.rwdocsnoramlrlornowrErof <br />rhcpnrFrry wlfu hu ilds or nnlf.h\ rlEfrnr. .kl qho dNl \u.h ur hirn\cli.rhc^cllorrhroughhkorhcro*n.h!hy.c\. <br />nrovidcd I hrr such i.,r,mwnrnh rrc Rn inrcndcd or.lT.ftl lnr $h ll h.r cv.r. rhc hiHin€ or imIn)vcnf,nr i\ q'kl wirhir , tr'c ) cir <br />olmnrflclion.lhc Owncr aurldc. sillh{rc lh. hunlcn ol !tuvirS rlDl }r or shc did m'l [nik or improvc rhc p'orcny fitr rhc PtrrFJ*uf <br />-l..sown.rol <br />rh.Fopc,ry.0mcrcnrilcly.onrricrir8 sirh li.ctr\cn.onrrrcrocro.on{tuci rhe pnjc.r (sd 7(ll,r. Btrnncs\ <br />rirl Pnfc$ rCodc'il-i.cnsc I-r{ dor\ ior qrplrh rtr.w cr ol rn,F.dyBho htrilds or imlrovcs rhcrcon. <br />rnd sho conr is for suchl)rojccrsw(h0Conrracktrls) licctr*d nlNulnrrorhe(onr,acroi! l-iccn\c li*) <br />7r/7 <br />I hft.hy 3f,ir undrr n(nrlrrof <br />D[rt x{ua! <br />I-ihr Ci)dc. fir rlcNrliinn rcollM$ork Lrshihrh. ncnnir i\ i{uci <br />rhc *ork ,nr which rhi\ n ,nir ir n\uL{ <br />^1ts.rkrs-r. <br />rfoi\ rtrnr iNurdn.c.mis n F,licy trtruh.r irc <br />l.cnili rhrr h rhc p$nnnnn.c ofrhc tro!k hr wh'.h rlns 1rrtr!ir is t{rc(1. I sIrll nor cflnloy rny p.^otr n, dny nrtrkr <br />$ tr 6 t'cconE n,hrc.l lo llrw.rkcis conulnsllion h*\ol (alili,nritr. nd lgcc rhnr if I \hould hccorft \ubj..l n) rh. <br />norkch comnctrsrrionpnrkions.,Sccri.nlT(x)ofrhclnhorCoc.lsl ll, n,nhsirhconrplr $ihrk,t Pn,visions <br />I(Xr.(lXr, h dilidr h lhc ..\r ofconrncn\rrin. drnHrc\ as fn'rid.d fo' rhc:::r[#(3 <br />Ihcr.bytrfirflutrdcrpcn0llyoarcrjuylhllIrnrliccntnundcrFnvhionofChaprd9(.onrkitr!wirhsc.tion?un).il)ivhiool <br />of rhc Bu(in.$ Md Pdasior$Codc. aM rnylicctr\r is in tull lorcc.nd cfllcl <br />CA!fl8I]qT9!I,ENUINC.AGINI:I <br />I h.toby affir'n trnd$ p.nalryorl.rjury rhd rhurc n r.on{ructi,,n hndirg r8cft, for rlrc p.rlofluncc olrhe sork f(n which rhk Frmir i\ <br />tsucd rsec 109?. Ci! C ) <br />AITUCINLIEIIIIBAUqN <br />I hcrc{ry llinn undcr rcnslry ofpcrj'ny nrc ol ihc ldlk,winr dcckrdrn,ns: <br />Dcnmlirion PcrnrirsAstE(os Notificorion [cdc(l Rcsulurions (rirlc 40. Plna,r <br />-Rcquncn <br />l.ttcr ol Nolilic.rion <br />l.ral i.Suhrion! rcB&din8 ishc{or rctrxx.l rrc nor ryplico6l. <br />rhnrpplicirionlxl(arcrharrhc.novcinr'onBrion hcoro <br />cl0riry to huildiu cotr{rucrioo. rrd hcrcnynurhorizc rcrcw <br />.r lrgri! r).on,tl! (nh xll( ir <br />rirn.\ olrhn ( ir! rnd ( o!trr\ <br />.>.w <br />COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Lc crs Addcs <br />-121rc <br />-T------