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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GHOUND ,4;-) <br />a<,*it7Waste & Vent talloln ii <br />WaterUnder floor ur <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area,/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rou gh Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trapi Drain Lrne <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Lawn S prinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />**erZOzloslrq .n e) <br />Not es, Remarks, Etc.U rr -z <br />OWNER BUILDER DET,CARATTON <br />I h@by amrm undd FMIry of rcrjury rhll I d crempr trE th. ConnabE Licnk ljw for rne followirS rc!$n (Se.7031.J <br />BusiN$ !d P.6lc$ion Codc): Any Ciry or Couiry which eqlircs r l,6mn lo onsttur, !Is. in!ro!t- d.tulhh or EFit'6y <br />slru.turc. Fn. lo ilr FquirB tlE rpplhsl lor sh Fmi lo 6k { si8rEd slar.ftnt $ar lE o. ilE b liccrerl pulslrr <br />lo $. nrcvirions ol tlE Conr6rois Lkcncd tl* (Chlplr 9, Comfti.E wirh S.cdon 7000 of Dilision 3 or lh. B8incas and <br />Pmfcssions Codc) or lhar h d shc ir cxcmpl rlEEhon eltd rhc haiis for rh. dhgcd cxcngrion. Any viohdon of Scdioo ?01L5 by by <br />appliconl for ! I'.rnn lubj.rls tlE lpl,lic.nt Io . civil pcmlly of ml mrc 60 riv. hu H dolles (S500). <br />-1. <br />as owE ofllp prctEny. or my cnnloFcs wnh v.eB I Ei. ek onlp.n$totr will & fi. wdl ard tE lmrtE i! mr <br />i.lcd.d or ofrcEn tor sk {Se.7044, Bosirc3r ud PrDfesions Cod.: TIE Co.lrdor'i La.M llv .kJ€ ml .pply lo M osB. of <br />lhc p,Dlrny wtb hlild! 6r ir+roB dx6n. rld sho &B sn ei( hinelr or l*elf or thhod hn o. hcr own cr'plortcs. <br />phvij.d rh'.l $ch itr{ftEmol3 @ el inrc.dcd.r off@d aor 5lc. ll hrffi, dx boildinS tr irprowmnt ir sld wilhin om )Erofotrpblbr t& OsE. Buib.r wil lEw llE hirdcn of FDrine lhd h. or dr dil ml tuild d inTrcrc dE 9lotEiy fq t,t po.!o. of <br />l. $ ostur ofrhc,,mllcny. !mcrclusiElycotrlE rin8 wnh licns.d conlr.doF ro.onslrucl llE pDj.d (Se.70{4. Busrms <br />a.d Eoissbn Codc: The Conlrdor's Llw docs mr aDply ro an o*no or pmlrny who nliEs or inprov€B rhclon, <br />rnd who onrrlcr\ lbr such pmJ.Tls qirh a Afl sl liccnscd pumu.l ro lhc Conrmltr r Lie.* llw). <br />I hcrcby afi undcr p.tullyolprjuryo'E ofrhc fol <br />-l <br />hlE ard viU minllin s Ccdifr.l. o,Corknl lo Scf-ln.urc aor w6rk6' .onrE.slion. 6 p,b{idcd for bys.clion J700 of0E <br />l,bor Codc. aor llE pcrfom@ ol E sort for whhh rlE pcmn is iaru.d. <br />I h!!c adl {ill tuiirain {orkc.i co4.nralbn inslEmc. I rcquncd by Seliotr 3?(n of lh. tibor Codc. for lh. pclfo.mrc of <br />fi. mrt for whkh rhis n(nn ir irscn, My worl6 mmpcnsslion in$.omc .eicr sd rnlicy nlnl,er e: <br />-l <br />c.nify fid in rh. p.rrotmRI 6r rh. work for wtich rhis ocrmil is i\rucn. I sfisll nol ctry,loy uy Frsn in !n, i rcr <br />e s <br />'o <br />tE{m suhj(l lo thc wrlcr'ompetr$lion laws ofcdifomin, $d aCft rhor il I shuld hrom subi$ ro tlr <br />qorlGl comFnsalion nrovisions ot Sedbn l70o of $. lntsr C{'dc, I rhal,. fonhwirh 6r{rly wirh lho€ provisions . <br />WARNING: Faiht lo *@ wo,kc^ oqrnsrion.owEgc is lnbwtul. lnd shall slbrc.l cn{,hFr lo ain nll pcellis and <br />cilil finc\ ur ro om fiundrcd rhouend dollar (Sl ,. ir addhion lo ll* ost ofcompcnetion, d!tu8ts ar povidcd for thc <br />s..ri,tr,.10?6ol rhc lrh, <br />I hcrchy afltn und.r p.tulry.f r.rjury rhrr previsio. oi Chlnlc, 9 (omnucinc $ilh,n 7000) ofDivi\i<,n J <br />ol rhc Blsinc$ Md PFftsions Codc. dd my licctrsc is in tull forcc 0d cffccl <br />COIIIB],,EIONIENDNGJ <br />I hcrcby lffirnr !trdd trnolry ol Fcrjlr, rh rhcrc is a onsrrucliotr lcndir8 o8cmy for lhc pcriormnmc ollhcwork tu enich lhis pcrmil t <br />h\ucd (SN. 3ur7, Civ. C.) <br />dItlllANfDEg.rISAIlgN <br />I lrtdry lllirtu uidcr FnalryofFrju,y om oflhc followin8 daln.rions <br />Dcnniion Pcnnih Ash.sro\ Norificorion ledcn, Rcsullrhtrs (Tirlc40. Pan6) <br />Rdqutrd lrnrr or Mnifi clrbn <br />_l.cdirrrhar rh.tcdcalrcslhrn,nrrsrdingashcsrosr.nrvalnc nor lldi.ahlc to rnn pmj.rl <br />rcld lhG cpplicalion si srulc rhar $. at$w inr6mioo is .o@r I uere b sntly <br />ws rel,r in8 to 6!ildin8 con{rudirtr ard au|h6rn. rclftsnrdaEr olrht Ciry ild Connry lo c.!cr ul[n ttE <br />Water Service <br />FINAL <br />l,ic.trsc Chss: Li..nsc NunrhLr: <br />Lnd(.r Atldrc*: _