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SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS o\YNI]R BUILDER DI]LCA RAIIoN <br />Ihcrchyrlrirnru dcr pcnrlry oI lcrjuy rhnl I N crcnrtl in rlE(tn ract,r l-lcctr\c Ir* fttr th. folk,*in8 r. { (S..70:rl5 <br />Ru\inc\r nn(l Pr.fc$ion Codc): Any Ciry or Counry whicl, rcquirc! r tcirnir n) .o nnid, 0rt$, nnProrc, dcadi$ or rp n rny <br />itucrm.p!i{rh it\ nsuncc. rno rclurBs rhc {!li.rnr fd nrh Annn k' filc r LiStreil {rrcnrnr rhlr tu or \hc i\ li.cnscd lxnurnr <br />ro rh. |novnions ol rhc Conrmcroa\ I irn\cd l.r* (Chiflq 9. (! wirh sccrnri 7(xx) .i Division .t .f ltu Btrsinc\\ and <br />rptlicirr.rinDirsuhjc.r!rhcapplt.nrloacivil!cf.h!ornorN,cihantuehundr.ndollar\($5ff)) <br />l. rs own$ ol rhc pmFny, or m, cmployccs with w08cs as rhcn $t compcnslri'nr. sill do rlt loa and $c qtrlurc is ml <br />iftndql or ori'crcd for solc (Sa.7I)4,1. Busincss and Proic\sions (odc:-lhc Contnckx \\c Lrw des nor.pply lo !r o+nct ot <br />rh. ptuFny whl hoildsor irVmvcs rh.tun. dd who dms such so* him\.lror hcsclfor Ikouah hh or hcr own cn,ploycc*. <br />pn,vnkd I har such nnpn,$nrtrh 0c mr i cnlc(l n olTcRl tu silc It hoqcvcr, rhc buikling or impmrcmnl i\ $ld u irhin o'* ittu <br />ofcoq)brhn, rhc O*trs Buiklcr {ill h!rc (lt hudcD oi provnt llrr hc or lhc dii not $uild or inDrow rhc notcny for !h. puq-* ol <br />l. r{ oqkr of thc nrol.ny. rn cr.lusivciy .onra.rin! wirh liccnvt .onkacrm ro consrrucr rh. I.ojd (S.. 70,1]1. Bunm$ <br />tr'i Pn'lc$i{ Codc: lheConr,!.I '(Licctrsc l,!wdocs nor llprlyr. anosncr orpn,ncny $ho nuiusor inr0mvcs thcrcon. <br />rid whn nr \xch I,r,j..N silh, contr.cktrh) liccrMd pu(u r r, rhc Licctr* L!N). <br />I rn'.\.n,,n undrr S(r <br />IY!)BKI:B!:!OII[ENSi LIIa! <br />DECTA.BtrIIQN <br />I turdhyrfln'nrndcrprmlry.f pcriuryon ofrhclnlLisir!dc.lnrnr$tr{ <br />Ihnrtnndwillnri'ai'!sorkcr{conlFtr1rriotrirNurrnc,r\(qnncdhySccrior.lT(lroflhcl,aborG)dc-ntrrh.pdlonun.cof <br />rhc sork n, which rhilFrnrir il issu.rl nly *.r1.^- .onp..\ari{r nr\u r. rcc utricr anJ Flicytruflrbcrsc <br />I ccnily rhrr in ihc pcrtornrmc ofrhr *ork fff which rhi\ p{flnl i\ n\ucd. I \hrtlmr cn!]loy rny n lson ir rn, nuni.' <br />q, n( tJ suhi(rr ro rhc qorkcrs. conDcnerion lrws ofCulinmo. and lArc. rhd ifl \lnrtrld c(.otu sDbjd r. rhc <br />qorkc^ ..mfci\dn p.ovkiotrs oiscri.n S?u) nr rhc Llhtr codc.l drll. ft,nh*nh.on{ly sirh rr(,{ r)vi\i.ns <br />IVARNINC: I.rilurc ro scu'c workcri.o ,If, \rri{,r rovrrusr i! !trhwrul, trd (hrll sunjccr rn cnrlo)fr lo (jni'ui p.nrhi.( Md <br />civil firs un lo onc hnndrcd rhou\rnd tlollu\ (51(x),(Xx)). i'r 3ddirn,n r. thc ro\t .l n. dlnrg.s rr I(,ridcd ,nr rhr <br />s..rnr :11176olrh.l xtxtr(ixlc n.rc{rnddnnRv \Icc\ <br />i-3 zor$ <br />[)I!Ir.!rll9! <br />I h.tobynift'n undcr p.Mlry of pcrjury rd I m liccn{d trnns fovnion of(l'aprcr I (cofrr'Eins wnh s.crion 7m0) olDivhion 3 <br />of lhc Blsincs d Profc$ions G)dc. ind 'nr li.cnsc is in lnllln(.lidclfc.l <br />De 5'5 -ut?) <br />CONEIBIJEIIONII]NI)IN.Q-IICI,XI:I <br />I hcrcby rmfln tr.d$ lcnilryofpcrjulyrnar rhcrc is a con(rudhn tndin8 l8cnc, frn rhd n rfonu.c ofrhc s'ork lirr shirh rhi\ Frnrir n <br />i\\ucd (Sc. 1097. Civ. C ). <br />AIIUIANIDICIAAA]ION <br />I hrtby dlinn undcr Fn{liy ol pc.jur} onc olth€ aolloving dc(lonln,ns: <br />Dctu irion P,nir\ Arb. .s Noliricalion Fcdcral RcSulariotrs (Tirlc 40. Pon6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />L.rrcr.f Norifi .arion <br />l.cnilyrhd rhcladcrilr.!u[rioD\ rcgnlnrg a\E((os r.nDvrl ]' r mr rmli(r$lc h rhi\ lx'rt.r <br />_l.cnifyrhnrIhNcrurdrhiralplicarnnr dnrlcrhn!rh. r,vc i,nannl nr i\ c.rsr. l lgre lo comtly $nh all Ciry dnd Counry <br />onlnHmc\ ndSrrr.lrlsRllrin!k,htrilJi'igr.n{tu.r(nr. ilhrrrhyau c rc[crnurivc\ otrht ciryand G,rnry ro cnr.r upotr rhc <br />lltr)( nrnrnnEd |roEny lnr <br />^ppli.anl <br />or ,tAtnl SiInrlrre <br />iLIFF <br />€ -] -241?) <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin s <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil <br />A <br />FINAL 6,-5"1Y Y.WlU <br />Certif icate ol Occupancy U <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />BUILDING- INSPECTOR BECORD <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Pool Fence <br />_lhlvcuxlrillnhiahinuC.nilic,r.orci,n{rrosclrltrurcnrworkc^.onl8rsarion.aslovidcdhrb}SccriunlT(x,otrhc <br />tibor Codc. for lhc psfo,nurcc o, rhc sork for shi.i rhc pcrnril h issu..a <br />titrd.ic AddE$ <br />- <br />I <br />I <br />--r------