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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby afln uMcrptnaltyofpcquryrhllIrmexcmprtonrlhcConrraur(trit-i.cisclf,wforrhclollow,,tr',S(iorl\ <br />lrusincs a.d Proicssion Codc): Any Cily or CouDry *hich rcquircr ! pcnnir b ..ns'x.i. ahcr. inrprcrq dcnmlkh.r rcinn iw. <br />strucrurc- nrior to ns isuoncc- aho rcquncs rhc rpplicur lor ruch p.nnn r. fiLn sigmd r,l.mnl th.l hcor shc h liccn*d puNrnl <br />lo lhc Frovtiotrs ofrh. Cotrtracrors Liccnsd Law (Chaprcr 9. Conmcmins wirh Section 7{Xro of Dieision I or th. susincss a.d <br />Pmfe$ions Codc ) or thar hcorshe is excmpr rhcrcrloh dnd rhch(sis i,r thc,llcgcd cxcmption Any vi.htionofsccthn?01r.5 $y lny <br />aptli.anr ror a pcnnn subjc.ts thc rppli.!.t ro a.ivilpcnulrtol.ol mrcthfln lilc hu rcd dolh's (S5U) <br />_t, as .wn$ntrhc lr.Fdy. oi.rycnrrl.y.cs Nirh sxgcs,\ lhcir $lc.omp.trqtiotr. will do lhc work lnd rhc sn8ue is nor <br />i oxlcd oroflcr.d for (Sc.7Lq4. Busirrss,.d Pmf.*ions Codc Thc Connnctols Liccnse Lia does nor aDply b ai ower of <br />llEpopcny wno huilds or impmrcs rhcNn- !n.l who docs such v)rt himseltor heselror rhrt,ugh his or h.r ow.ctrDlorccs. <br />prorid.d rhi su.h imporcrmnh m not i6lcnd.d or oficrcd for srlc ll howcvcr. rhc tiuildirB or ii{'rorcmnr is sold wirhin onc rtr <br />ol'coryErion- rhc Owncr lluildcr will halc rh. burlcn ofFovinB rhd hc or rhc did nor buih or inu.r lhc tm!€ny for the purpos of <br />I. asosrcr.Irhc fot,cnr..mcxclNivcly coolmctirig silh lic.trredon acro6lo o.slrucr rhe pnjccr (Scc 701.4. Btr\i"r\\ <br />and Poiisshn Codc:'lhc Conlracrors Llccnse I.a* docs nor lprlyk, u osncr or F,p.ny wh,, huildsor i'nprcvcs llrrcon. <br />nnd *ho conrrac( rd su.htn, liLrn\cd pusudtrr b rhc Conrrrors Li.cnsc Ltrwl. <br />;-.oLL d/ / /V u-'/1 <br />l2r.L!"!-U!ItlD <br />I hcrcby rmnn undq pcnal'y of lc.jury onc ofrht rdlowins dccluxrionsl <br />_l harc and will nBinrlir E cenilrale ot G,nrnr ro self lnsur for w6r*.N ..ntcnsarion, as povidcd ior bys(lion 3?00otrhc <br />Labor Codc. lor thc rnbmurc€ of lhc work for *hich rhc Ilcmit h is\ued <br />lhavca.dwill,n{int,i.workcrl.onrrEnslliotrinsuhhcc.{srequncdbySalion3T00oflhcbh.rCod.,rorrh.pcraoamnccof <br />lhe work ror whth lhh p.rnir is nsucn. My wortcn comp.trsalion insurnnce caricr ad Flic, tunber @: <br />Policy Nun,hcr: [xDirc! <br />l.crlify thdr in Ihc trcrlornun.c.irhc No.k ln! whi.h lhh !.nnil i\ isucJ. I \hrll tror .nl!)1.) rtry Pctron i. rfy nunncr <br />v, An, hcconrc srhj..r r, rhd w.rkcN'.. rFnsario lrwsofcdlibai( itrd lsrccrhd il l should bcBnE suhrcd t,rhc <br />workcN'.1nnpctr\rriorpn,visi(,d\.fSc.riotr:lT00.flh.tnhorCodc.lshalllonh\rirhconrtnywilhrhorlnrvhi.n\ <br />WARNING l,aihr.lo Burc sorkcrs compcNalion is unhslul. ml \hrll nrbic.r rd cnlr.ycr Io di inrl pctrJhts rnd <br />civil fincs ut' to onc hundrcd thousand dolhn (in rddiion n) rh..oi ofco rl,cisnrioi. drnhScs n\ <br />scdnn r16.r)hc Lrrr,ndc <br />o"eOy' / ra // a >d a: <br />l]IrL !]!!A! <br />I herehr!flirm under p€ndlryofpcrjuryrlur I rn liccnul undfi tovisi ofChaplcr 9lcommncinE wirh Sccrid 7txx)).fDivision ] <br />oi lhc Busincss md Profcssi{,Ds Codc. tw! ny licci* i\ in fullfdccaidcfla.r <br />qAN.TIBUCUANTENDINGAGENCI <br />I hcmby,nnmundn p.nalryol rcrjury lhol lhcrc hsoNrru.tiotr lcndirsiscmy tu rhc p.rnn'mkd.rrhc work for Pnich lhn Pcrmil h <br />issucd(Scc 3097. Civ C ) <br />AIILICTINLIIEILIEAIIoN <br />I hcd)y rltnnr undcr pcrrlly olporj!ry onc orlhc rorl.wing"rarn,ns <br />Dc.mliiotr Pc nih sbc{.s Norificatiotr l,cdcrul RcEuldiors (lirlc 4f). Prn6) <br />RcqDnL'd tx(.r of Norli.ition <br />-lccnifrdrit <br />lhc fedcralrcsnlalionrrcgrdinga\hcnos..nx)!rlIc nor rfpli.ihlct, rhis l)nilccr <br />lccnilirhrr I hrv. rcad rhn d mrc rhnihc rhovc i .rNrriotr kcoircd lrgrsrocorlnlr*irh]llCiryaidCou ry <br />o(liDrn.c\Jtr{lSrrr.l- *\ rul ri,,g ildiiscoi(ru.rn{ aiJ hcrchy ur)x*iz. lttrcscrlalncs,Ilrlllris Ciry rtrd Cou ryt)otrrcrtrfi,trrr <br />alDvc mcnti.rcd nrone.ry for i L <br />tk-zL. <br />0 a <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Slandards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar RouOh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouoh <br />Service N/eter I/o,/Tr/ tFINAL X, -ffi4 ,/) <br />Notes, Remarks, Eid I <br />txtrdci\ Addro$ <br />- <br />Transformers