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APPBOVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARAIION <br />I hcrcby lmrm unds pcnrlry of p.rjury rlur I !h cxdrpr fnn rh. Conradon Liccns. Low ior lh. l'ollowinS m$n (Scc ?03 1.5 <br />ausincis ,id Pr.r.*ion Cod.) Any Ciry or Counry *hi.h rqriEs a Frmn lo con(ruc1. allcr. inlltrovc. .hmlish nr En3t ony <br />srrucruc, Eiorro irs issuoncc, lho rcluircs rhc oppticanr lor such pcrmir ro filc a riE*d shretum rh,t rE.i dr ii*d pursuanl <br />to lhc pr,vst,ns oa tlE contlclors Liccnrcd Law (chapr.r 9, conDc'trins wirh Seclion ?OOO of Divhion :l ofrhc Bu.inccl aiJ <br />Profcssnns Codc) or lhrr hc or shc iscicmpl lhcrcfrclnond lh.bssis forrhcallcscdcxcmpri,n Anyvn,hri.nofSe'hn7031.5$yrtry <br />,mli.nnr ror d ,.rmir subjdrs lhc {tlic,nr ro a civil F.dxy or n.r <br />'mrd <br />lh,n fivu huMrcd dollds {S500). <br />-1. <br />0s oqrcr ol lhc nmleny. oi m, cmplorccs with wo8cs $ thcn $t c.nDenslrion. will do rhc wort ,Jrl rh. sMurc i5 tur <br />inrcndcd or ootred for uL {Sm 7044, Bulikss ud Poi€s\hns Codc Trr A,nra.ktr s Li.cnsc bw dms mr arfly to an owncr ol <br />rhcnolEny ph t{ilds or iqnorcs rhcNn- a $hodessu.hq)i(hinF.llorhc.sclforrhrcuAhhirorhcro8..mployccs. <br />[.vid.d rh sxch iflpmvc'Enh m mr inrcnd.ld n otlcBl for s.L. Il h.wercr. lh. tuihing or irynrnEil h sld wiihin on. ,td <br />ot con{,lerhn. rhc Ovncr Btildcr will hlr rlE hrd€o ol rovins rhll h. or ste dil Nr boild o, inpow rh. tm,triy lor tlh purl[$ ol <br />_l- as o*ner ol rhc pmlreny. r'n c{.lusilely conkrr ins sirh liccn\cd conrkds t, ..hntucr rh. pfoj(r (SN 7tH4, 8u!irc\s <br />,nd P.ofs\b.Codc:Th.Cunt(ktr\\ornnpmvcsrhcrco. <br />.nJ eho cotrhd s ror such lojlds $ilh r Conracto(s ) lienscl puru0nr ro rh. Conrrrcrois l.i.ene ks ) <br />-l <br />amcxcmpt un&r Scdion-. A &PC hrlhis,clwn <br />l)ulr Orn.r <br />lllarE&:ialuf,NsarlQN <br />Dt ct -8 !ll)N <br />I hrchr_ rfttn tn cr |*nrlry offtrrlury o c ofrhc follo{nrr dccl rJri(rr: <br />I hrv. dd willraintrirdCc ,fi.rrcolC.nsc r' scll lnrur. fir wolkcF omptnsrn'n. as poviird tb' by sftrnn .lTu) of tlt <br />ljhor tor rhc Frrormkc of rhc *or* rd which rhc pcrnir i\ i\\xcd <br />Ihavc.lld willmai, ai,r workcrt comncns io iNur.,r.. is rcquned ny 56l io. 17OO oi rhc bhor (1 c.t rrhcptrrornhf,cor <br />thc Bolk t'rwtri.h'his p.irnn is tsu.d Mymrkcs comp.trsdiotr insuriNc c.dcr ond policy numhcr uc: <br />I.ctrilyrhal inrh.l,crfornun c ofrhcuork for ehi.hrhir p. ni is i$ucd.l drllnot cDrloyony p.non intrny mMi.r <br />s, Nro lEcom $hFr ro thc wortc6 omncnsdk,n hss oaCalifirnir, od rgd rhd ifl sh.uld b..o.B subrct lolhc <br />wnrkcs corrl'cn$tion provhnlns ol Sccrion]T0O.lrhc Lahn Gdc.l shlll. rodhwnh.. rfly wi'h tho$ 0relisions. <br />cilil finc\ up t' onc hu rud rhorsrnd dolt ^ (Sl(X).o(n|irion ro rhc c.( of con{Ensarion. darogcs {r pmvidcd for rhr <br />S(.li(nr 1076 of rfu LrhrC(dr. ir (r.{ rtrrl I <br />€- 7azot u <br />DECI,ASAIIO! <br />I tuEby rlfirm undcr pcnalty of pc,jlrr rhs! I an liensd ondcr pm$krn ofCh,prd 9 (conmn hB *iltSslion 7000)ofDieision:l <br />ol rn axsiftsr dnd Pmfcssions Codc, ord my liccnsc is in tull forc and cflal <br />1.1o -Zo t B <br />CONIIBI]CIT]NIINIIINCACENCI <br />I hcrcby 0rtrn undcr Fnalty of pcrjrtry lhol rhcE h 0 coNlru.rbn lcndinB !s.rc, fo. rhc Frfomte of rhc sork for whth lhis Fr rt is <br />k!u.d (scc 109?, civ c.) <br />AITLTAXLDECI.d.BAIIAN <br />I rrr$y drm undcr t nllry ol tcrjury ore ol rhc folbNi.l d€larar bns <br />D. mlirion Pcrn rsAsh.sos Norifi.0rion Fcdcr.l RcBul.rions (Tirlc 40. Plna, <br />Rcquirctl l-cocrol Norill.nri) <br />-l <br />ccnifythd rhc icdcral ESulorio$ reBMling oshc(os rcmovrl rrc mr arpliclhlc ro rhir prejdr <br />-l.cnilirhor <br />I h{vc rc{d rhn atlltaiion and skrc Ihar thcabvc int dn,n h.ordl.l rlrerocomtlypilh,llCil,ond Counry <br />orditrloccs md SrrE Laws rclarnr ro bundo! cdNrucrioLlnd hcrcby llrhorir rqtr.scnrarivcs ofthh Cityrnd Counrylo cnr6 upotr lhc <br />abo\c mnri^md rmp.ny rn, !n.;"d,q61,ih".". nr( \,/ \/ <br />Appricor.rAscnrskmtrn: t *...-:* ^.,5:lO-2!!Z <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monumenl) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduil) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilin gs (T-Bar Rough) <br />lt/leter Release <br />Rough <br />Service I\/eter <br />FINAL 6-7-/g -l)e {vlb(rr) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Communications Cable <br />Air Conditioners Policy Nlnbcr:-ExpiEs: <br />- <br />I