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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DEI,('ARATION <br />I h6.l'y .mm unda rEEhy of ,ourr lhli I m .r@fl fmm !h. ( onlrEloB LiN lr$ fo. rh. folhf,i;S t6o (s( 791 I 5 <br />8.!ird! r PrcaBjo. C6<h): A.t cny or (-ounl) rfiict r.qui,6 , Fmi io odtud. .ha, impro\a dmlilr. or qAir &t <br />tud@ Fsro hr islle.. lt. EquiG In tpdier f.r e.h Fnnn h 6k!!'sEd {iomr lhilEordEalic€!.d F,i!n <br />ro rh. provirioB oarh. ('of,ltuloir l-icdrd l,w (Chrpld 9. Com'nfting with SEtion 700{ olDiYiion I oflh. IturiK d <br />PrcfdioB ( od.) or lh.r lE or srE i! .rdfl rhi.tum tnd lh. trir for lh. illcscd .tdFion AnY ri.lalion of Sclhn ?011 t "r( ot <br />q,gl'cor loi . Fmit 3ubi.{3 th. .trplkd lo ! ciril p.qh} .r mr tutr. rho fir. tund.d &rlld t1500) <br />l. s owna of rh. Flllny, or m, @plor6 wnh *a86 s lh€t elc .omp.tuaion, $ill do ih. $.lt sd llE nitr@ i! N <br />inraxLd o, ordld tr s,G (Sd 70.14, Busind sd PrcfdtuN Co&r Th. (tntaxoir t]cG lls &6.ol t pl, to e orF ol <br />rlrFF! $tD tuill c inF.olE tlEwl id sh. dG qch $art hiro.lf or hdsltor lhrcush hn n lE o$, mphl6. <br />,mviLd rhd kh ih!6l/6ds n d i dnci dotu nr r.t lf. rnq6a. ilE tlildi.E d itqnlEr ir sld eirhh om rd <br />ofonplrion. rh. O*nd Buildd will h.!. E &rdc! oaF!\ilB rnn lEor!h. dil d trild or inqfl.lh. FDIdry lor rrE P.FE of <br />l. so$F of rlE In!!aiy. n dcl6n.!y coln'riins trnh ladE d co tdm l. sdru.r rrt FrEr (Sc ?o1'1. Aui6 <br />nd Protsir Co& I n Contsior. ll* do6 mr .!ply to .i os.6 o f FoFrt $ ho b{ildt or m0m\ d rhdon. <br />ind $h. co.rEd3 for 3ucn projdt! wnh ! ft mclo(, lts.d puE,6r ro lh. ( or r.cloit l-'ctuc Lr$ ) <br />I m .r6npt 0frld Sdiofl <br />Drt.: O*n.r <br />\roRxrILs' i'ontPENsa tloN <br />Dtga8aulni <br />I hd.h.min und6 Fn!\ of FJU6 oft ofrh. n)llt]'rint &rlMarh.r <br />I h,v. dd s,ill fuihrain . cdifi.rt. oaconml ro Sclf'lnturc for tr orlni .o,np.nsdion. s pn'vid.d tor by s(rion 17(10 of th. <br />l,lDr Co<l.- for rh. FLlrrjm. of rh. $ort foi \ hkh rh. Fnit b isu.d <br />I ha\. ..d $ ill m.imiin $ ork6 .omrEnll$n 'Nuratu.. s tqun.n ,r( Sel i,n !7lro of lh. lix\r ( od., for lh. Ftolrr]8. of <br />rh. *.r[ nr *hichrhisrEnnii is i*ruql. Mysukfl'comp. di.n rdi6 &d polty.umb( a.: <br />I cdit rhd h rh. Ftolrrec of rh. $ort lor {hih rh! Fmn ! iq.d.I th.ll k{ oiplo! .nt F$r !n rnyffi <br />. 610 t $c auti( to th. N*d'mmFsrion br't ol( .tlom( .,i +r th. if I ould ttoft 3ut*( <br />'o <br />llE <br />sorld' snFnslio. FDltioB of Srlhn 1?00 otlh. Ii.r ( od.. I Jtrll. forth lh ordy *nh rbk PmvLioB <br />I*ARNINC f-ailur. ro Fs. mrl6' comrENdion cov6.s. is unlt*lul. .nd 3h.ll ubj6t e atrplolq ro ainiMl Frhk dd <br />.ivil f6 up ro oft hu'dr.d rhoursld dolltE Itl00.00O). h .ddni.n to !h. ot of c.nFN.l'on- dan46 a Forii.d lor llE <br />S6rren 10?6 ofrh.Iikr Coda i .d .Dd ndrE) 5 ,i6 <br />Appllonr: <br />LICE!Sf2I(INIIA(1j'A <br />DECIJAAIIAd <br />I lndd Fuhy of Fjur' lht I e lEot d undd Ftytio. oa( i4rq 9 (coffiins *rh sdhn ToOO) orlr'r$Fn lr <br />of rh. Buin* Dd Pr.adioN ( odc. ed ny lictr. Lr in fuu ror< 6, .ltd <br />('oNsrRU( l lolt t ENlrlN(: Ac[Nct <br />I hd€h, illih und6 rEflollyorp6|UD rhd rhd. i...onslltrirn L.d'n! asd.y Lr rh. Faoman(. oirh. sork r,tr shi.h rhn r6nil ir <br />irsu.d{s( :1097, (-i\ (') <br />l.nd.'r N,m. <br />afSllcaNr.DfcllSarxl! <br />I h.rb llInn !nd6 pa.hy of FJUry .ft of !h. nnh" in3 &< hdion! <br />I).molhbn Pmns-AltEros Nor,lic tun Fa](.l R.guh b.r ( Iitlc .10. P.n6l <br />R.qut.d Lclt6 of N,rr6.nbn <br />I.dl,h rhd rhc lild al r+0lo,ns reliudtr,x ish.:!,s'(1 o\xlrr.nor tt,,ll.ahlu r, rln5 por(r <br />I cdil rhd I ha\.r..drh6tl)Pl.,rontn3r h.!ho!. infor,rtirn ii.of,d I .xra nr comol! *nh . chy!.dCo6r! <br />/,l,Tr:; <br />.rdSral. Ir\.GhiBto hii s'd ndcb rurt tu. r.F6drn6 of lh! Cny tnd (.. !io6rauFnllE <br />'#:*-11""*44 /vta,., <br />1^24-lI <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drpvall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lvlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL /o-"-t j ,4.r, lA <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />DATE <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns