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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />Ptrap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler --'..Sanitary sewefb'ap)t-4-11 y"wa <br />Back Flow Devibe/ <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release lt\ <br />FINAL l--''t-,"1 X'\fl-YI <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.V <br />OWNER BUILDER DELCANATrcN <br />I hceby atlm !nd.r ,.naliy of p.dury th.l I u .r.n r tlm lh. conlncloB L5w for lh. lollowin8 .d$n (s6.70115 <br />Bmine! rnd Prcascion Cod.) Ary Cny or Counly whrcn r.quir6 r Fmit lo 6nrrxcl, chd, inrmE &mlih or c,Eo ey <br />stocr@, prior ro irs iMtue, 6lso EqliB tlE .rplidl for $ch Fhir ro liL a sis..d 3lar.mnt $d lE .r srE h liccnkd !!Rad <br />lo rh. lmvirioB oI$. Contridoa!*d l,w (Chafl.r 9. Conm.rin! vith S..lion 7000 of Divisio. I of thc Blsin*r 6nd <br />Pmf.sions Cod.) o.rhd tE ot sh. is d.mpr rhrE6.h ard th. hmi, for rhc all.r.d d.mprion. <br />arrplid lo. a tubjrrs rlE aDplicrfl ro a ciril t'.Nhy ofhl ma t& tiv. huidr.d dotl6 (3500). <br />-1, <br />is ownd of rhc pmp.rty, or ny cmnlorrd eili qrs.r sr th.n hE 6r{6$rion, eill do tlE v!.t rld dE nndw h mt <br />ilnqid.d or ofio.d hr sL (Sa.7041. BBilB 6nd Prcftsiore ('.d. Th. Co Ecroas l-in- Lrq.hebr <br />'I)pl,t6 <br />eow.of <br />!. l6Fn, srn brildr or irprcE {tEtur\ aid vho dd ,en k& hims.laor hclf or rlmusln his or h.r oM .tlploy.6, <br />pmvid.{ thlr sch id{mft i e ml i drd.d doitu tu ek. li lbwftr, th. buildog or hr,lEE r i! $H wkhb o* }r <br />6f6,r?kiidl" t& OwM Build will lB! rrE hnd.n ofpEvins d.l h. or .tE d'd mt t^ild or inpoE dE pmFly i)r {E plrrD* of <br />_t, 8 osEr of lhe t)rcpdy, am.x.lusiv.lycodEcti.t wirh lic.N.d contracloalo @trddd ltE tmitt (s6.7044. autrs <br />and h.f:srn Codc: l'h. conlncl6.. LiceN. Law d... .or lpply to Eo own.r ohop.dy who buildr or imDov$ th6on. <br />ond sho odmcl3 for such pmj<ts wiln a Co mcto(s) lt6ed nuMr to llE Co.rr..1oas hq) <br />I an.xertr uDd.r S(!o0 . B & I')(. lir rlns r.rn,n <br />laalili8s:tt]lltElra.ugN <br />DECLASAIIA! <br />t h..cby .mrn uod.r r..alry.f,sjury one ofrh. lollos18 deLrdi ions: <br />I hav. ad will ,ruintain a Cenificare ofcoNenr ro S.ll.ltrsuE Lr workBa cohp.n$rion, as r6rid.d aor hy s(16. 1700 of lh. <br />bhor Cod.. aor rhc tslom..c. of rh. wo* for which rh. n rmir ir hsucd <br />flf r'*. ""a " ' <br />rr .,^"" .-ksr comnenc'uon rniurtrnc., as rcquned by s(rion l?00 6l$. Lah.r cod.. for rt ,erao'mrc. of <br />,ht wmk lor whrcIh?nemd h \u.,1 M) so' r d smFNron mlamr. q1H and F'l'cv iuhhn -c <br />,,",. l4t<t_l S.-l SCc:lzs1t) _ ^ /, ,/._-- <br />p"*,Numh.LFrcv 5Z9dpStO/O . -/.' //1 //'7/ // I <br />-l <br />*dify rnnl <br />'n <br />rh. rerf.mrc olrh. qo* I|r {hrh rhr n rm N 'rfl.d. I \hrll frr .mFl.i nny ncmn in atly man*r <br />s mrohc€onE bicrloln wo*crC conlp.nglbr law ofcalifomi.. .nd asEe rhar ilI shrlld bsoft rorh. <br />rort.6 mnF.nsdion pmvisionsofs€crion I700 ollhe Lrhor Code,I sholl, tonh*rthomplysirh ttr€ nmvhi,rnr <br />NARNIN(: |rilure to *Nru r'orkcrl con,p.nsirnn ertri8e loF to alninal p€Nhi6 ad <br />damas.s os rrcvid.d lor th.rhous3nd dollrs (1100-000) <br />I h.r.hy rlll(nuni.r penalr, or p.iur! rhai l,m hccnql tftvision olch.fld 9(commfting wnh Se'm ?000) ofDivisioo l <br />of lh. BuiRr lnd Pmf.siioN Codc. lrd my I <br />(l)Ls_lIIL(1tONL!NUl!.!,1(Url] <br />I heEby im.m undcr !.mlty of ne.Jury lhd lh.r. h 0 o.nrud ion l.ndins asency for I hc pdiomomc of lh. so* fo. wnd fiis tEmn h <br />ts.d(s€ 109?,civ c) <br />A.TILTCANI-IIICIASAIIQ! <br />I lh!n) J,llmund.'l. rlr!f f t$iuryoDcoir[. nnb$'n! l.{hrrrtrtrN] <br />Denx,lni,r P.nnns Ash!{os Nor'lic,k,n |.dc$l lt.!uh{()ns ( I nle 40. Pxn(,) <br />Retutr lsrroiNor'ficrrnn <br />-l <br />cdify rhar thc f.dcml rcslbl EDorlorc frn aorlicanl.lo rhh nmjcct <br />-l <br />ccniay lh8I I r.od this is.onsr lagr€ h cohnly*irh rllairy.ftl (-.uniy <br />ordiMnces lnd s!!r.l ius El rt0r\.m.r\ts of rha C y.nd <br />.bov. Mlion.d pon<ny <br />/\as <br />,"r,//