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10198247 - Permit (2)
Seventeenth St
1302 E Seventeenth St Unit# D
10198247 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/14/2022 1:50:48 PM
Creation date
12/14/2022 1:50:47 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
1302 E Seventeenth St Unit# D
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
Street Number
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Unit Number
Building Use Code
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Applied Date
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Flood Zone
Description of Work
New demising wall to create Unit D.
Nature of Work
Demising Wall
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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNIiR BI]ILDDR DEt,(]ARA'I'ION <br />I hqeb-v aflinn undtr pdralry of p€rju) thal I m e{€nPi 6dn rhe Conk,cr.r'Licetrse La$ for the follo*ins reaon (s.c.7011.5 <br />ausn$s and P.ofssion Code): Any Cny or Cou , which reqtrirs a pmnn to coDnnNt. alls. nnpn)v., danolish o! epatr dv <br />(rudur€. pnor lo ns $sud.., also rcqut6 lhe applicanl l$ such p.nnil to file . sisned slalod Ihat h€ or s5. 6 licenscd lusudt <br />l. rhe provisio,s of rh€ Contdcrols Liccnssd La\v (ChaPler 9. Colnm€ncio! *ith Se.rion 7000 oI Divhion I oflhe Busines md <br />Prcl6sions Cod€) or rhai he or shc is erempl thsefiom and lhe ba\is lor rlE aue-!€d ete'nllon An, violarionolsdron 7011.5 bvanv <br />appl'ca tor a pmit subj6c lhe applicanl ro a.irilp.nahlolnol rnor€lhan 6!€ hun&.d dollds($500). <br />t. d o$rE olrhe p opcdy. or my €mplo)€6 rvirh wr!6 6 lhcir sole compersatin. Nill do th€ \rork md rhc studlre is nor <br />idodcn o. oilsed aor sle (54.?04,1. Busin6s and Prof*sions Codc: The (onltaclois License l-a* doenot opPlvh e !$nLl of <br />rh€ plopcny *l$ brilds or nnlro\ 6lhsan. and *ho do6 su.h lvoik nnnsellor lE6ela.' rnrou-lh his or h€r o$nc'nploves. <br />pI ovidcd thar such inrpro!frons ft nor i ftdcd ot oilo en lor eG lr, ho*evd. fi€ building or inrp' ovcmdr is sold vilhin on. v6 <br />orcontleio( rh. o{n€r Buildq will have rhc burdm oi FrvirE fiaI he or she dd nor hrild or im[ol€ lhc Propdl, lor the pulB)* or <br />-L <br />6 o*nd ofr,re propo iy, dn d.lusn cly co.taclirr-! Nith Licstd conta.los Io conslrud rhc p6jd (Ss 7044. B6incs <br />ad lt fEstun Cod. Th. Conlractoi s License <br />'-av <br />dos nor .PPly ro an o$nc' o I lmpcny sno builds .r inpltres r[eron. <br />a.d sno cont cls for such p()j&ts *nh a cbntm.lor G) licemed ptrBUMr ro the contact,'s Lic.Ne La$ ). <br />Dlc]ladM.N <br />I hdL'b! afftrn tr.dcr penallyorpd:ju'r <br />t nave ed will mainrain a ccnific.rc of Conmr lo SelllNurc ior "orl(.n' con9ens,lnnr, a prlvided nrr bv Scciion l?00 o t the <br />Labor Code lor lhe pElomaacc o a$c $orl aor which lh€ pmrn n issucd. <br />,l hsvc and *ill mai .ir Borkets comp.nsation itrffan.e. s requted by S.crion lT00oflhc L-abor Cod., aor lhe psfomance of <br />the work aor whicn ltus pmir is isued M, compe.satioo iBu6.e cmi6 ud policy nu'nbd de <br />Policy Nunbq:-ExP <br />I ccdiayrhal in rlrc p€rfomdcc oirlE *ort for which lhis per tu,1 is issued. I shallnol emplo) a., peso. in anv dM d <br />so as ro b$omr subrel ro lhe work6 compc6alon la*s of( alilornu ud a3d (hal ill snould b€.odc $bi.d to rhe <br />leorkd codp.Nalion prcvisions ot S{rion lT00 olrhe Latrr Code. I shlll. li$wilh comply sirh rhos. prorisiom <br />WARNNC: l'ailue lo s(ur. qorked conrpflsation covsasc is udla\ful. and shall subjdr e oplover lo dimbal P.Tahi6 dd <br />.nil fines up 1o one htrD(lrcd rhotrsaDd do I OO.OI)O). in addnion to ihc cosl ol corpcnsalion. d,mas€s a provid€d aor ln€ <br />SLrrion 1076oilhe Llta)r Codc <br />t€ <br />!2rct"!Brrp! <br />I hc'lbyaui L dc' ncn^llyofp€irtry rnnd provisionorCh.prd9{commmcing\nhSdriotr7000)orDivison:r <br />of lh€ tlusin6s dd Prolassio6 Cod€. ed my lic.nsc 6 in rull aorce md efi4r. <br />Licese ClN,-Licensc Nunb.r: <br />- <br />cqlrralcl.loli.LENzlacacENcr <br />I h@lry afiinn dndd pmalry oi perju't rhar nE. is a conslruction lcnding ruscy tor lh€ pstonndcc of the vork fot whi.h ll s pdnit G <br />issued (S* 309?, Civ c.) <br />Lendd'! \tre <br />- <br />Lender', Addr6. <br />- <br />AIILICTINTDECIdIAIIaS <br />I l.seby afiEn undq pMalty of F.jury one or the lolbwing ddlaralions: <br />D€nrolitioo P@irs Asb6tos Nolificalion Federrl Rclularions C nle 40. Pan6) <br />_Requned Ldrer olNorillcalion <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection P ads ff y'1-ya1:a, 1 t41 l/zhq ,q 6g <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq (l/3-//4 61aAa b-4 <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall z-/'7/t?,<<-a4l ) <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />ftilason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 2Jk//4 /t&',v> <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Drtc: I t/t</t , <br />renulatioB r€sEdins dbLstos rcnoval ar€ not applicablc ro Ihir prej€cr. <br />I stale thar lhe atFve inromdio. is corecl l asre ro.ondy wnh allCnyan,l cotrnly <br />md h€.eb, ,urlFrize rcpr$cntalrv6 oarhis cily a.d QNnry h cnrd uBr lhe <br />l <br />QccrrG.r <br />,ry'{.u
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