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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.COMMENTS OWNTiR BUILDER DEI-CARATION <br />I hd.ty amrnr undcr p€.ally ot pgjury rh.t I d crnfl 6on lh. Conlr.clos* forOc aollowing r@n (Sn 7011,5 <br />B*in6s a.d Prof*'on Cod.): Ary Ciry or Cou y which r.quir6 a pqm't lo conntu.l, ahd, ihprovc &molih or Epait dy <br />lhduq Fid ro ns isumc., also r€qun6lhc applicdl tor such pnnn lo nL a si8..d slalmdt lhal hc or sh. is licas.d plmer <br />lo rhc p.ovisioc of rh. Conlraclois Lic.n$d rltr (Ch.pl6 9, Commcncins rvith S€liot 7000 of Division I oflh. B6inds dd <br />Pofcsiois Codc) o, thal l1.or sh. is.r.mpl th6.tom md lh. bsis for lhc allcr.d.rnFion. Anr viol.tion ofsclion 70ll 5 by any <br />appli.trl ao. a ponil sobjdsln. opplicanilo acivilp.nallyofnor h.,. rha 6!. hun&€d dollss (1500) <br />-1. <br />s otrnd oflh. pmpcdr. or ny cmplo)G wilh wass 6 thcn sb comp.nstrion. will do lh. rvo,k ad rh. srtudm is mt <br />in6.Ld or o rs.d lor sl€ (Se 7C',u. Businei ad PiolsioB Cod. Ti€ Contictoa s Li.ds. Ijw do6 not .pply Io a os hd ol <br />rh. lrDpdy who toilds or i!'povE thsbq a.d $h. do6 s.h st( hitrelaor hrylr or rhrcuth his or hd ow @ploy.d. <br />p.ovided rhll s!.h i.ryrolare s m mt irndd.d or orold lor sb. It ho*a'd. rhe hiktB or imFovd.l i! eld *ittin on. ,d <br />of co'npleriotr rh€ ()sra Buil:!6 will havc lhc hndo of F.ving thlt h. or sh. did nol build or idprcvc O. pr.Fty for thc puPor of <br />-1. <br />a o\hd oarhc tmtdy, m contacl ins with licos.d co.lh.lo6 <br />'o <br />coNrud rhc projdl {Se 7ol4. a6ins <br />a.d lioGssion Codc:'rhc contacroas Lic6s.llwdo6.ol applr ro an oNn6 olprop.ny *ho bxildso. imprc\arhson, <br />and sho .onrads for such projtrls Bilh a ConlEcro(r licdcd pu6ua to rh. (trrradoa s l.ic6e t!s) <br />_l d.rnrpr undo sdrion_. U. & t C nrfis r.aJn <br />.!qa5E8$:g(2E.tErSAnO.N <br />DECIAIAIIO! <br />Ihercbyaiinnu dei pdrlty ol Fjury on. olric rolhsint d(l alioN: <br />-l <br />harc ed siu nainrain r Cdificdc of CoM! ro Seli-lNurc lor Mlkes o"rP.nstion, 6 provid.d lo. by sdlion 1700 o f th. <br />Labor Code lor rhc psfoddc. of d. \@rt for *hkh th. panit is i$u€d. <br />-l <br />have and {ill Minratu $o*.rs coBp.Mtion iBuranc€. 6 tcquncd b, Sct ion 1700 of lhc ljho. Cod.. for th. Pdfomoc. or <br />rh. s^rl far $hn h rhir pm is rsrcd M) tro,t.6 rcf,pda'on GUd.c ffiE dd polr) numbq d. <br />csr6 , €re-- tpt\J <br />I cenirythol in lh. p.rlor@nc..irh. *or[ ior {hich rllis p.rmn is issucd,I shan n.l mploy tny pmn in.ny 'nen.riJ s ro b€omc subjdt lo ihc so*6' compcnsalion l.rvs ol Calilod& dd +re fial it I should b€(on subje' to lhc <br />qrt6' co'np4d i.. pmlisions of Sdion 1700 oflne L.bor Cod€, I shall. lodhwilh co'nply Nith lto* provisio.s <br />WARNINC: Failuc ro su. udld' co,npoMlion olcfts. t unlasful, ed sh.ll snbjal s cnplold to cininal paaliB d <br />nrn ro Oc cosr oa conp.Mlion, daoase a prelided aor lh. <br />inr€rst:nd tncy s fcL: <br />.14 <br />I heby amnnrnd6 paalty of F.jury lhal I @ li..Gcn lndd provision ofchapld 9 (cohnd.ins wilh S.dion 7000) ofDirnion -r <br />or rhc BBins dd ProisioN Codc. &d my licsc is in tuU forcc and.0irr <br />f3" <br />aot(,*,^,., <br />CONSTRUCTION I <br />'NNIN(: AGFN('Y <br />I h@by aflm undd p.nally ol pdju.y lhat lh@ is a cotr{oclion L.din! asa.y aot lh. Flomflnc. oflh€ wo.t tur $ hich rhis Pdmn b <br />hsucd (56.1097. Civ. C.) <br />AIIUCANLDECIASAIIO! <br />I arftm undd pd.h y ol pdjury onc ol th. following dcldlion.: <br />DmoInion Pcnnirs-Asb6ros Nolifi.arion F.dml R.gularioro (Tillc.40. P.n6) <br />-R€q!iEd <br />tdrd of Noincrdon <br />-l <br />c61i! lhsl rhc tcdml r+ulalio6 esadi.s sbcios r@oval re nol arplicablc lo rhis prcjdl <br />[,.-'",n, ,**.ro,no appharion udsr'r. rhd rc.bov. inromtrion is cona1. I alrc ro onply wnh all cny dd coury <br />/oiinancc ua Sralc t-a*s rctaq lo hu'ldj!€snfrdior irdhlrbyaurhonle (F.srarn*of rh:sCir' andCounD rodrc up..rh. <br />rAt-r. ma,'.ndl nmd\ ror,..a-/*< / I /,/;;ffi;:TrV_y /,to,..h, _,". i@aoff <br />rer.rrenr.crp,rno,.x. .DwD--. /tt{.* z- .-- <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lvleter Release <br />Rouqh :L/u/ls 6DtaD <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL t/ i1/t1 5lsi-l{ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />_-> <br />Air Conditioners <br />civil fin€s ut lo one hundr.d rhous&d doll6 ($100,000), in <br />o"", ' /2-[L "( <br />I rn,lr' ' 41.[6' <br />- <br />I <br />t=- <br />I