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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS ()\\ \l;lt It Il t)LR t)t ! ( \r{ \ rr{)\ <br />I hcrcb, nlfirm undcr pcnahy of pc{urr lh lmcxempl nom lhc Conlrack,i l-iccn\c llw f{r ric i(rk,ling nNnr (sN 70:11.5 <br />Du\ ntul Pmf.*ii,n (](xlc): Any Ciry or Cormy *hich r.+ne\ r pcnni nr .onirurr. dlr$. inpnrvc. dcnmlhh t{ rcnr any <br />(ructue, llior ro irs rruatra. rls rcqunN lhc lpplicrr for {.h trnn ro lrh r siSmd ndcnEnl lhot hc or rhc i1 liccnrd pu^uanr <br />h rhc rtuvisi{Jh\ .frh. C.fuictr\*d tjw (Ch!pr.r L Co'nnrnci'r8 *nh Sc.rior ?IX)0 ol Divhiotr 3 oflhc lrusinc$ ond <br />Pmlcsio.s Colc) or rhar hc or shc is crcnq rhcrcir.m and rhc basis lor rhc rllc8cd cxc!ryrn'n. Anyviollri.nolSsrkn70.ll5byrny <br />lprlicant forapcr.rir subjccGthc anplicaor lo !ci!ilpcnrltyotnor mrcrhrn fivc hundtndollqs lS5fl)) <br />I. .s o*nfi or rh. lmlidy. or .rt cnrrlurt.s wirh wascs N v,k .orll,'nrdrion. will do thc sorl oxl rtE (ur8 i! ml <br />inlcnd.t orollcrcdtbrslclsa7(!,1.BusincssundPrclir{ionsCodc:lhc(i'ntactnrl-i.cnscLdwd.csno.alrlyro osncrof <br />rhcpmFny who huilds or iryrercs rhcer aftl who des s!.h s* hi rll or h.sclf or rhmuAh his or h$ osn cmPloyccs. <br />pft,lidcd rhar ruch ihpmvctunrsd or im.rdcl oroficrcd lor slc II hos.\rr. rhc huildirS or inprcRm h sld )co <br />oi complcrion. rhc o'm! Buildcr wiu hrrc rh. budcn ol'pnvina rhar IE or nhc dil nn bnild or iniprok rh. F)p.ny ror rhc l)urN{ or <br />l,.so*$.frhcpm|Edr.arcx.lusivclycotr.ri'rg*irhIi..n\cd.oit..roNn)c.n(rucrrh.t'mlccl(SL!.7l}l4-Bu\inrs\ <br />rfrl lJollssion Codc: Thc Co.lra.lols Li.cnsc Luw do$ not !p0lylo rnownc, eto build\ or inpir)v.s lhcr.otr. <br />rdd who ..nhrrs rtr su.h pmjccB wirh d coir..r,n 9 li.chcd Nrsu blh.Gn ra.tor's Lienr uw) <br />I ancrc r|n undcr Sc.rtrni .8.&PC lnrrhirrcr\otr <br />Orrcrl <br />lro.BKEB!:glttlhutrul <br />I2IICLA&IIIQN <br />I hcrcby ilrirtrr trndcr Nnrlry.ilrrjry otrc oirltr,nll,,wn8 dccrnnrion\: <br />! hnvc arlwill rtun {inrCcnillcrlcofConscitbSclf.lNurclorlorkcrs.cotrrDctr\{ providcd lir 6y Sccrn, .17fl} ot rh. <br />Lnhr C.dc. f(rrh8 p.rfortun.. ofrhc wor* fd whi.hrhc p.rmir i\ is\md. <br />_l hilcrnd sillmrn 0inworkcrs c.nDcnsation i$umtrcc. is rcqutcn hySccrioST0Oolrhc lxhorC{nh. ntrrh. lcrrohrrnoor <br />rhc wor( lor shichrhn pemir is tsued Myworkcc co'npcn$lion iosurrcccuicr iJtl lx,licynumh.rdc <br />l..niryrhJr i', rhcr^-rfonunccof ihc work l* shichrhk |r{rnn i\ isncd.l slull .l c ployanyt)cr$n ir rtryDranrcr <br />sors'$rl+.rrothcrolkcr'conrpcnsdiofllassofCalitaarii.rndrsrccrhdillsh.uldbccomsbjcdn,rrr <br />rorkc.s'con{'cnsolionpmvkionrofSc.lion.lT( ofrhc Latrr Co<l..l snall. ionhwirh conply wi!h rhov pn,vi\i(,n\ <br />WARNINC Failtrrc ro Korc workcrs coml,.nsario..ovcmrc is utrhwtul. aid chrll \rhjc.r a. ctrDloycr ro dimiDul [rNtics ind <br />(i!il finc\ u, b oR hdndrcd rhou\a d dollars (Slm.On). i', sddin,n b rhc .o{ of.ompcisarn[ drnr8cs !s provid.d lor lhe <br />Sc.lon 3076 dfrhc ttrtrtr Codc. irlcNs Md.normy r rc.\ <br />ADpli.nnll <br />uui!,51[QN1!t!:11r8 <br />DISJNAIION <br />I hcr.6y uiltn undcr ri.nlhroip€rjlry rhal I unr liensd under pr.vnn,nofCh,pr.r 9 (dnnmn.in8 sirh sdrion 700(JrofDivhion.l <br />of lhc Busincsmd PolcsionsCodc. onl nr,liccnsc k in tulliom andcli(l. <br />Liccnsc Clars:_Lic.B. Nunbcr <br />D.1.: <br />ra!flauculrNl[NllNti-ali.ENct <br />I h.rcby .tn n uMcr lrh,hy .r pcrjury rld rhcrc h , co.{fl.ri Llldin! rgcmy tu thc |)crformmc. of rhc nork lor *hi.h this rErni n <br />i\sucd (S.r l(r97- Civ. C.) <br />lJ cir Namc: <br />landcis AddRs: <br />- <br />AIILIIANLDECI4IIdUoN <br />I trrb, dfliin undcr F alr, or pclurt onc of rh. folk,winA d(l*ar n,ns <br />D. rnni P.rmn\ Aqb.sros Norficrrdr frcdcrrl Rcgulrrions (Tilc,1{. PM6) <br />Rc{tuircd lxricr ol Mnili.dtr <br />-l.cnilj <br />rhrr rhci.dcElrcgulrri.ns rc8:udinErs6({os'.Nrvrli.c forr0trlicrhlc b rhi\ pojccr <br />I.cniryrld I hrvc r.M lhN <br />otdihdtr.c\ rtrd Srar. ttrqsrlnri <br />c rh r rhc rh,rc rronruriofl is .orccr I ll3r( ro conrdy wnh all Cir, rnd Counry <br />iurhrltc rcDrcrcnr{tivc\ olthir Ciry!.n Co!trry ro cnr& ut.n rh. <br />*,",alztln <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathino <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq 'Jztltt/Ar-?-,/ <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar dAolK drto//t-'6b-- <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL /V/-avt ,,o?- /1/rr/k <br />Certif icate ol Occupancy <br />Notes Remarks, Etc. <br />Brown Coat <br />I <br />=