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e <br />tlu\i',c\s d P'ofcssi(tri Codd) AtryCityor Cou.ry +hich t.quncs r Irnnil io con(rud. rltcr. i'npnrvc. dcnrlisi or rcNtr rry <br />{nErurc. triorro irs $unncc.!l$rcqrtcsrhcaprli.nirfu\u.h&mrirr),ilcrsign.d{nrcrctrrIh h.or shc i\ liccn\cd Pu'r\uanr <br />t, rlt lR)vniuls or rh. C( n.ttrsLi.cnscdtiw(ChJflcrs.Conncn.l.PtrithSccrionTlxx)orDili\nrtIollhcBusincssatrd <br />Pn,lcrsions cidc) or rrhorshchcxcnrprlhcrcliorrtrdihchNisIorrhcrllc8cdcxcr.Pii{n, Anyvt,l ionolSartrrT(,.r15hyriy <br />rDplrn tu rncnnir suhjccrsrhe anjrlicrnrt, r.iviltcrrhyofnor nrm rlun livc htndr.ddollir (3500) <br />-1. <br />as .wn.r ofih. pbr.ny. or nry cmnloycc( wnh sascs !s lhci y,l. .o nrrcnsd ion. qill do lhcsork mn $. {mtuE is mr <br />irt.xlcd or olttrcd i{tr slc lsa.7(l4,1, Burincs snd Pmfcssi,ns cd. 'rhc Conrrs.tois t.i.Tn{ lf,r d.cs nor !Ppl, r, an oand of <br />rhc pmpcdy wk) brilds or irDmvcs rhcMr. Md *ho des \kh work hnntllot hcr*llor rhmueh hir.r hcr owtr cn,rk,rc.r. <br />lrovidcd rhor \uch imprcvcftfls m mr i crildl or oficrcd for eh. ll ho(dtr, rt hxilliry ot irtlrorcnr.r k ekl silhir onc )qr <br />or.onlt,hrbn. rhc otrrcr Buildcr willh!rc rhc bnrdcn orpmving rhr hc or sh( did nor huittlor i'nPsn <br />'nc <br />pmltdy lbr ltE pu{x's or <br />I. aso{ncrotrhcpmpcrlr- anE\clusircryconb,.lin8 *irh liccflscd .onrr!cl('F n, .on{rucr rlr nmicl (Scc 7O}r. Buencss <br />arxl llDrBsi,n Th. Contddof\ Licctrsc tju d€s nol lprly k, M.wrff olpmPcny who tuild\ or nnProrts lhcreon. <br />anJ wh. $ for \uch ln)jecls *ith 6 Conrrmr,n, liccn\.d puru lo th. Conlrlcror's Li..n{ tiq) <br />Irn,(\c rtn L tulrr Srcr B & PC ld rhl!rcxnn, <br />uQa$iB.ltlauuiNsllloN <br />DTIIA.EAIIO! <br />, hcrcb!rllimrulldc.lrcnullyoricrj!ryoncol'hcr(,lbsrtgdcclar ion\ <br />I hrvc.nd wrllmtinrxint Ccd i,l.Ic of Cut$[ n, Sclf.ltnrc li)r *o'k.'\'conrfc \rridr, rs ,)n'!itlcd,nrhySc.riot:17(x)olrhc <br />Iihn Codc. for rhc |x brmin.e ol rhc so' k ntr which rhc |1.nnir is issucd <br />-l hovc and sill trrinrdin sorkcrs- ..mncnsarion insurlnce. u( Rsuned hysc.rionsrfirolrhc Lrhor Codc. r(tr rh. !.rLnmNc ot <br />conrpcneri,'a insurntuc cdricr nri Brlicy numbcre <br />L <br />L'rt a-2 472 <br />0-/ <br />h)t <br />B C.ID <br />1-t-tq <br />fiqsq1 <br />1,,.' q->g-18 .",,-.,.",K <br />CANS:IASCI]IJNIENIINIi.IADNI <br />I hcrchy rffim urder reulrrorp.4ury'hd rhcrc is, onstrudio. hndiq lscrcy t,r rhc Pdr.nMmc oflhc $ori ror whkhrhis,rrnrir is <br />issucd(SLr 1097. Civ (: ). <br />AIILTCANIDLEI.T$AIIId <br />I )E$y umnn udcr Fnahy of pcrjury on..rrh. rdhwnr8 dccl0mlions: <br />Dcm.lirnr PcirnirsAsbc(os Norificarnrn Fcd.rdl RcSrhrnns (Tirlc 40. Prn() <br />Rcrtuncd Lcrrcr of NolifKalion <br />Ic&ifyrhdrhcLdcr r.Eulali,)n\EgJ i',8 rrh({o\ r.Nr Jl xrr mrat)flicthlc lo rhn Pnre.! <br />ltr,vc nrnrnxrd F,I.dytur insrdbn Nr-lccnirrhrr <br />I hrvc rcM rhi\nptltrri(!rrklimcrhdr rhc dlrvc i,nnnnari,tr, i\ lisre locon{'ly <br />ordinaNcs trml Sture tiwr rcltllirg h huildnrt con$ru.r(,n. ukl hrchy{urhoriTc r.rc*nrxrivcs ofrhis ciry <br />wirh rllciryrid counry <br />andColir!k,.nld uE llr,1-zgl( <br />^rDri.nnr <br />or <br />^!€!r <br />sisD,lum X <br />r'"".i,"".",,",r.i"t,)(a'+GUeea <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMi\'TENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Venti lnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsu lat ion/E n erg y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />l\,4asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL t-/t-/7.Jde-{"*4 <br />Certilicate ot Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />-l <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />oTVNER BUII-DI'R DELCAI{ITION <br />I hcrchy rrltm un(ls pcDlry.r lrcrjrrt rhd L r .rcnu liom rh. G,nlrrcktr! I i.cisc Lrq lnr ih hll,iwi'ig rcxvnl'sc.7lll <br />Lly <br />I ccnily rh0l in thc pcrformrcc afrh. *ork tr shich rhi\ permir is i$ucd. ! shi!llor.n,Ik,y any lf,son in ony mrnEr <br />w N ro bec.m suhicr ro rhc $ortcts.unD.nsltion lass.Ic.lif tri.. lnd,arcdh,r irl should tE onrc \ut'jd k,itr <br />$orkcr compcneriotrpn,visn,.\ufSdcliotrlT0OoflhctjtrrCodc.lstull lbnhwith.onltllyRilhlh.Eptovisi.ns <br />wARNlNcr trailtrrc ro scurc sortqs compcnsarintr .olcrusc i\ ufl.wtul. .trd sholl runicr d .tplo)tt ro nimi.ll 0c'ulrt nd <br />.ivil fincs up ro otrc hudrcd tholsand dolhA l$l(n.(Xlo), i. additnn lo rhc cosr ofco(lc \orion. darmScs rs pDvidcd fi, rhc <br />Sslljon ru/fi.lrhc ljtn Orlc. 'nrcn\rJndarr.'mr.l,'c\ , ^ D- <br />"",",- 7'28-18 ^00,,-.,,)< d \.7-4 <br />lrcENl[D-coNrnl1:faf, <br />DSCIAIAUAN <br />I l[rby aflnn uMs Fn0hy oi !€rjury rhll I trm liccn$l uidcr Eovistr of Chaptcr 9 (con[{n in! with Scdion 7([I]) of Divi\ion l <br />of rhc Alsincssmd Pofcssior$Codc. ! nryliccnsc is in lullnn.c kl cil.r <br />tf,nd.i\ addre$: <br />- <br />I <br />tt