<br />APPROVALS DATE ro/stG.COMMENTS os,n(-Build.r Dslar.lion
<br />I a mrm und.r p.d[ y of r.rjury thrl I on .x.mpt aorn lh. Conl mdoB Lic.ns. l,aw lor rh. toll6{in8 ..rtn (s ?{.1 I 5 Busincst
<br />ind Pmf.sflon Codc): A.y Ciry o! Cou.ry which Equc. . Fm la 6tr{dd, alr.r, imporc, d.mlish or rqiair 6ny srudurc, nnm h c !
<br />iss.rc., rls..qun* lhe apllicanl for ilch Frmil to iil.asrsftdsr.rff rh.t h. o. 3h. k lic.nsd luNad l. lh. !mrF'.ni .l rh.
<br />coohtu s Lic..kd Low(Chapt.r9, CodRrciflsuith S.ction?000ofDilBionl olrhe Burin63iftl Ptols,ioN Codr) ot rh.r h. o.
<br />ihci!rx.m rhr.rlr.m and th. bans f.r fic r ll.8.d .x.m pt io. AnyviolalhnolsectionT0ll.5byanydprli.a aor r Fmn flhjccrs rh€
<br />annlra, 9r.N'l FMl'y.r mr mE,hM nv. hu r.ddollm(t(orr
<br />VlJt*.,.r,* r.n-r, "r my.n,pl^y..t wirh triEca.s slc coml.nerioi. s irrdo th.wolk and rh. crrucrur. is nor
<br />nr ofr.rcrl for$1.( S( ?M4, BNin$ lnd Pmfc$ioN Cod.: lh. Contractoar Lic.n€ Las do6 mt rprly ro !n owcr otrlt tFFnt
<br />who buil& or rmnmvcs rh6n,.nd sho do., rsh work hinMlf o. hcRlforlhmush his or h.r oq.mrlott6, pmrid.d rtnt $ch
<br />imrmv.m.nrs aE ml int.xtcd or o,Lrd for sl. lf. l-w.Er, rhc hildinE or imnov.m..r ii rold wirhin on. ydr ofcoopl.r io.. rh.
<br />Ovmr Buildcrwi,lhar. rhe burd€n olrrcvins th0l tDitd orimrmvr loi (h. purpo* of el.).
<br />_- l. .s ow..r of rh. ,mF.ny, .m dclu,iv€ly conrroclins wirh li..n*d coormro.i ro o.slrucr lh. pml(l ( Sd 70'14. Burin?is and
<br />Pml&sion Cod.: I hc ConricrolF l-icffc liw do6 ml rpply ro an otrB ol prdFny sho builds o. impm!6 th€E.n . and Bho
<br />conhcts aor $ch lmjcrs *irh 6 Conlmcro(s) lic.nsd n!tuanr to rhc Conrncd. Lic.nkLrw.).
<br />_l u .r.dpr !.d.r S*rion _,8
<br />I aflm !n<L, ,.mlty of p..jury o.. of th. following dftlmrioNl
<br />! have and {nl mninrrin a C.nincat. ofcor*nl ro S.lf-lnsr. for *0rl.6 coote.sxon.a. ,mvided lorbySernnl?00ofrh.
<br />Lahor Cod., for d. Frforom. of rh. worl for whict ih. n.rmn is issu.d.
<br />IlBv.lnd*illmi 6inwork 6 mmrcelion in$6M, &r EquiEd by Selion 3100 of lhc Lltor Cod.. lor lh. !.rfomBna of lhe
<br />wo* fo, stth rhi! Fmir is is.d. My erkd comr.nsrion intudtu. ceid .nd Flicy @obd @:
<br />PolicyNlohc EipiEli
<br />Ohh sri.. rcr h. otrlplcr.d if rh. i' fo. oE hudr.d dolhd {l l00l or LB)
<br />IZan,ryrtur in rh. p.dmmm. orrh. q6rk ror whi.t rhisp.rmir t,r.u.d,Irhsll no! Gmnloy y ncmn ,n .ny cnn.r s. a. ro
<br />b.c!m. bjdr ro rhc mrt.B ' snvEnsriotr l.B of californla aid lsd rhat if I rhouB rE om.ul'jer b rk sdtm'
<br />comr.nsrn'. rroviiiom of ofrh. Lohor Code t shau.
<br />-)^*4
<br />Wr{RNrltG: F.ilw lo 'drc worlcd @np.Nlrion 6v.dgc i! unlawtui, tnd ih.ll sbjar m .nplo}tr ro c.ini@l ,'.Dlli.. ond .iYil
<br />nnd up ro oN htr dEd rhotr$ld .bllq (l100,000),ir .ddilio. to lt 6s of cong.Mtiorl dt@8!3 N pmvid.d for tlE S..lion 1076 ot
<br />th. Llbor Cod., i Gt 6nd lno .y i fc.r.
<br />I hcEl,y rllro undq p.Mhy of Fryry lhr I e li..n .d lidd povhion of Clupld 9 (6mncing wnh Sdlion 7000) oa Divilion I of
<br />rh. BBin s.nd Pmf.i.ioB Cod., ud 6y lac.M ar i. tul! lorcc.!d.flc.r.
<br />Lic.e Cld.:_
<br />I hftl'y a,Im !id.r pc@lry o l0€rlury ihal lh.r. is , connruclion knditrs as.try tor lh. !6fomm. ol lh. eort lor tr'hich thh Froir ir
<br />hfl.d (Se 30s?.Cir. C )
<br />attucalr.lDtctaaauaN
<br />D.mlil ion P.mni-tuh.{os Nolificalion l:.d.tuI Rqelalions ('l'n k 40, Pon 6)
<br />RcquiEd l,.rr..6lNotilicarion
<br />I c.dily lhar lh. l.d.hl r?Su lal io ns Es.rdi.s .sb6tos rrmwlar. ml lpplicabk ro rhB pmFr
<br />lha^,t rn.r I hrvc E.d thh lpplication and srarc rhat rh. i.formolio. ir.or..l to.omrry 0nh allCirydnn counry
<br />o.di8rce and srai.ljws r.l6tin! bhuildrn8 consrucron,.nd h.rcby aulhorize of rhBCiryd Counly unon rh!
<br />abor n.nrioEd nmp.ny fo.
<br />) t-*(l
<br />R ttLt /JiNuco*L*
<br />Preliminary Soil Report
<br />Fills
<br />Sub Drains l0 -7 -t\UILftr ggpp !hx4,u_
<br />Buttresses
<br />Soils/Geology Report
<br />Statement of Compaction
<br />Compaction Report
<br />Flood Elevation Cert
<br />Paving
<br />Sub Grade
<br />Aggregate Base
<br />Water Test & Seal Coat
<br />Asphalt Concrete
<br />Soils Eng. Cert.
<br />Rough Grading Release
<br />Final Civil Cert.
<br />FINAL 7 'O f-Lo o€4 lo)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />4
<br />Excavation
<br />-eperionr:E