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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWI\ER BUILDEi DELCAI' TION <br />I h6.ty .lrm und6 D.uliy of rtjlta lhr I d dstll,l i$o tlE cornrt !.t' Lkre Le for th. follo*iq .*ln (Sd 7011 5 <br />Itlind ud Prcfdbn Cod.) aN cnt or (-ounr" Nnkh Eqot6 t rEnr lo odtu(l, .to. niForq &mldr.. rF.r dy <br />nrudu( FEro n. iBle.,.ko qund rlE.tdi.d for trh Fnn h fiL.r's dlrat lhi L or i. i li..t!.n F,f,Er <br />ro rh. Fnr6i.N ol tlE Coir.r.r( r l-toi.d lr*' (Ch!F( 9. Conjlrmiq $nt S<riln 7000 of Divilio. I olilE 8.riiB ed <br />PNtBnB Co&) or rhn lr d lrE ir 6f,F rh..fitn d rh. t rir for rh. .llq.d 6dBnn Anl vohrF. of Salnn 70! I .5 by et <br />.ppl'c. lor . Fmil $bjclr tlE qrlionl lo !.iril p.uhy of mr mE rho fi!. huidr.{ doll4 (l5m}. <br />\sn6olrh.prnrEi),.rfr,.mtlot6snhs.ts66rheten.culposl(u,snl&,rlt\drddrlEdrul@it,r <br />inrdd.n dr ollr.,l for el. {5{.7014. Busi.s lnd PrnldioN Codc I h. ( int{.rtr'r l.i.6s. &q do6 nol q'!ly lo an tr$no dl <br />rhcpofcly Nho huil& or inFord rnein, rd shD do6 $.h \rol himr.lf.r ho *lf or rl ,usi his or t6.*n .mplott6, <br />r.ridal lnar iucn impF\E,El! @ R r mrRlci or olldld for sL li lx'$66. rlr t{rldrn* o. itrFo\o6n i! $ld *irhn oE \d <br />of.omFki.. rh. (\'n6 auikla qill h.r. lrE hrda otF.rfu tht hc or rh. did n, hiltl or iqtu. rh. FlFy tor rl! tnlrse ol <br />l. E o\E of rlE E rrEi!,! codn tl'lg trnh lans.n $ rdN lo stdMl <br />'lE <br />Fixl (s< 7ol,l, 116.6 <br />!d Attsm( on Th. Contdoi. Li..* trf, &6 ml 4'ply lo e otr'n6 otteFny {ho hrittr or inprc\B rhcoll <br />od *lb orftl] fm *n FFr ['lh . (n raro(.) lid6.d trlgn rorlE( onrltr-! Ltc ta). <br />ldn.rdnF und6 serFn <br />Drr. l)nn.r <br />wORKFRStOntPDNS/\tI(lN <br />DI(].AAAIAI <br />I hd.b! a[]!n und6 p€nalry orlFj'ry oN otrh. rolnNi.s ddldatnnE <br />Ih.\., sillmi ain s Caiificr. ol( on5t 1o S.ll'lNurc ro, uorld-6mFMbn, s pmvid.d to. b,vs.nhn !'rlm ofrh. <br />I .tn ( o{.. aor rh. Ffomft. of <br />'h. <br />s. foiqhknlh.p6nn i isu.d <br />Ih!\.u<t\rilln,i,insorld.'.onFMrioniNu..B..6rqur.dbSdkrnt?lxrofrh.l-,b.r(o&,foi'h.Frolrlre.ot <br />rh. q.d l,n qhx h !h. |mn . Brd M\ rdt6' soEdFn ,hu,e( ! rlrE rd F,l.\ .umlq t. <br />.-* - 44. [r"], <br />*,.,*.0- '{ztSlvc ?7?. z"zo <br />lr6i,fy rh.r in th. Ffom.E. ofrh. \orl for $hich rhir F<mn ir s!u.n. I shillnoi anplut tnt p€e. i.3n! ndao <br />$ I n, tE$mc sut ar to rh. $ ond' comp.M bn la\i oI Calilomi.. .nd igre In ifI rh.uld h<on 3ubjd rorh. <br />\ol16s' conrpdstion prevnioB o f s6lnn 17m .lrh. I rhJr ( od., I slull, lonhtrn h comply rvnh rhos poehions <br />W RNINC l'6ihrc ro sur. *ttldr onrnnlsri(,. cor6rs. ir unl!\fnl. .fr1 rhrll iuhid M dnplotd ro airinal FuhE ud <br />.nil lind up to onc rh1usn'l d.llB {tr(x),(xx)), in .ddili]n ro lhc coq oI c.'nFernr., d,mtr6 s pro\iij.d aor lh! <br />Sdion i(,76 6l rh. tibor ( od.. inr6.c rnd ,hm9 rfG.ob ts-lq <br />DECttS IXI! <br />I lE.b.t .rm usl.r F!h) or Fjul) rhn I d li.!6.d ondd Fo\ ithr .a (lEI'l( 9 (ernffirts rnh s<rio. 7cn0 r ( <br />of rh. ttllll6 @d lttrl6ioE Co.L. rn mr k@ ir h tull forc<! <br />I <br />c1l <br />(aBiIal(IlallENDlNilGErlJ <br />I h6.try .rm undd Frly o f FjuD rha lhq. ar . $trrtudb. hnin8 lefty fo, rh. Ftotuc oallE sorl tu $tth rhit FEa i <br />isucd tS< lo97.cil a l. <br />AIILTIANLDECIIBAIq! <br />I hditt ,trm und.r F.lry o f Fjur' oE ot rh. aollNrinr d..ltr' nJns <br />llnolirt,n Pmnstubctor Norificdhn l:.d6dl R.tuhrnrns (-I 1.40. Ptn6l <br />R<uir.rl t-.rld olNotifi cdh. <br />I cdif\ rnar th. f.dsal r.sulan(,s ,qradm8 &rh€k* tdrr al d. nor a]]pl'(rhl.l,, rh* Ixqd$(dirr rhd I h$. Gd rnn {"rlicdnrn dd {.ldhlr tlE .t!\. ,.aoldx,n 6.ond l.araro Nnd! \nh tll ( irt lnd ( ounr! <br />;dtufts d srd. L,$s ElailB ro hrldr hr rd lEd'y .dt ro. i.rr.5dns of lhir Cny tnd Colnrtro ord lpon rlE <br />rhr.,,6trkrrl ,ll.rsr n{ 'nrlr{(!r <br />ar'r*.- aa-,at*-,*. )$ <br />n.-r,*-.",p.r,,r, K (1Y 1t"l/"totc( e 5 <br />-"-o3-l\-t1 <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Subfloor/VenUl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsula tion/E nergy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL glat ln SI'W/, e3 <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />co <br />-l <br />-to%24 6 <br />Set Backs <br />SLAB Floor <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />to rr**{ hl