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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />[/eter Release <^<,<,o ()9 <br />Rouqh -ti6 <br />flService Meter p:FINAL u 8/,n <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER BUILDI]R DDTCARATTON <br />I hdety rrm und6 pdslty of p€rjury lhal I d cxnpl ftoln rh. Co.t6clor' l,iccns. L{p for lhc rolbwing rc&n (s-.7011.5 <br />AosinBs d Proasion Code): Aoy Cily or Counly which requtc a Fmn lo conslrucl, ah6. inptov., dcnoli,h ot Epat my <br />slructuc, rior to its ns@c€. ebo 6qun6 th. .pplicat aor such Fmil lo file a sisn d $ddar that h. or stE ii licosd pleanl <br />ro rh. previsioB of rh. Contia.roa. Lic.nsed Liw (Chaprd s, *ith Scclion 7000 ol Division I oflh. ausin€s md <br />Prorsions Codc) or lhar h. or sh. is ex.mfl thdcftoo dd the bsis for ln allegcd dmflion ,^., violalion olsdrid. 701 I 5 by an, <br />appli.rm lor apmn subjds lh. applicanl lo acirilpdallyofnot moclhd lir. hundr.d dolles (5500). <br />l. s o$nd of the Fopcny. o. dy cdplo)G *nh $ ,gc s $1. comp€rsalion. qill do rn *or* dd $€ stM@ is rct <br />inrhdel oroll6.d for sl. (Se 71144, Busirs and PDl6sions Co&: Th.contactois Licas L.w do6 nol tppll ro d ownB oi <br />$c popgly who b{ilds or iiipmv6 lh66( md who doe sucn rclt himrelro. hd*lf or rhrough his or hd own cmpk v.6. <br />prolid.d thar such inprcqEtrls 6r oor i'n6!H oronqqr ror ek I[ hosd6. rhc triklins o. iqrer.]6r i! $ld Nithin nrc ]w <br />olcoopl.lion. rhe o* nd Buitld sill halc lh. hrdd oflrovin8 thd hc or sh. did nor b nd or i,npmrc thc pmrEly for $c purss of <br />l, s orvtrd of lhc plopcny. an cxclusivrly conkaclins virh licdrcil .onlractor ro conslruct th€ projel (sd 7014. AGD$ <br />a.d Pofisio" Codc: Thccotrrsdoas Licose Las do6 not aDply to an orvns oaDroFny Rho blilds or imProrc th6on. <br />old {no cootrmis aor such proj6,ls wirh a Conr6cro(, hc@lcd pu6uMr lo lhc contadois t-icd* h{) <br />I on cx€mpr utrds Sction-, B & P.C for this r@o <br />O*ne <br />]laatrE8g-cq!4lENSAUA! <br />DECLARATTON <br />I hmbyliltrm undd Falyotpojuryon onh. fouowinS de,mtioB: <br />-l <br />naE ed will n,inrrin a C.nificab olconsdt lo fot rcrl.m mnpcnotion, 6 providcd lo. by Sdtion .1700 of th. <br />L!bor_]}d., ro' rh. po foll@(c o f (h. m for u hich rhc p<trir E i"rsuci. <br />(ba\ c and *ill trEDtarn q olt..,!' comp<M, 'on '6drnc.. s '.qun n by scrion 37oo of rhc t bor cod.. ror th. psrom&c. of <br />th. work for which rhis pq n is iscd My work6! @np@srlion iBuMc. tris !.d lolicy nuhbd r.: <br />vtidc <br />v C<_\t?,9(Z A.o7 -3 t'l <br />-l <br />c.niiy rhar in rh. pdaormancc olrh€ sort lor which rhis p€mil is ssu.d.l shdll nol nplo, ony in an) ndnd <br />$ sto b€.omcsubid lo lhc rort6' comptsalio. las s of Caliaomi{ and agE rhar ilI sr'ould b.ton strbjd Iolhc <br />eo*6s compaetionrrevtiotu ols*rion llT0ooalh.I*o. ( ud.,l dEll. fonh*ilh co'nply wirhrho*Pmvisions <br />WARNINGT Failurc to ww worl6 cooptualion ovc68e is unbwrll, and shall subjccl D oployd io anninal p€Mlti6 and <br />.ivil nnB up lo oD. nund,cd lhousd doll6 ($100,000), in addnion b rh. con of conrp.Mrio.. d.m86 6 ptovid.d aor lh. <br />S(rion 1070 utih. b6.,r Code, rr66t <br />D.* ) t-llo'r b <br />lzr(j,lut!.!al <br />I hmby .ftm undd pdally ot pdjury that I m licoE€d undd provieiot of Ch.pl6 I (commocins vilh s.<ion 7000) ol Dirisiofl l <br />ol lhc Busins ed ProaNions (od€. dd ny licme is in luu lor.. dd .lldr. <br />1L1\/ <br />LL-1b-l <br />CCIII8ICITONIEIDIXC-AGENCI <br />I hftby a,Itrm undd Fmlry ol pdju,) Oal rh@ is a co6loclion LndinS astry lor th. Paaor]@.. olln work lor vhich thir Fni i3 <br /> (Se 1097. Ci! C) <br />AIIIICANI.I)ECI,JNAIIAd <br />I hcEty afim und6 Do.hy ofpdjury on. of$.lollosins ddldariotr: <br />Dcmlilion Pmits-Asb6tos Notifi.alion F.dral R.sularions (Till.40, P0n6) <br />-R.quircd <br />Lclrd ol Notifcation <br />-l <br />cdiry lhar rhe acddal r.rularioB rcSedins 6b€sos rdnolal ec not appli.abl. b rhis Pmj..l <br />I.dify thd I halc read lhis applicalFn and iarc rhd rhc abov. inaomalion is conccl. I asra ro.tmply$nh all Cityaod Counly <br />ordind.6.nd Stmc Larvs rektins ro buildios coturruction. and hdeliy autho,tc reprsataliv6 ofrris Cny ond Counlylo dr6 upon rhc <br />al$ c nbr n,ncd prupeny lhr <br />rptrlicn r o, gr t Sigflrl r.mi chtcl 4ox/eleotg <br />t/-2s-4 <br />a,z-2:?: <br />lc .t <br />7t? t <br />n","*a g5o ) o <br />LcnJtr t Ad<i6.- <br />f-------T------ <br />tl <br />I