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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS r)1\ \t R tI lt t,t:fi rt.t-( \R \ I l()\ <br />I h.rcby !0iln untLr |E xy of Friury rhd I m c&n{ tn,m th. G' i*lm l.t..t lj* for rrE aolt'*in! ex,t llq I]V 5 <br />B!\in.s\ !d PrnL{rirn crxhr: Atry Cny or Co!.ry shi.h rcquircs r lsnrir ro c..{Mi. olld. lnryovc- &mlkh or qtln rnv <br />dtullF, pd ro nr ir.uEc- rls tlui'd rh. ulPrad lo .rh F nir b lik . ti8En (.tm rld lE rlE k litnEd Fntd <br />ro rhc F)!nr,ns or E Contuclorr t,trnEd ke l(-h!pt6 e, Commrcii8 rirh S..rhn,(xro o( Divni,n Iofrh. Busift( ud <br />Pn,L$ionr (o&ro. rhlllt or rh. ir.rory! tmiiofl xrl llE Mrn ft, rrE rlLs.d.r.nYri.n Any vi.hrhnofsdirn To:ll5 bvr.v <br />it'r'lt! tu ! Fnir ruhFk rlE tfliic.nt 'o r cililFMhy or tur ntB Ihl. nrt i!'nnn &rlrr (!iL) <br />L ar ormr ol rh. rrDFny. ( mr.rrl'F.s wnh v.F3. lEn a'k oq${h.- *ill &' itt rft In dr fiIiE ir d <br />inrcnj,.d 0 ollcrd rorqh(sd 7o+r, Bu.iF( rd PrDLrrnn. c.n lh (i,nlr4Jor'r litn- lru d.Er Nr +flv 'o <br />rn .qF ol <br />rh( FnFny llil ild! or ilrlmB th.6n- llld wlx, J.n *-h ql* hinsclf or h.rFlf or rhntu8h hh ., ho or. .nu'btt.r. <br />FoviLd rh.r rEh uqrom.( m mr i .irn d olilttd a.n sl li lr)k\s. rh. hoillh! r nqoted t r*i *nih Ift ,rd <br />ol corI,lciir., rhr ( )* B Bui$6 tr'il' h.w ttE htrt n or F.tinB rtd tr or ilt dil Dl t!'H d invnlt tlE FnFry ld dr IrrIEr or <br />- <br />1. x\ o{ Nl if rhL roFn l. ru r\.lu\ivc ly .onrri n! si h liccn{d 0ntrr.ros rr ..n{ru.r rlr PnrFr ( sr-. 7(!'l au{ms <br />rrrl lh)rr$i{Crnl. lhc(inn',.rtr \ti.cnn l-.!rk).{nir lplynr oiosnn.fDr.ttrltwho hnild\or nnNv.s rhrrcotr <br />ind Nh,.onr:.ntlr$.hFnI{hritir(i,ntrt'(srlr.narinuFunrt'rh.clrt{1ot'1l.acntljtr) <br />lrm.r.m0 ukl.' s.lrirr <br />thrr rrenrr <br />lloll(I lr{'( ()\IPtNS t llo\u:[,i&ulai <br />I hdchy rlltrn' utr,lrr trtrr !!,n trJtrry.R.l rhc n)lLNtr,3,l..lJnr(trN <br />I h.r {rl *ill r C.diri dc ot (i,ncn! k' S.lf l n.ur Id rtll61' LnqEnd bn- !t ,,o\ rl.i foi hv S<!bn ]7m ol rlE <br />htt, Cdc. ntr rhc lElonunc. orrh. wd* l whi(h rhc P.rnrir i\ irio.d <br />("" -. * r, ..-o. *.*ch .oqrn\x,k,n r!trrmc. r\ r.!r cd hy s.rtrnl r 7(rrnr r <br />M!* 'lr!L'a Rh i{nru'" r'.'n,lF,l{ <br />.,..;' -qtLzf ' ,,,.* <br />rh. lrh.r (id.. ri, tlE Ff(mBr ot <br />3l?slu"L <br />I.cniry rh.l in rh. pcrn)rtruEr nrrh. *ork lor whi.h lnn o.nni n nru.d. I rhlll frn c'r{,L,y {ny ll.r$n in lnv tu.tur <br />r, 11 t' tE$c .uhFr k, rk rdtdr oqEF,loo hrs of ( .hlomu. .nl lant rhd il I rtr,ull lE(oc shrd ro rlE <br />*olts co'r{Ensri,n pnrviiions ol Scrion .t7(x).a rrF tih, (dc.l {Ell r.nn*irn on'Plr rnhrbt pornioni <br />tlAINlN(; l'lilurc ro surc sorrcF 6nln.ndi(r corlrr3c i\ unlxrtul. dl ih,ll \uhj.r! r..flIkirr lI ciniEr ttchit.,rl <br />rrrl ,iN\ u| ro nn. hund'rilrhou\nnd d.llirl (!l(xr.(rx)). udniri, t) rh( co( o, ro'rnJn. danugc\ pnri,lcd n), rhc <br />)"- "'PrrE7 rg <br />[ECLAl Ilrtr <br />I h.rct'v ,mnn u lcr pcn.lrvorp.rprvrhd I om lkcnrd unds Foviti'n or ch'rE 9 lonrftrine *ilhs"li'n71xxD 'rDiviii('n 3 <br />of rh autiE\r rBl Pt!f.(3hns GxL, tr'd n! li!.< s !n full foF rd c{Irt <br />cqe <br />,,,,,r '6[rs 1 ,t aI#l 1183 <br />SoW <br />l!)llslBLlqlQ!.lElDlNc-aliEdcr <br />I h.rcby sfltm unld Fdhyof Frrrrr rhtr rh.rc is. mnrnr-]bo lcdirS !8.n y for rlr Frfrlrft.,,f llE wt t{tr *hi.h rht Fmi ir <br />APILII;ANLDEIITISAII8 <br />I hsrt y lllm uBrcr lf,ndx y of F ]!iy oft nr rt! tdlowin8 d.<Lttri,nr <br />Dcmrhhn Pcrnil! ArlBnx uorir..ri,n Foiml Rcaullrionr (Ink{0. Pd6) <br />RqnErl urs o( tldiadin <br />l.cnilyrhrrrl[ lid$nl r.xuhli',tr\ mrmli'r! r\tr{o\ r. r)vil . tror[|)tl( bk h rhis pr)|tr <br />I ..nily rhur I hav. rcsd rhF annlki! i(,n !n! slarc rhlr rhe shnt innmd ion r .onNr I .8N tr .onrlv *irh !I Cny rnd (-ounrv <br />DiliruN.s.n! Slal.tiw! Ela'r8tu horUins conduri{nl r l hehy Nllr&c rcIre{nirrn$ tl r hn Cirv dd ( olnlv to cnrc. ul[n rh. <br />ahrc rrnrirBl nhFnl Ltr in\Frri)n <br />\rrlir,.l or,\ Sitn{lun k_8(s/t <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondino / Groundino / UFEB 7q<1 Q-c'z-1 <br />Transformers <br />Torqueinq <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release VY-t.,2-r-Z'.7 <br />Rouoh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 74-/7 lZcz) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />APPROVALS <br />Sub-Panels <br />V <br />nslcd (se .1097, ( iv c.,. <br />lrD.Lr\ NrrE <br />- <br />tr'klcrr Arldrc$ <br />- <br />I